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Umxdft2hgyyjhz8hedbcfpzulc1 6x1 – Hilfe für die Reiterstaffel

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3ezgus7ma32mc5v9dhss0lybogm 6x2 – Stolperfalle

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3s3da5lhkdlswjztxqoabaivsqf 6x3 – Im Bunker

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7aostzfibmtzhmikvsarxkxjka7 6x4 – Schlangenbiss

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1d6sebe4txxaddkgbqhlkggdvtq 6x5 – Yesterday

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Hwiujrjja0da2qsysbjnmdsm5mp 6x6 – Goldfisch

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Auhvhkngtdm8yhnxxy15proldj9 6x7 – Der letzte Vorhang

After anonymous threats, which Mattes and Melanie came investigate routinely, haughty theater director Jens Harting falls badly, not fatally, before their eyes through a stage trap. Suspects are the Romeo and Julia cast, especially the leads Timo Knof and Anna Liska, and stage crew, including prompter Kupfer. Wolle is in annual murder mood during spring cleaning, snapping at Tarik and Claudia.

8tfk5nfnpv8squ7h1wydupvavxv 6x8 – Die ganze Wahrheit

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Mukkm9xngcnee5w3oloijasm3c 6x9 – Schatzsuche

Tax adviser Michael Otterberg is mugged while driving with his lover Katja Sorensen in his luxury car, which is stolen and seems his main concern. Tariq discovers there was a small wave of such thefts, apparently linked by a 'geo-caching' (treasure hunt with geo-navigation) site and sets out tracking down the game clues-riddled trail, looking for crime clues.

Zbbqoyvujw4che9isqcyi5nijbl 6x10 – Ein neues Leben

Answering a landlord's call, Tarik is shocked how rudely he expels and plans to search an old man, who is later brought in ER. He may have to reconsider as drugs are found in his reclaimed room. His daughter and grandchildren are surprised by his poverty, culminating in homelessness, having assumed he refused to help them out as a scrooge. The real drug crooks are found, Finn regrets having rejected his grandpa's make-up heirloom offer. Meanwhile Wolle is wrongly accused of loosing the memory-stick captain Martin Berger stored his hard-prepared seminar on, without ...

28wszzcxe2622b5tmiisirsmwnq 6x11 – Blackout

Not only does senior officer Hans Moor arrive atypically late at the precinct with a hangover and blackout -even forgot his car- after a party night, there are indications he may be involved in the disappearance of whore Paulina Kowalczyk, whom housemate Ilona Herwig reports missing. While IA officer Rainer Voss -again- gets him ordered off the case, treated as sole suspect given a bar brawl and blood traces, Hans is hell-bent to find the link with an earlier incident, when businessman Peter Gerold failed to bribe his son out of prosecution for drunk driving. Pressed ...

Wjrvpsusze9qn6efpqyxge21kab 6x12 – Dummer August

August Gradka steals a van in front of his employer Anita Berens, who gives chase, resulting in a crash and her ER-admission. He's a gentle halfwit, living with his mother Irene. The drugs found inside don't fir his profile, but big brother Manfred, a drug dealer, who seems in league with drug lord Zak Maatouk, who was recently paroled or good behavior but immediately reactivated his gang. The team gradually discovers plot twists and surprising motives.

Zjy795bmjovgusisbuz4cbxafcj 6x13 – Gewinner und Verlierer

Mattes is stunned that Melanie plans to spend six holiday weeks in a Nepalese Buddhist monastery. They must investigate the stolen proceeds of socialite Van Oppen's latest foundation fundraiser at her villa. PA Henner Höhne and housekeeper Elfriede Kern had ample opportunity, but the former reports a mystery man slipping away, who apparently left behind a flower bouquet. Franzi's husband Dr. Philipp Rost demands proper arrangements for their kids. Hans and see are called about fighting, injuring charge Tomek, and other mischief at Jochen Kreuzer's alternative problem ...

Vdqtxmebnqmacmeznpp5buoui9p 6x14 – Schutzengel

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Ba196sopjswfvdayqpesizj2gqn 6x15 – Mäggy und der göttliche Plan

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77tismtc17iae4vgqm7nqdot2zy 6x16 – Das 1 x 1 des guten Tons

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25nyjh8hvang1wpcvtagcqjn1mp 6x17 – Die Zeugin

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Axl0vztyacpu7bnwaerkjyflil 6x18 – Zuckerbrot und Peitsche

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8vzgi1cark4achqdmcopxgdswpf 6x19 – Ein letzter Kuss

Motor vehicles dealership owner Holger Lohmann was victim of a hit and run, drunk after his bachelor party. His prize car was joy-ridden by an insider: someone removed the security camera, which proves worth searching. All guests, including staff, are checked by Mattest and Tarik's patrol duos. Best man Andi Becker is suspiciously close with bride Sybille Schulte.

