Wird geladen...

Michael McConnohie

Regie geführt bei

Samurai Pizza Cats

Drehbuchautor bei

2003 Sky High

mitgespielt in

2016 The Age of Shadows
2015 Ben - Abenteuer auf der Mäuseinsel
2014 Der Admiral - Roaring Currents
2012 Resident Evil: Damnation
2012 Sammys Abenteuer 2
2011 Blue Exorcist
2011 Kleiner starker Panda
2011 Onigamiden - Legend of the Millennium Dragon
2011 Hunter X Hunter
2010 Das Verschwinden der Haruhi Suzumiya
2010 Animen
2009 First Squad - Moment der Wahrheit
2009 Eureka Seven: Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers
2009 Redline
2008 Fly Me To The Moon
2008 Resident Evil: Degeneration
2007 Karas: The Revelation
2006– Tokko
2006 Hellsing Ultimate OVA I
2006 Digimon Data Squad
2006 Ergo Proxy
2006 Die Melancholie der Haruhi Suzumiya
2005 Street Fighter Alpha: Generations
2005 Sakigake!! Kuromati Kôkô
2004–2013 Bleach
2004-2005 Monster
2004 Izo - The world can never be changed
2004 Ghost In The Shell 2 - Innocence
2004 Appleseed
2004 Gekijô-ban Naruto: Daikatsugeki! Yukihime ninpôchô dattebayo!!
2004 Frog-g-g!
2004 Paranoia Agent
2003 Azumi - die furchtlose Kriegerin
2003 The Call
2003 Last Exile
2003 Deadly Cargo
2002-2005 Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex
2002 Armitage: Dual Matrix
2002 Haibane renmei
2001 Der Kleine Eisbär
2000 Karakuri no Kimi
1999 Gundress
1999 Attack the Gas Station!
1998 Rupan Sansei: Rupan tai Fukusei Ningen
1998 Kasei ryodan Danasight Four-Nine
1994 Zeiramu 2
1993 Lethal Panther 2
1993 8 Man After
1992- Tenchi Muyô!
1992 Spirit of Wonder: China-san no yûutsu
1991 Turtles II -Das Geheimnis von Ooze
1991 3x3 Eyes
1990 Turtles
1989 Little Nemo: Adventures In Slumberland
1989 Asterix -Operation Hinkelstein
1988 Akira
1988 Teito Monogatari
1987 Wicked City
1987 Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light
1987 G.I. Joe: The Movie
1987 Manie Manie
1986 Fist of the North Star
1986 Megazone 23 II
1986 Windaria
1985–1986 G.I. Joe
1985 Vampire Hunter D
1985 Dirty Pair – Affäre Nolandia
1984–1987 Transformers
1983 Barfuss durch Hiroshima
1981 Mobile Suit Gundam II: Soldiers of Sorrow
1981 Mobile Suit Gundam I
1979 Das Schloss des Cagliostro
1977 Lupin III's Greatest Capers
1957 Weltraumbestien
1957 Weltraum-Bestien
1900 Kyûketsuki Miyu
) (V Scream Bloody Murder
Doomed Megalopolis
Sea Monsters 3D -Urgiganten der Meere
Dragon Ball: Doragon bôru
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Walter Melon
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
Maho Romantic – Automatic Maiden
Outlaw Star
Tiger & Bunny