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Kubkyazq02h5zdcez0oljo6evbr 5x1 – Der verlorene Bräutigam

Dr. Jan Bergmann tries to stop a street mugging, decisively helped by passing-by Franzi's police badge. He seeks police help finding the rings are missing he carried as best man for clumsy buddy Arne Göhr, who is missing, also frantically looking. Mattes must take it seriously as the an's apartment was broken into and ransacked. Ring, intruder and Arne are found separately, all with separate stories, including misguided teen admirer Bill Müller.

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Rnjncrdzgkyc1wjbsm5kzedsik0 5x2 – Gegen die Zeit

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Pwur0lrtr62zyewohbtqmxfdqi 5x3 – Geisterstunde

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O4ybd9qrljmxvakl8guwwllmpno 5x4 – Der Preis des Glücks

Jeweler Gerlind Köster (67) collapses during an armed robbery of her shop by a helmet-masked male, due to high blood pressure, likely to recover. Her grandson Paul Köster is Henning's prime suspect, although husband Manfred Köster seems to care more for the insurance payment and daughter Katrin claims her senior parents shouldn't keep the shop. The knave's late confession isn't convincing*.

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Y128l9h48zuukfqmszht5spbes8 5x5 – Familienzirkus

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Z8wpu6xupz4hmgmuqtkatwd4mmd 5x6 – Grabräuber

Mattes takes an instant liking to old Elli Pellenwessel, whose purse was robbed while she visited her husband's grave to refresh the flowers. A description of the attacker comes from young Tom Lanz, who gave chase in vain, and his girlfriend Merle Kahrs, who bonded with the widow at the funeral parlor where her granny's casket lies. Her mother Eveline insists to file a complaint for the theft of a precious heirloom necklace she wanted buried with the deceased, without proof, against her estranged sister, Beatrix Schützinge. An outsider with access was the ex-con florist, who reports Elli for stealing flowers as she can't afford his new tomb car tariff. meanwhile Wolle wrestles with a broken door at the precinct reception counter and Mattes with Melanie's suspicion he meddled with his promotion test papers in captain Storm's office.

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Whf3lhqzmzyi37zc0crimq4z3ad 5x7 – Karten lügen nicht

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Xswj9ja1vn6pkiyytqis9ioiz0m 5x8 – Risiken und Nebenwirkungen

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5gvf4akmvwzzxliq4wxuq9nvujo 5x9 – Heiße Ware

Jogging in the morning with commissioner Henning Storm, Mattes spots in the bushes a badly beaten sailor. During treatment in ER, he's identified as Chinese crewman Tanyu from a German company's freighter. After dragon mother Marion Buck drags her teen son Andreas to the precinct to complain about the cheap counterfeit junk running sneakers he bought, Mattes investigates at his school and learns he's the dealer, who 'found them', well bought from a Chinaman named - Tanyu, whose boss Hagen Nolting is lurking around in ER. Mattes finds checking out the dodgy firms premises dangerous but worthwhile, yet captain still can't make up his mind whether to punish Mattes's exam mishap severely.

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Cnmique2li15o7izceigyjttz8g 5x10 – Hoteldiebe

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1vyctk29sqffwpaauw1evu7kgss 5x11 – Geld oder Liebe

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V42myjon0lcihl7vejsaknfabbi 5x12 – Eine alte Schuld

The precinct colleagues have reason to worry why captain Berger and senior Wolle don't turn up. Recently released after a long armed robbery sentence, Jürgen Rottmann has abducted the pair who had arrested him to his spinster sister Yvonne's bowling alley, claiming he was innocent. Berger haughtily refuses to negotiate with convicts, but his escape plan fails. Wolle agrees to help look into the case, while the boys at the station start a search for them and connect the dots.

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Nkzjg1gwvq869du1mqqumhxhow 5x13 – Freiwild

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Vznx3rbss4ant9dtj8rcaeimes7 5x14 – Der Soldat

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Gsharypmrrgb86tqhomhfdsd2zf 5x15 – Hunger auf Blut

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Tm9kkjonebkfbfnkk0ss0f5p2um 5x16 – Alarm im Kindergarten

Mattes wonders why an old vet's practice was raided, as he has no drugs worth stealing and keeps no cash, but some heavy poison. Dr. Philipp Rost is not amused that playground sandbox in the day care center Franzi brings their daughter Emma to is found seriously polluted. The poisoned kid, Karla, is the daughter of contractor Torsten Weber, who gave the creche a deal on the sand and is the next person hospitalized with similar intoxication symptoms.

