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2ofmw51vldqzitzfseeb64lnck8 2x1 – Episode 1

John Oliver discusses the growing issues of pharmaceutical companies marketing directly to and through doctors.

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Pu4jazj0fnu41aualm6s96zpus8 2x2 – Episode 2

John riffs on Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, '50 Shades of Grey', and the unethical legal practices of tobacco company Phillip Morris International.

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Vruzpoziwz6qzjdtaaeuiy4ngqf 2x3 – Episode 3

John discusses United Kingdom general elections, judicial elections, and the Chinese New Year.

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12dq5dmtcfme0kn4vk9ormowy5e 2x4 – Episode 4

John demonstrates the importance of infrastructure with a trailer for a movie thriller about civil engineering, starring Edward Norton, Vincent D'Onofrio, and Steve Buscemi. He also discusses Boris Nemstov.

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8iem0ecjqwhk9icwwrgvgcz6hia 2x5 – Episode 5

John Oliver discusses a Fanta controversy in Germany, citizenship grievances for those in U.S. territories, and cigarette packaging.

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Cuultcfn5c4fvnrzk4eswjhkejz 2x6 – Episode 6

The NCAA doesn't pay students athletes because they are considered to be amateurs. They are considered to be amateurs because they don't get paid.

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Regojbfecojucowsbjzekqqomsf 2x7 – Episode 7

If you have money, committing a municipal violation may pose you a minor inconvenience. If you don't, it can ruin your life.

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Jizculbdrif8rb5xhygfipvw0k6 2x8 – Episode 8

John heads to Russia to interview Edward Snowden as part of a segment on government surveillance.

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Jaxwacsdw7yri1zc9slpaby2smd 2x9 – Episode 9

John discusses the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with a special appearance from Michael Bolton.

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Wjxwhj7pvz8rzfivtu3h8nzasof 2x10 – Episode 10

John discusses patents, Earth Day, and doomsday, with a special appearance from Martin Sheen.

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Yfg6clmchdy5wikreuocbyxghat 2x11 – Episode 11

John Oliver explores the concept of changing and cheap fashion and some of the ugliest truths of the manufacturing process.

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C57xk3zx9kijj50zhdv9sdnn7vu 2x12 – Episode 12

John discusses standardized testing.

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Lnbh7gwmapzq7dmckvhfiu9utur 2x13 – Episode 13

John discusses Victory Day in Russia, paid parental leave, and Japanese government mascots.

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Rm0gjshm3jqnuppwc01uemtfina 2x14 – Episode 14

John discusses chicken farming.

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9tcnbcanu5ndga9kwh3fecce0rj 2x15 – Episode 15

John discusses the 2015 FIFA corruption case.

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Mhmabioneiaexn1ryjhkpxczxe5 2x16 – Episode 16

John explains why America's bail system is better for the reality TV industry than it is for the justice system.

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Ducbqty28l8uf71i8hfnu29yf23 2x17 – Episode 17

John discusses the 2015 European Games, the Canadian Senate expenses scandal, and torture with the voice of special guest Helen Mirren.

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W6tktummvqxtryv7h1doml3ncoo 2x18 – Episode 18

Online harassment is a major problem, but it is rarely prosecuted. If only we'd been warned about this in the early days of the internet.

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Sjopbl9r1gmz1ruikqwxxnrjtkg 2x19 – Episode 19

John discusses US Supreme Court decisions on gay marriage and Obamacre, former President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, transgender rights and leap second.

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N63tzrgfrblbhyajrxjimyybug1 2x20 – Episode 20

John discusses how taxpayer money is funding private sports stadiums.

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Xrrrvauzz5han0cilizyxjfpnf7 2x21 – Episode 21

Iran nuclear treaty; El Chapo prison escape; North Korea hosting Laibach band; food waste.

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Qlf2nowtdqipnix51ees5zmghh4 2x22 – Episode 22

John explains why mandatory minimum sentences, especially for drug-related crimes, are in desperate need of reform.

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8qwban25keyvp41uxn1opvcznan 2x23 – Episode 23

John explains why Washington, D.C. deserves to be the 51st state - or at least get full voting rights in Congress.

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Cbxt88ym4xu99xf7r3jakj8zui 2x24 – Episode 24

Sex education in America; GOP Debate; India's short-lived porn-site ban; overpricing at Whole Foods.

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A9pdlpdlyyl7kvsp46d719hfpts 2x25 – Episode 25

John discusses predatory churches and TV evangelism, the raising of the American flag in Cuba, the redesign of New Zealand's flag, and President Harding's illegitimate child.

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Zwtfc7fnuhgopn5gurf8nwx4sgl 2x26 – Episode 26

Despite the victory for marriage equality this summer, there is a long way to go to end LGBT discrimination, as John explains.

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Iycxr1zr8slt7u5yijehzxmfqoe 2x27 – Episode 27

John talks about problems concerning public defenders in the American Judicial system, a Michigan state legislature scandal, Guatemala's unusual election, and Queen Elizabeth II and delivers a message from the Lady of Perpetual Exemption.

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Q89h4rjpgnxl22tvkbz8urfmhjq 2x28 – Episode 28

John talks about Pope Francis visiting the USA and the immigration crisis in Europe.

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1xfllv5s8ts17qeggktjlxnerfp 2x29 – Episode 29

John discusses Russia's involvement in Syria, the U.N. General Assembly, and the problems with the national system for treating mental illness.

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6pqdpsa7shqnpsbacdz6mw6cpis 2x30 – Episode 30

John takes a look at the harmful effects of the oil boom in North Dakota.

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Faqnztrn8bpwiv0llyjyfi922jl 2x31 – Episode 31

John discusses the upcoming Canadian election and urges Canadians not to vote for Stephen Harper.

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Mqd0g1n43otjdqlqmwfhk0jeh3m 2x32 – Episode 32

Main story: Election 2015 and the Medicaid Gap; plus, China & Kenny G.; Syria peace talks; 'Star Wars' impact on Ukraine elections; United Kingdom tax credit vote.

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Tova0tsyxe0xwwoya08zrzpw8h7 2x33 – Episode 33

United Kingdom proposed online mass surveillance law, Veterans Day, Washington Redskin trademark, Prisoner Reentry. Interview with Bilal Chapman.

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D8yj9mpomccjadgmfoqypx6hmmt 2x34 – Episode 34

John talks about the recent Paris attacks, China's Singles Day, the Koh-i-Noor diamond and Daily Fantasy Sports.

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Aubgoqcnxaxpqneayb2enrxyvrb 2x35 – Episode 35

John reflects about the Paris attacks aftermath and how useless the U.S. penny is.

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  • Rudmkcah8dz69bduwt5xs19gk3n
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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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