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3x1 – Surprise

It's a brand new year at PCA, but everybody learns that Nicole had to go to an all girls' school (has boy crazy syndrome). The bad news is that they are losing their roommate. Zoey and Lola are worried about Quinn being their roommate, because of Quinn's doing all of these weird experiments. What else can go wrong? Zoey gets a whole new surprise, when she finds Chase doing something she didn't want to see.

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3x2 – Chase's Girlfriend

Chase's girlfriend seems really sweet, until she tells Zoey to stay away from Chase. Meanwhile, Quinn helps Logan with his foul shooting. At first, she doesn't want to help Logan, but she wants revenge for his calling her a spaz. Her tutorial is brutal. Finally, Chase has to choose either to break up with his girlfriend so that he doesn't lose his friendship with Zoey, or dump his girlfriend.

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3x3 – Hot Dean

The Dean gets hit in the nose with a model airplane. As the Dean has to get his nose fixed, a new Dean replaces him for the time being, Dean Taylor, aka, Hot Dean. Meanwhile, Coco gets dumped by her boyfriend again. Annoying the gang, Zoey and her roommates decide to fix Coco up with the Hot Dean.

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3x4 – Quarantine

Quinn accidentally develops a new germ while making a chemical to keep a girl away from Mark. Zoey, Lola, Chase, Logan, and Michael get trapped in the girls' dorm room, until they confirm that the germ is not dangerous.

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3x5 – Zoey's Tutor

Zoey is not doing so well in Science. To her surprise, Logan will be her new tutor. Chase has no clue about it, and just notices that she and Logan are spending a lot of time with each other. So he suspects something is going on. Meanwhile, Dana and Lola can't stand Quinn's disgusting inventions.

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3x6 – The Great Vince Blake

Vince Blake is the greatest football player ever to be at PCA. He's not so great when he has to use his head though. Chase leaves his TekMate in his history teacher's classroom, and when he goes to get it, Vince is in there, taking pictures of the test. If Chase tells, the whole school will hate him and Vince won't be able to play, not to mention getting beat up by the team. If he doesn't, Vince will get away with it and continue doing it. What will Chase choose?

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3x7 – The Silver Hammer Society

Logan wants to join the Silver Hammer Society, which basically is a private club. While Chase finds it dumb, everyone but Logan becomes members. Logan, becoming frustrated, steals Chase's badge that he threw away. Once finally kicked out, Logan decides to create his own club. Meanwhile, a new girl comes to PCA, and she keeps thinking that she remembers Quinn from somewhere. Quinn, embarrassed to know her, disagrees, and forbids her friends to see the girl.

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3x8 – Curse of PCA: Part 1

Do ghosts exist? At PCA nobody thought so until they heard the story of Charles Galloway, a former PCA student who supposedly disappeared.

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3x9 – Curse of PCA: Part 2

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3x10 – Wrestling

Zoey joins the wrestling team, and soon might have to go up against the most vicious wrestler around. Lola wants to be a reporter.

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3x11 – Zoey's Balloon

For Psychology class, Zoey and the gang write their deepest secrets out and tie them to balloons.

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3x12 – Chase's Grandma

Chase's birthday is coming up, but he does not want a party because he has to write an English paper. However, his friends insist on throwing him a surprise party, and Zoey has the perfect present for him after hearing about his special bond with his grandmother: She tries to get his grandmother to the campus so he can hang out with her, but that plan eventually falls apart when she gets the flu. Meanwhile, Dustin gets his hand stuck in a chocolate pay machine, but doesn't want Zoey to know because he promised her not to get in trouble, so he asks Quinn and Lola to ...

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3x13 – Favor Chain

Zoey is heading out of campus to meet J.T. Hawthorne, but when her supposed driver is about to have a baby, she asks Coco to drive her instead. However, things get complicated when Coco needs a favor from Michael, who again needs a favor from Stacey, who again needs a favor from Logan, who again needs a favor from Dustin, who again needs a favor from Lola, who again needs a favor from Chase, who again needs a favor from Zoey and Lola, who again need a favor from the nerd group, who again need a favor from Quinn, making a complete favor chain, where all threads has to ...