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89nfcbmps0wzn4rcbd7pyzoxkov 5x17 – Alles Lüge

Mattes and Melanie serve the young, activist artists group "Wilde 13" an order to stop squatting within 24 hours. They find in the cellar down the stairs badly wounded the collective's benefactor Jupp Kohler, who was pushed and injured his spine critically. He cooled down so badly, he must have been left ere a long time. A disguised man manages to escape from the scene in mattes' presence. Jupp keeps claiming it was an accident, no attack, but leaves the ER suddenly and without a trace after a visit from his alleged teen daughter, squatter Lilly Bach, risking a permanent or even fatal spine collapse. Jupp's past and illegitimate progeny prove key to the case.

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Oh6l22uer3ylycpcbclv35u4hxp 5x18 – Der große Bluff

The precinct gets reinforcements: Turkish-rooted Tarik Coban is fresh from police academy, and teamed-up with Claudia Fischer, a veteran transferred from another station in a large Hamburg PD reshuffle. They must immediately help investigate the armed robbery of a rich casino evening. Tarik initially is reluctant to act as interpreter, fearing his dodgy uncle Cem Gencal to be involved. It looks like a well-planned inside job, involving croupier Armin Raudonat and/or wounded player Eike Seibert, with the loot hidden.

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63b6bznern26xn1ju7ii3hz7ild 5x19 – Die letzte Reise

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Eeuwj3vbsrqcvrmyujulbh5k3mz 5x20 – Verzaubert

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Znswgthhsqtiytfaz7xsfepdkgz 5x21 – Männer sind Schweine

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Gezaacezrbgnmlvepbgus9e4c1p 5x22 – Eltern - nein, danke!

Teenage orphan Jan Wörner needs ER care after smashing into a car during arrest for petty shoplifting -again- from Achim Weigand's convenience store. Tarik wonders about the owner's kid son Micki, who initially denies knowing Jan, but later turns up at the precinct, demanding to be rescued from his parents to the Carolingian home for boys, where Jan lives. While captain Martin Berger and a social worker hold back Achim and his wife Evelyn, who are desperate to get their kid back, the team works out Micki's frustrations, having lost his doting grandfather, and bonds with Jan, before he's returned and runs away, a stolen yacht compass proving the crucial clue, and Achim scoring points.

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71and1hxnldt3g2o5hcqexa2wyo 5x23 – Die Frau aus Ipanema

Answering a domestic nuisance call, Hans finds in-living Brazilian housekeeper Maria Passa Cantando Oliviera not only stole cash from her illegal employer Silke Hajock, who refuses to file a complaint, but has an expired visa. She escapes by knocking out Franzi, but is caught at the same ER where Hans sent his colleague. Treated for her injured hand, she claims to be looking for her daughter who allegedly was stolen in a Rio hospital twelve years ago by a German doctor. Brazilian records ignore her maternity, but Dr. Manfred Hoffmann and his adopted teen Leonie may fit her story.

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P4wq8po7n6m9badyhh3ebh6xxt1 5x24 – Alles Einstein

Gymnasium (high-school) underachiever Leon Siering becomes the prime vandalism suspect when seen running away from the car of professional tutoring firm owner Heiner Bartels, whom his blue collar father Jürgen hired but can barely afford, without real progress in grades. It's one more in a series of unsolved arson crimes, presumed teen mischief. Tariq spares time, effort nor pain to solve the case, establishing Bartels isn't qualified -as German law allows- and systematically profits from parental despair, after Jürgen lands in hospital having physically confronted Bartels, but his home and finances prove key to the case.

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49cu0pt6hjktxtmbm0lg0nher4i 5x25 – Gefährliche Begegnung

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  • Wsbb5scq3kugq0mqr8b0zqktvxc
  • Pjuh3wljeqirsztrv9t8a0lmrs7
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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