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Ayryqxjpz4ssxbbxz9fac1q0t4v 3x1 – Episode 1

John talks about the late Antonin Scalia and the Supreme Court, Chipotle's food safety problems, Voter IDs and New Zealand's economic development minister Steven Joyce.

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2tmnfpwx1cjrahtv9yhtdsxck8y 3x2 – Episode 2

John talks about the South Carolina Republican primary, the Supreme Court vacancy and abortion laws.

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T4yggum0iwsejo0kpnnedvvizl6 3x3 – Episode 3

John talks about the Egyptian president and economic crisis, the Guantanamo Bay shutdown and Donald Trump.

96fvlolxvk3bozxenctgyu2jbx7 3x4 – Episode 4

John talks about special districts, local elections, US election 2016 and of course Donald Trump again.

5qy0srovvn9nvd4oy9k0gv15lts 3x5 – Episode 5

John talks about latest US election updates, International women's day, Apple's encryption battle with the FBI.

Hbkmkqd45w9erapjjepqcwmwvom 3x6 – Episode 6

John talks about latest Brazil demonstrations, the nomination of Merrick Garland to join the supreme court And the wall Donald Trump wants to build and how it would be very costly, ineffective and useless.

Uhbqzxuls3zv1lxbfv5lg0jhror 3x7 – Episode 7

Congressional Fund-raising with guest Steve Israel- Episode explores the ways congress does fund-raising focusing on cold calls, similar to call centers.

7yooooxnwny8zny1tnayftmq2ez 3x8 – Episode 8

John talks about the Panama papers leak, Alabama governor sex scandal, Credit reports and background checks companies and how their results can be false and unreliable.

Nxhajzkvuis35truuii8mugicky 3x9 – Episode 9

John covers the Flint water crisis, the Böhmermann affair, and Vladimir Putin's call-in show.

Xte7ommhzbxamynzbdk4y5fwlw9 3x10 – Episode 10

Obama's visits to the UK and Saudi Arabia, the ongoing debt crisis in Puerto Rico, and Norway's policy towards asylum seekers are all discussed.

Wleszdjehrc5swguiyjuenvbil 3x11 – Episode 11

Main story: Scientific Studies; plus, Philippines' presidential frontrunner Rodrigo Duterte, Workers' Party Congress in North Korea; And Now: "The Next President of the United States."

2sa3kmwntqhprpignrpbrkyh2jh 3x12 – Episode 12

John Oliver gives an open invitation to Trump's 1980s PR man alter ego "John Miller" then reports on the 911 phone system's failures to keep up with the new issues from so many mobile device users.

Egsm44tlhndaz0zayy5cenkc8td 3x13 – Episode 13

John covers Venezuela's current economic crisis, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's recent parliamentary incident, and outlines issues surrounding the delegate selection process used in state primaries and caucuses.

4lrmp0ytafdkqjla9ybnttigndv 3x14 – Episode 14

John lays out documents recently released in the ongoing lawsuit against one of Donald Trump's business venture's, Trump University. In the main story, John explains the ins and outs and sometimes shady dealings of the debt buying industry.

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4mjfr0p9jlxkq33frfbulyg5gnw 3x15 – Episode 15

Tonight's main story focuses on navigating the complex financial labyrinth of retirement plans, including hints to get through the maze. John also highlights the emerging social media war between 2016 presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Lgk0tlfyeamuxsab8pzfrn8pu8t 3x16 – Episode 16

The main story tonight concerns the upcoming in/out referendum regarding the UK's future status in the EU. John muses both sides of the issue, yet despite being torn, eventually endorses a position in what has become his own unique style. John also examines the NRA's political influence over gun legislation.

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8xhuun64lguxx7ufzcy1wm4d9jc 3x17 – Episode 17

John talks about Brexit and the handling of doping issues by the Olympics management and doping in general.

W6tktummvqxtryv7h1doml3ncoo 3x18 – Episode 18

John talks about US election 2016, Republican National Convention, appointment of Boriss Johnson as UK Foreign Secretary, unauthorized use of songs in political campaigns and a bit more about Donald Trump.

Uhllylazarrskoaulmg1ikhljji 3x19 – Episode 19

Highlights of US Democratic Party convention 2016.

8ckrcuaia92oexliehtntnp19eh 3x20 – Episode 20

John talks about the Olympics Opening Ceremony and the main story is about Journalism and the descent of printed news.

7xa2hthxnovxezgmuqkulrglrb0 3x21 – Episode 21

John talks about the 2016 US election, American Petroleum Institute copying "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" credits and how auto lenders can trap vulnerable people in debt.

Rdowvfhhdgdlwjzbecv2oorgrw0 3x22 – Episode 22

John talks about Rio Olympics controversies especially about Ryan Lochte, lack of oversight on Charter Schools, and a bit more about Donald Trump.

Vmzf0l8d479zsy4ndbxihri7vu2 3x23 – Episode 23

John Oliver talks about the scandals involving Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Ecfgvfqnly83buv8gzfkufq6ke 3x24 – Episode 24

John Oliver looks at the police accountability system. He also talks about the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Xwpiwhqoj78f3yu713qj5mkklvg 3x25 – Episode 25

John talks about Guantanamo Bay detention camp, Donald Trump controversies and Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov.

Au7bnp67rcql2z5tolaql70tdcb 3x26 – Episode 26

John Oliver considers third party candidates as potential presidents.

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Mfyu3vcunoyc4qttfidrh9b3wz6 3x27 – Episode 27

John talks about opioids, the final presidential debate and Donald Trump's charity roast.

Mntlmulncsshkexqs5hvfdimtni 3x28 – Episode 28

John talks about Public schools in USA that are increasingly segregated by race and class. He discusses the troubling trend towards school resegregation.

Sf2p0tmxd2v7ubgjkdvymwnaijs 3x29 – Episode 29

John Oliver talks about the legitimacy of Multilevel marketing companies that seem pyramid shaped. He also talks a bit about USA election 2016 once more.

Lqjobnoied9dfvl5vpniipnht83 3x30 – Episode 30

John Oliver talks about the election results.

3x35 – Episode #3.35

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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