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6azv6uyr7chyg41wjwoxcehv0d 6x1 – Episode 1

The UK could officially leave the European Union next month, which would be a huge change with hugely damaging consequences.

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Ur7q1pixehpbzqyf1tgnvgl964j 6x2 – Episode 2

Psychics is something fun to talk about. But John Oliver talks about the alarming fact that 4 out of 10 believe in psychics (according to a research). And it is alarming that they swindle money out of desperate peoples. Additionally they often put people through severe emotional trauma about their loved ones. As John explains them in the show, these psychics use two simple tactics to do that: cold reading and hot reading.

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43j1d6xlb5vypkhgobsmksqawur 6x3 – Episode 3

Automation is a complicated blessing. It makes our life easier by creating safe and more productive environment but it also eliminates job opportunities. Rather than dealing with the issue tactfully President Trump is doing what he likes the most- 'Blaming Others'. John explains that even automation kills job but jobs are being created in new sectors. He suggests some ways to transition into these new sectors and initiatives need to be taken to accommodate older workers in the changing job sector.

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Cgplhw7mnijcja1jgffmu7czaul 6x4 – Episode 4

Robocalls are one of the most annoying thing of having a cellphone. Over the recent years these robocalls are increased exponentially because of the advancement of the technology. There needs to be some sort effective policies to regulate these robocalls. If only Federal Communications Commission (FCC) cared a little more about this issue. So John take it upon his shoulder to give them the medicine of robocalls in small doses (after every 90 minutes).

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W77xwwzmpkq9fhmzvbyprdsr1cf 6x5 – Episode 5

John covers the New Zealand terrorist attack, and does a long piece on the effects of Public Shaming.

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Rtrikccifa05woapi6exaaz047t 6x6 – Episode 6

In this weeks 'Last Week Tonight', the Mueller report is finally released, David Bernhardt has a surprise guest at his confirmation hearing, and John does a deep-dive into the WWE world wrestling entertainment.

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Wkmfqqagg6lcfjqfczup55grseg 6x7 – Episode 7

This week, Trump lies, why Stephen Moore and Herman Cain are terrible picks for the federal reserve, Baltimore's mayor embroiled in scandal, the secret star of TV divorce courts, and a deep dive into the hidden disasters of mobile homes.

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Uddctbqq0iskgv77wabllcj724u 6x8 – Episode 8

John Oliver opens with a quick update about the infamous BREXIT. Then he talks about the news of arresting Julian Assange and how the media is focusing on his looks. After that he provides the recent updates about the opioid crisis and revealing the big players of this crisis.

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Qgonppzqxzlcf8tsu2rcrrvulpv 6x9 – Episode 9

John covers the latest on the Mueller Report and presents the loving saga of his anime alter ego making friends with Japanese local mascot Chiitan.

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6imkupa7lko4pxjjws5wlkylvtm 6x10 – Episode 10

John covers one Dem's silly KFC response to William Barr's refusal to testify before Congress, Aussie politicians' scandals, the best TV ad for a lawyer ever, the cutest frog ever, and the main topic - why the lethal injection is inhuman.

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Tznr2tqjup20obtqmlngb4i9i4v 6x11 – Episode 11

John discusses Putin's fall during a hockey game, the GOP states passing extreme anti-abortion laws, the Republican backlash against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal, and Bill Nye the Science Guy's gritty take on climate change.

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9fitbgmjqfultvj55u7xnpfz5qa 6x12 – Episode 12

[HBO] HD. Main story: America's system for conducting death investigations is a mess; plus, a look at the Eurovision Song Contest.

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8gxujyqxc8gjar4qaaugs8qcsyp 6x13 – Episode 13

John tackles the US multi-billion dollar medical device industry, which lacks proper monitoring and necessary regulations. He also explains the huge difference between the terms 'FDA approved' and 'FDA cleared,' and points out the loopholes and corruption through lobbying the companies in the industry use to bypass the government's flawed and dated oversight system.