Gkqfavmdbqnxt1uqynkunkgftlr 6x20 – Trau, schau, wem

Three masked robbers stole 380.000 Euros life savings with semi-retired movie star Elisabeth Hohenfeld's forced, soon dumped -with private affairs- home safe and knocked her on the head -mildly- when she caught them at night. Tarik suspects the culprits knew too much, so probably live near her villa. Main suspects include housekeeper Elfi Schmidt, adventurous life partner sailor Robert Fröhlich, whose fingerprints are found, and sister's adult orphaned son Adrian Hohenfeld, who used a voice modifier to call an ambulance anonymously and still has urgent loan shark ...

6szedxa2jicem1vwof7b6cl8yb0 6x21 – Die Tangotänzerin

Professional tango dancer Ramona, a transsexual born Ralf Hellwig, is brought to ER badly beaten up by a masked man near the Hamburg rowing club, where he was long a member with buddy Andreas Wiegand. It's presumably a hate crime, which even macho Tariq has difficulties situating, but the victim refuses to speak up. His employer, dance school owner 'Eduardo Esteban', has his own dark secrets. Ralf's adult son Carsten Waits was completely estranged, moving to the US on school exchange from age 18 and is visiting Hamburg, now a pilot in Arizona. .

Vclizcexiebcpuvgiachba6pefi 6x22 – Figaros Rache

Novel apprentice Annemarie Kleinert is shortly hospitalized after a fire at one of the cheap barbershops run as a chain by Gregor Krantz, who exploits un(der)qualified staff, promising them a 'training' without value, and may be practicing insurance fraud as he's in debt. His rival Leo Faber can't compete with those dumping prices, despite superior quality and innovation, like the new die developed by his pet apprentice Micha. Motives and opportunities abound, but another crime exposes the truth bluntly. Claudia's adult son Max Fischer visits fro the weekend and ...

Lnwnab6uact8cxiaqgqdk7jszgq 6x23 – Unzertrennlich

Fahrradkurier Marvin brettert wie vom Teufel geritten durch Hamburg und verursacht dabei einen Unfall. Der junge Mann muss schwer verletzt ins EKH. Melanie und Mattes werden zum Einsatz gerufen. Kurz bevor seine Schmerzen ihn außer Gefecht setzen, lässt Marvin den Polizisten einen Hilferuf zukommen: Seine kleine Schwester Mona sei in Gefahr. Die Polizisten ermitteln und tatsächlich, die Dreizehnjährige ist verschwunden. Scheinbar wurde sie entführt, und der Täter hat Marvin unter der Drohung, seiner Schwester sonst etwas anzutun, auf eine halsbrecherische Hetzjagd quer durch Hamburg geschickt. Melanie und Mattes bleiben dran. Um Mona zu schützen, müssen sie die Hetze zum Schein fortführen.

An8tzpuxdixbozgq3akbxdk4pem 6x24 – Das Testament

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Fbawtoedvbjtubtcox3rpfr3rum 6x25 – Getrennte Wege

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Jhjg1mwrsftw5iysfeuzxffpzfu 6x26 – Alte Schule

Caught after allegedly mugging Corinne Blume outside her apartment, 'culprit' Gerd Jankowitsch, who got wounded by her and is found in agony on her staircase, insists it was part of a sex game they agreed to by Internet, which is openly recorded on the kinky dating website. Even ER nurse Frauke fears Blume, her strict former high school teacher, whose reputation at school is wrecked as pupils get wind of her 'caning alter-ego', she maintains she was set-up by an impersonator. Prime suspect Alina Schubert admits only to car vandalism, but later threatens Blume and ...

Nxshk8pxsimm56j0k5jwoa1hki2 6x27 – Der Katzenkiller von Wandsbek

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Stma9hy6ndkfysjwvqzxvtib6gc 6x28 – Am Ende alles auf Anfang

Ein schlechter Morgen für Franzi: Heute ist ihr Hochzeitstag, und nichts läuft nach Plan. Emma "verschönert" ihr Brautkleid bis zur Unbrauchbarkeit, und ein Ersatzkleid gibt es nicht.

  • Wsbb5scq3kugq0mqr8b0zqktvxc
  • Pjuh3wljeqirsztrv9t8a0lmrs7
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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