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1x0 – Pilot

The Bears crash a child's birthday party in hopes of making friends and blending in with society.

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5akzgbgxfkxraqwpajvj7vtl7gj 1x1 – Wir und der Dieb

Nachdem die Bären ein wenig Basketball gespielt haben, wollen sie am Spielfeldrand ihre Sachen holen. Leider müssen sie feststellen, dass ihnen alles gestohlen wurde! Die Bären rasen durch die Stadt, um ihre Sachen wiederzufinden, und erleben dabei jede Menge Abenteuer.

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Kpywwtc1nrkkaseys5zjvez7xdm 1x2 – Episode 2

In Grizzly's desperate attempt to acquire more friends, the brothers attend Meme Con to become "internet famous".

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Qkmmgqyxj3vbpbtmbfdqpm2yb7p 1x3 – Episode 3

Disappointed with the dishes served by local food trucks, the bears open their own food truck.

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Jqyteyg8kavg82q790zqf7xqpw 1x4 – Episode 4

The bears become friends with an intelligent girl who has chosen them for her college report.

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Kv5n7bjxuu8zuolbjftofnrxoqx 1x5 – Episode 5

After accidentally consuming a food that he is allergic to, Panda is saved by a cashier whom he develops a strong crush on.

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6apv4gb8wl6tsc20od1vpr0ycri 1x6 – Episode 6

As the bears start their day with their usual routine, they individually get caught into sticky situations; Grizz gets stuck in a tree, a mouse lands on Panda's computer and Ice Bear's new Roomba malfunctions.

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Pxcnyint7legan1pgt0khwxt9qf 1x7 – Episode 7

While visiting a burrito place, Grizz becomes obsessed with a bear-sized burrito that eventually becomes his whole life.

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Goqgfk21sxwogea1eqjnlt9npah 1x8 – Episode 8

Grizz gets the bears lost in the deep forest to test whether or not they have lost their survival instincts in the modern world.

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Apkmi3acfsocwjmgbaxc6zlbgzh 1x9 – Episode 9

The bears find a jacket that supposedly brings them good luck whenever they wear it.

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D41drma4ui8xkb5wvs7kis2jbca 1x10 – Episode 10

After a recent meltdown, a bedraggled Nom Nom asks the bears to help him regain his spot as "cutest Internet star."

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Fwu46kovbx6l6kz0bjrnmdk8zch 1x11 – Episode 11

Tired of the decay of etiquette in movie theaters, the bears decide to shush people who ruin movies for others.

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Cfqenyvfk9c2l3tupihd0yxioyt 1x12 – Episode 12

Chloe has a hard time making new friends in college, so the Bears give her to some help.

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Fvja4n3afkjcpbxlkrzqa99u0nv 1x13 – Episode 13

The bears meet an annoying friend.

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I0xgi2vn3rt88szlcjquf9wbfid 1x14 – Episode 14

Panda scares away a pack of wolves, disrupting the hierarchy of the bears and making him the leader.

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8dxtzih5vwsjovgauwbignrubcc 1x15 – Episode 15

The Bears' home is threatened by a construction project and they must prove they own their place. They go through memories and records to try and save their home.

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Qepmjvodt6nwza3yop8tcr20bft 1x16 – Episode 16

Panda's accident sneeze video goes viral on the internet.

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Oisfbsqpcyw1bzzjsbljzyih5nx 1x17 – Episode 17

In a trip to the past, the young bears struggle to find a home on the open road.

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H0u32t0k3lhwjvs2thjmonvl1cz 1x18 – Episode 18

Panda and Grizzly bring a crab as a pet and it bites Ice Bear. It's a race against time to take Ice Bear to the hospital.

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Mpriwsm0yo4y9zkjtjewv79kif2 1x19 – Episode 19

While at the grocery store the Bears buy reusable bags called totes. Then it becomes their life!

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Fjlqn4ilxe7pokbyuqrfggqtf6z 1x20 – Episode 20

When Charlie decided to bring the three bears on a party and try to get them food, he accidentally met a snake where they became friends and escape from photographers.

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8gwpvgxccxndkeqbk6moecqiui 1x21 – Episode 21

When Panda start dating a french girl, Celine by video dating, his brothers agrees to help him but then each of them falls in love with Celine, as they try to impress Celine all at once.

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Vt5hhpbpkiaw1af4opgkysw2ric 1x22 – Episode 22

The story goes back when the three bears were still little cubs as they try to get adopted.

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Tbyhq7eorbotim5cfookabppsps 1x23 – Episode 23

When Chloe decided to spend the day with the three bears and found out that only Ice Bear is available, they went on sightseeing as Chloe try to have fun with Ice Bear, later ending up in the National Museum.

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2rwlq314cgvsdreinyzuvvzs753 1x24 – Episode 24

After busting their laptop, the bears attempt to make the money needed to repair it by getting a job at a cupcake shop.

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6okbywh28mmnx2ebaodgogzzmbc 1x25 – Episode 25

After Grizz reads a book about hibernation, he tries to hibernate while his brothers don't want him to.

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1x26 – Charlie Ball

Panda gets hurt playing basketball so the Bears invite Charlie join the team. Unexpectedly, Charlie gets good fast. Too good.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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