0/15 Gesehen
18x1 – Brennpunkt Autobahn
Gesehen von 6 Usern |
18x2 – Notwehr
Gesehen von 6 Usern |
18x3 – Zivilcourage
A large amount of botox is stolen from Biotec. Suspicion falls on Bonrath's new lover. It turns out that this substance is not only used in cosmetic purposes, but in larger quantities, it is a deadly poison. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
18x4 – Auf der Jagd
Gesehen von 6 Usern |
18x5 – Kleine Schwester
Die kleine Schwester von Anna Engelhardt steht unter Mordverdacht, und wird von zwei Gangsterbrüdern gejagt. Gesehen von 6 Usern |
18x6 – Alleingang
While Ben is on vacation in Canada, Semir does a traffic check with other police officers, including Dieter. After Dieter gets shot and badly injured by Serbian criminal Elena Kovic, Semir tries to confront her and the other criminals - Ben is one of them. Dieter has fallen into a coma, and Semir finds out that Ben used to work undercover, to stop Elena Kovic and the influential politician / businessman from selling chemical weapons to African rebels. The undercover operation has failed, Ben is in great danger. Together with his boss, Kim Krüger, Semir searches Ben's private life for any hints leading to his current location. |
18x7 – Der Mentalist |
18x8 – Gestohlene Liebe |
18x9 – Das Landei |
18x10 – Katerstimmung
After a heavy party, Hartmut is naked in the car, he doesn't remember anything, his friend Torsten and Jenny are missing. Ben and Semir have to relive Hartmut's night experiences because a dead woman is found in Hartmut's house. |
18x11 – Das Aupairgirl |
18x12 – Freunde fürs Leben |
18x13 – Shutdown |
18x14 – Geld regiert die Welt |
18x15 – Tödliche Wahl
An incarcerated mobster forces his hand unto a cop, demanding an "eye for an eye." With his family at gunpoint, a desperate Semir Gerkhan is tasked with killing the man responsible for shooting the inmate's fiancee years ago: Ben Jäger. |
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