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3x14 – The Radio

Chase asks his grandfather for an MP3 player, but all he gets is an old radio. As he thinks it is just scrap, he sells it to Zoey for five dollars and a taco coupon. But then Zoey and her roommates find out it is actually worth over 10,000 dollars, and they debate whether she should give it back to Chase or not. Zoey eventually decides that she should. But when Chase learns what it is worth before Zoey gets the chance to give it back, he gets angry at her because he thought she was going to keep it without telling him, and when he accuses her of being a bad friend, ...

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3x15 – Michael Loves Lisa

Michael sets his eyes on winning Open Mic Night, but gets distracted by Zoey's beautiful friend, Lisa.

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3x16 – Zoey's Ribs

Zoey gets a surprising package from her uncle, and uses it to have a barbecue contest. The only problem is that they find they've been joined by an unexpected impostor.

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3x17 – Drippin' Episode

Logan's father sends him a package from Japan, complete with a new Japanese cell phone and a horror movie.

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3x18 – Paige at PCA

A new science prodigy named Paige Howard transfers to PCA, turns out to be smarter than Quinn, especially when she makes her own home-built energy converter for the school. This makes Quinn realize she's no longer the smartest girl at school and causes her to give up her interest in science. Chase and Logan carry out a "gaslighting" experiment on Michael as part of their psychology class.

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3x19 – Son of a Dean

Zoey has a new boyfriend named Lance, who is the son of Dean Rivers. Lola and Quinn initially love him because of a couple of favors they did them. But when he rigs a competition so he and Zoey can go to an exclusive movie premiere that everyone at PCA wanted to go to, this creates a rift between them - especially since Zoey doesn't believe them. Meanwhile, Chase and Michael's cartoon web show is a hit, but when their latest video (which was actually Logan's idea) turns out to be a rip-off of a sketch in a national TV show, they must face a lawsuit.

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3x20 – Hands on a Blix Van

It's time for the national Blix Van Contest, a contest which takes place at several high schools across the country. The rules are easy: whoever has their hand on the van the longest, wins a trip for two in a private Blix jet to anywhere in the world. Logan fakes a broken leg in order to sit in a chair during the contest and sabotages his opponents. Also, Michael and Lisa break up while still in the contest. Meanwhile, Mark points out that Quinn's breath smells when they kiss, leading Quinn to believe she has a breath problem. She naturally makes a mixture against it,...

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3x21 – Dance Contest

PCA is holding a dance contest, and Zoey wants to participate, but Michael and Logan are both temporarily banned from school activities, so none of them can't be her partner. When Chase volunteers, she blows him off by saying he can't dance. Zoey's supposed dance partner, Gene, is seriously hurt in a huge accident caused by Logan - two days before the contest. Chase feels bad for Zoey, so he begs Michael and Logan to teach him how to dance so he can surprise her by partnering up with her. Meanwhile, Lola is auditioning for a role that requires a British accent in a ...

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3x22 – Miss PCA

Logan's friends make him realize that his dad's money isn't enough to get him into a good college, so he decides to start an extracurricular activity: Miss PCA, a beauty contest where the goal is for him to select PCA's prettiest girl. Zoey and Lola initially find the idea sexist, but change their minds when they learn that the winner will be featured in the popular Buzz Magazine. Their friendship is put to a test when Lola thinks Zoey intentionally picked out a better dress for herself than she did for her. Meanwhile, Michael's jokes amuse everyone in the group - ...

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3x23 – Logan Gets Cut Off

Logan buys a car which is worth 327,000 dollars with his dad's credit card, even though he is not allowed to drive, so he can make out with girls in it. But when his dad finds out, he is furious and strips him of everything related to money, including chequebooks and credit cards, and also all the stuff he bought for it, like the plasma screen, the laptop and the stereo. Now Logan has to learn to live without money for the first time in his life. Meanwhile, Michael bets Mark and Quinn that he can escape from being tied up in ropes, no matter how they do it.

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3x24 – Goodbye Zoey: Part 1

Zoey is offered a chance to move to London with her parents.

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3x25 – Goodbye Zoey: Part 2

Zoey moves to London, Dustin stays at PCA, and Chase is heartbroken.

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