14x1 – Erster Einsatz
Im PK 21 treten neue Kollegen ihren Dienst an. An der Seite von Hans und Franzi müssen sich Pinar Aslan und Kris Freiberg gleich an ihrem ersten Tag in einem schwierigen Fall bewähren.
14x2 – Patentochter
Eine Schießerei am Hafen ruft die Polizei auf den Plan. Schnell wird klar, dass hier ein Drogendeal eskaliert ist. Die Spur führt zu Malik Aslan - Pinars Bruder.
14x3 – Blutsbrüder
Franzi und Kris ermitteln bei einem Einbruch in einem Uhrengeschäft in Wilhelmsburg. Der Hauptverdächtige Thomas Steiger, wegen Einbruchs vorbestraft, ist ein alter Jugendfreund von Kris.
14x4 – Dunkle Welten
Kris und Pinar ermitteln in ihrem ersten gemeinsamen Fall. Der Immobilien-Tycoon Ganser ist in einem Gruselkabinett fast an einem Herzinfarkt gestorben. War es wirklich ein Unfall?
14x5 – Kiezlösung
Vor 30 Jahren ist die Kiezgröße Dieter "Dandy" Hartmann nach einer Schießerei untergetaucht. Nun ist er wieder da. Wolle, der damals in den Fall involviert war, ahnt, warum.
14x6 – Magische Wahrheit
Die Mentalmagierin Kaya Baum wird angegriffen und ins EKH eingeliefert. Die Ermittlungen führen zur tragischen Geschichte des Paares Neudeck, das seit Jahrzehnten seine Tochter vermisst.
14x7 – Reichsbürger
Pinar und Kris müssen den jungen Schulschwänzer Hermann Fleischer zu Hause abholen und zur Schule bringen. Doch sein Vater weigert sich, seinen Sohn in die Schule zu lassen.
14x8 – Gier
In einem altehrwürdigen Hamburger Klub sind Wertsachen gestohlen worden. Melanie und Mattes nehmen den Fall auf und merken schnell, dass es wohl um mehr als ein paar Geldbörsen ging.
14x9 – Neben der Spur
Die exzentrische Modezarin Helene Huck hat einen Autounfall. Hans und Franzi vermuten Trunkenheit am Steuer, doch im EKH findet Jasmin eine geringe Menge Crystal Meth im Blut der älteren Dame.
14x10 – Zeit ist Geld
Package delivery man Jan is brought to ER after a bad accident, having driven despite a pneumonia. His independent employer Klaus Rombach is suspected to have forced him to keep working, to avoid serious losses he can't afford. Kris finds soon the 'accident' was arranged, but against him or the firm? Suspects include union rep Lara Wehner, whose exploitation story doesn't quite check out, and pensioner Rentner Lothar, who had it in for Jan. Pinar must decide whether to accept an invitation for her grandma's Muslim funeral or avoid the risks of publicly consorting with her crime family.
14x11 – Versuchung
14x12 – Vier Stunden Luft
Shortly after his release from juvenile after fatally hitting a bystander in a drag race, Marvin Kessler is abducted in the harbor. Hans and Franzi find her father Christoph Maas probably did it. He only confesses after an Internet vote started likely to conclude Marvin 'deserves' death himself, showing and hearing him in death anguish, locked into a tight coffin with air running out. His mother Tanja Kessler is as desperate to save him, feeling guilty for his failed education, as the team to finds the coffin, despite Christoph's readiness to go to jail for his vengeance, his fine teen son son Yannik possibly holding the key.
14x13 – Lebensmüde
Called for a petty shop robbery alarm, Mattes and Melanie face an armed youngster, whom she must shoot in the shoulder as he refuses to put down his revolver. Seeing a video of the incident posted on Internet, the team rightly suspects teen perpetrator Ansgar Trautner, planned being shot and hospitalized. There are soon indications he has a female accomplice, probably his lover, who proves worse. Melanie's psychiatrists ex works his magic on Ansgar to get vital information.
14x14 – Gegen alle Regeln
Demir Kaplan reports yet another robbery at his kiosk, presumably again the work of a gang that strikes all over Hamburg, but this time Paula, his insolent teen daughter who side with her late mother. The masked teen robbers duo escapes Hans and Franzi thanks to parkour. That scene yields two prime suspects, cocky Simon Schultz with a telltale limp and his cautious photographer mate Tim Fichte . Mattes an Melanie' reconstruction shows Demir's story doesn't fit, and he's not the only 'miscast'. Franzi is flattered that old police academy buddy Sven Reimers flirts with her, but Hans duly doubts his motives and timing.
14x15 – Kopfjagd in Hamburg
The priceless showpiece of an exposition in the ethnological museum, an allegedly magically talking tribal ancestor skull, is found stolen from the shipment of pieces donated by Erika Johannsen, the disinterested widow of the private collector, heir of a colonial trading company in Kaiser-Wilhelmsland. Professor Harald Munze, the curator, and his thesis student assistant Martinez, discovered the theft while unpacking the crates in the presence of a Papua New Guinean official who was to take home all pieces presumed acquired illegally by the late collector. Most likely fence would be never-caught shady dealer and presumed forgery mastermind Daniel Vikander, specialized in archaeological rarities. Mattes focuses on the dysfunctional donor family Johannsen, daughter Britta even claims to communicate with the skull. Academic assistant Martinez is hospitalized, luckily merely for malaria, and plans the return to the neighboring tribe he got devoted to during field study.