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Qqzslaxp3dw5gd4vdamggnu8num 6x14 – Episode 14

[HBO] HD. Main story: A look at the Equal Rights Amendment; plus, candidates vying to be the UK's next prime minister.

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9g3yfapylubjzzsryzb4myolsq7 6x15 – Episode 15

John is delighted by the many salacious layers of Rep. Duncan Hunter's (R-CA) huge corruption scandal. Also, since Trump-related scandals pop up every week, the voices calling for his impeachment are getting louder than ever. John explains the facts behind the impeachment process and in what ways it might effect the Trump presidency. Even though it has many risks, John suggests that it might be a good idea to uphold one of America's core values that 'no one is above the law'.

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Pnxax3v1n7zfjrpno6cceugntvk 6x16 – Episode 16

[HBO] HD. Main story: Climbing Mount Everest has become dangerously popular; plus, Trump almost goes to war with Iran.

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C6eeeoaszs2voohxdoxc3pxhtwt 6x17 – Episode 17

Main story: The often brutal exploitation of workers in giant warehouses used or operated by e-commerce businesses and corporations like Amazon ; plus, Jared Kushner's Middle East peace plan.

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Cskhku6xbzxo5wz5o4otikvlxam 6x18 – Episode 18

In the wake of Theresa May's resignation, Boris Johnson becomes Britain's new prime minister. John explains how Johnson came so far, how he is both the same as and different from Trump, and what, if any, strategy he has to succeed as PM despite his foolish nature, racist views, history of spreading false information, and frequent offensive remarks. Also, the controversial governor of Puerto Rico resigns after mass street protests.

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Nocolzogqngvxch2dr26c4ssub7 6x19 – Episode 19

Prison labor is more like free labor since many people believe that prisoners should not be paid for their work. John explains how little convicts make and what ridiculous ways the private prisons and the local government come up with to make them spend it the way they want, and how some selfish companies are now even profiting off of prisoners' innocent families. Also, John covers the horrific shootings at Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas, UK PM Boris Johnson's bad week, and Trump's baffling Director of National Intelligence pick, John Ratcliffe, and what that says about his vetting process.

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6hajpsghq7jlohadef8emflywvc 6x20 – Episode 20

The president of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is a highly eccentric autocratic ruler of a country that's competing for the bottom position in freedom of speech and human rights indicators. John covers Berdimuhamedov's bizarre obsession with setting silly new Guinness World Records, presenting himself as a superman, and loving his horses to an obsessive and uncomfortable degree. John also exposes the Guinness World Records company's disturbing affair with world dictators, and tries to set his own Guinness World Record. Also, Trump's latest blunders, and the NRA's financial troubles.

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8srrcvbgqddqwamljymmub3k8ka 6x21 – Episode 21

Bias in medicine still exists in the U.S. and it&#39;s really affecting the life of a huge number of people every year who are seeking medical attention. With the help of comedians <a class="ipc-md-link ipc-md-link--entity" href="/name/nm0202970/">Larry David</a> and <a class="ipc-md-link ipc-md-link--entity" href="/name/nm0843100/">Wanda Sykes</a>, who inspired the piece, John discusses the adverse effects that the doctors&#39; gender and racial biases can have when treating patients who aren&#39;t white men. Also, Trump wants to buy Greenland, China uses Orwellian propaganda against Honk Kong&#39;s pro-democracy protesters, and Halloween Pumpkin Spice Latte returns super early this year.

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Xzriyydi34ro3zr1ijtfdrbovqn 6x22 – Episode 22

In theory, the filibuster was created to ensure bipartisanship in the US Senate. In practice, it has become a way to kill bills with only 41 Senate votes. John explains the strange origin of the filibuster, how its overuse made the Senate a place where even bipartisan bills go to die, and why filibustering should be abolished altogether. Also, Trump&#39;s Hurricane Dorian Sharpie Scandal, the UK PM Johnson&#39;s clash with the Parliament over his No-deal Brexit strategy, and Fox News&#39; Stu Varney fanboys over Trump.