14x16 – Wackeldackel
Jörn Gutscheidt is hospitalized, bloodily beaten on the head with an iron bar by a girl who vandalized his car. Mattes finds the culprit also in ER: wayward teen Anna Klüver, mentally unstable, furious at her single mother, who has formal custody but had it suspended in favor of grandmother, a strict Bible fanatic who considers her granddaughter a fruit of sin. Yet another crime is the clue. Mattes is stunned finding his ex Eva is back from Boston, temporarily filling in at ER, but didn't even contact him, so he feels betrayed again.
14x17 – Entgleisung
Richard Drewitz brings to Dr. Eva Grünberg in ER his wife bruised, amnesiac Annette, reporting she was violently mugged. Hadi Rahmani, a highly qualified R&D project collaborator Annette recruited, was fired by her during her erratic rage, pinnacle in a recent series. Elder lesions suggest Annette Drewitz may be victim of domestic violence, and she openly accuses Richard of an affair with her sister. Eva's further diagnosis proves most relevant, while Mattes wrestles with collaboration given his trauma over being dumped and systematically ignored.
14x18 – AB negativ
Stefan Menzel is hospitalized badly wounded after a probably intentional hit and run in front of his family by an unidentified car. Hans finds he owed a considerable private debt to a youth friend, investment banker Gideon Storm. Or was the real target his wife, Annika Menzel? She fails in ER to appease their daughter Tara, who concludes from blood types that Stefan can't be her biological father and storms out after abusing both as consistent liars, but the shocking news gave Stefan a mild cardiac crisis. Annika keeps changing her story to family and police, from ignoring the attacker to him being Tara's father by never-reported rape. Only observed receiving cash from a man, she admits' it's Tara's sire, her scorned lover, judge Konstantin Ortner, unaware the brat followed and meets him, alone. Mattes guards Stefan's hospital room, deals with Gideon and finally has opportunity to start dealing with Eva, who seeks a 'physical' lovers reconciliation, assuring she'll stay in Hamburg long.
14x19 – Pick-Up-Artist
Natural, cocky pickup-artist Mark Ringer easily flirts to Melanie's phone number while jogging, but she and Mattes, responding to a neighbor's alert, find him stuck under his beloved car in the garage, (under)pants yanked down and privates 'covered' by a turned-over bowl of red paint. Assisted by shy vlog-cameraman Erik Bahlke, Mark sells pricey seduction seminars for desperately single men, stressing a "Flirtmeister" takes no account of female emotions, but his own helplessly exposed state is now also on Internet. Motives abound with 'scored' women, notably Tabea Scholl, who has an overprotective boyfriend, but also disgruntled client men, as Mark never repays but even shows some textbook failure flirt attempts on his blogs. The culprit's next attack is arson in Mark's garage.
14x20 – Schluss mit lustig!
TV-Comedian Daniel Lohse is hospitalized, having collapsed during his application as 'intendant' (manager) of Lessing theater, yet drunk nor stoned. Was the substance meant to sabotage his career move, which would fit main competitor and former stage partner Bernhardt Lippe, or Lohse's wife Sandra, who suspected adultery, or Petra Steinert, whose floating theater would be competed into the ground now cultural subsidies are down. Mattes and Dr. Eva Grünberg must finally deal with her return from Boston.
14x21 – Immer am Limit
Lisa Franck, aw ell-reputed port logistics firm executive, is hospitalized with serious head injury from a fall after finding irregularities during a container inspection. Lisa's employer Cord Viersen relies on the workaholic's competences, so disabling her might enable the big competitor to buy up the firm like most in Hamburg. Lisa's pregnant Lesbian, Brazilian wife Ornela Gilberto-Franck felt unacceptably neglected in favor of work. While the team looks into Cord and semi-retired father Jan Viersen's desperate financial situation and possible illegal trade as way out, Mattes learns from Eva her medical career is at risk due to a US law suit.
14x22 – Pokerprinzessin
Als Kris und Pinar zu einem Überfall gerufen werden, erlebt Kris eine Überraschung. Das Opfer, Lena Marx, ist seine Ex-Freundin. Die beiden sehen sich nach Jahren das erste Mal wieder. Kris kennt Lena gut genug, um zu ahnen, dass sie womöglich gezielt angegriffen worden ist.
14x23 – Aus für Eva
Harvard professor Nick Brown's arrival, for an international medical study program, shocks Eva, who must now face her US incident, which caused her hasty return to Hamburg: she's blamed for the death of a Boston patient and Brown knows all about it, while vindictive widower Walter Benning is coming to confront her. That very day Eva messes up treating troublesome patient Sven Klamm, whom the police must restrain from attacking her and Kris talks out of filing a complaint. Mattes comforts Eva when Jasmin has to suspend her.
14x24 – Schicksalstag
Franzi and Hans find an abandoned car-sharing-sports-car containing ER scan results from missing passenger patient Sandra Heinemann, who will die unless found fast. Franzi's brat daughter Emma gets Haller's permission to report on the precinct in her school video project, but breaks the confidentiality rule, which also proves unconventionally helpful in the case. Video recordings show an unsuspecting prankster's naive involvement.
14x25 – Stiefsöhne
Nino, aged ten, is hospitalized, found unconscious at the docks after a fall with the birthday present bike he didn't like, being jealous of his elder stepbrother Felix's cooler one. Mother Steffi Gebhardt and her sons-friendly new partner Benno Höft visit sulking Nino in hospital, while his ex Juliane Keutner reports her son, Felix (13), missing. Kris and Pinar find Nino and Felix met behind their parents' backs, trying to disentangle a web of complex step-family relationships.