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Otcso1mrn7angeif3mx2w7gzdda 6x23 – Episode 23

John explains how legal immigration to the U.S. actually works (family, employment, Diversity Visa Lottery, and refugee status), why Trump&#39;s propaganda against it is absurd, how his administration is trying to severely limit it and how their efforts actually increase illegal immigration. Also, Moscow&#39;s non-democratic local elections, pro-Putin Russian rappers, Maria Bartiromo&#39;s awkward birthday, and Lt. Joe Kenda&#39;s true crime show.

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Frbwyopzqkektnzn3wjs15z93ub 6x24 – Episode 24

Compounding pharmacy is a special kind of pharmacy which creates specific medication tailored to the specific needs of individual patients, both human and animal. These medicines are not commercially made which means that the FDA has no jurisdiction to monitor these pharmacies. This lack of oversight leaves plenty of room for corruption and fraud which directly leads to overpricing, patients not getting the treatment they need or, in severe cases, developing serious health issues and dying. Also, Trump&#39;s Ukraine scandal leads to Impeachment inquiry.

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Jl2ciglzhysqhmw4hiqoorg7dqb 6x25 – Episode 25

John explains the troubling history, brutal enforcement and questionable results of China&#39;s highly controversial, decades long, one-child policy, a punitive measure conceived originally as the simplest way to handle overpopulation. But, this was done without thinking through the long term consequences so China now has 34 million more men than women and both grandparents and parents have to rely on a single child to support them all. That is why the old two-child policy was recently reintroduced in an equally simplified and unfair approach to a complex problem. Also, Trump&#39;s Stupid Watergate II continues with Nickelback&#39;s Photograph, the Networks keep inviting the wrong guests, and NBC4 Washington&#39;s Pat Collins makes local news sound like Beat poetry.

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Bmuceg07wnkrb5xmvtmtltaoa9e 6x26 – Episode 26

Predicting the weather correctly is very important as it saves lives and protects resources. Despite their enormous efforts, the National Weather Service (NWS) gets very little credit for their hard work even though private companies like AccuWeather make tremendous profit using their data. John explains the importance of the NWS, why AccuWeather wants to take control of it with Trump&#39;s help and why that&#39;s a very dangerous idea. Also, Stupid Watergate II continues with the arrest of Rudy Giuliani&#39;s Ukrainian associates, and John&#39;s show says goodbye to Fox News host Shep Smith.

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28w29fde8zazwmcmxsy5rysjon4 6x27 – Episode 27

Middle East was and still is a place with multi-level problems, so it is always quite tough to make a policy which will satisfy everyone&#39;s interests. But it&#39;s even tougher to screw things up in the way Trump did with Turkey and Syria. John explains how Trump&#39;s abrupt decision to hastily pull U.S. troops out of Syria seriously hurt America&#39;s interests, reputation and allies in the region while also propping up America&#39;s rivals and enemies. Also, Brexit is still a thing, the leader of I.S.I.S. is killed, TV anchors love quoting N.A.S.A. when things go wrong, and the show says goodbye to John Bercow, the eccentric Speaker of the House of Commons of the UK.

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9jojnifgrociv78k8rgsajlnwgt 6x28 – Episode 28

John gives a brief update on &#39;Stupid Watergate II&#39; and then dives into the main topic - the trouble with voting machines.

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Ryc2jnajmwrxp3hrukpru42valg 6x29 – Episode 29

After winning a legal battle over his episode <a class="ipc-md-link ipc-md-link--entity" href="/title/tt7035384/">Coal (2017)</a> involving a Trump-allied coal executive and John&#39;s giant squirrel, John Oliver explains how &#39;SLAPP suits&#39; like this one are designed to stifle public dissent.

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95v5ril3qxkxfncrh9iec1xipja 6x30 – Episode 30

John explains why everyone&#39;s participation in the 2020 U.S. Census is of crucial importance for the country and how the Trump administration is trying to influence its results in their favor. Also, Chiitan and Chiijohn make their return.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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