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Vowt9i0xgwk2r3tbgoi25wdmt4w 5x1 – Unter der Sonne Kaliforniens

Eric goes to California to express his love for Donna, meanwhile Kelso tries to talk Annette into bed.

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4dgcuseuyb8fvg4q4scd1x8drdd 5x2 – Verbotene Liebe

Eric and Donna are severely punished for their trip to California: Eric loses his car and Donna has to go to a catholic school.

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71mde2mrnqmmu2vx38iifqtjfta 5x3 – Nachwuchs

Red's reaction to Kitty's announcement that she is pregnant isn't what she hoped for; Kelso fails to take the news of Hyde and Jackie in good stride.

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Xuctixlwvsmrri5mgdjfk8xnijz 5x4 – Die Wechseljahre

Now Michael Kelso has found out about Jackie and Hyde, he's crushed and out for vengeance - alas his attacks on friend Steven have the same sad result as always, a black eye for poor Kelso. Kitty is walking on clouds because of her pregnancy, so she invites her parents over, alcoholic Burt Sigurdson and commands-shouting Bea Sigurdson, but the gynecologist changed her big news: she's not expecting but entering menopause; one day too late for otherwise relieved Red: his 'baby' the Corvette is already sold.

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Qainkr6inplrcasolock9chlttx 5x5 – Der Herr der Ringe

Donna gives Eric a 'man ring'. Eric doesn't say how much he loathes the ring and even loses it.

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Jdstrxdsnut2zbxncpvgfslwnog 5x6 – Blitz und Donner

Red considers Kitty's menopause the worst threat since the Korean war. For college orientation day, the Foremans drive the boys -Michael Kelso brings a note from his parents pinned on his lapel, but spent the $30 on a video-game- to state college UW, Bob decided Donna must go to private Marquette with Jackie. Being apart is a depressing prospect, but while Red is shocked by the 'hippies' the kids love the colleges, only Hyde and Jackie are miserable as they play stupid power games. Donna decides to go to UW just for Eric's sake.

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Kjfzivr9t4yaoqmxjwtwocsb6hi 5x7 – Die Verlobung

Eric buys Donna an engagement ring but then decides they're too young for marriage, unfortunately Donna knows he's bought her a gift and puts him on the spot.

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3sadje0vzogf7cimnzesjamarja 5x8 – Truthahn-Terror

It's Thanksgiving day and Eric can't tell Red about failing math or about his secret engagement to Donna. Red may reward Eric's (alleged) maturity at dinner, and Kelso is 'dating' Eric's math teacher. Kitty's Mom and Dad add to the chaos.

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I83d3zqcweqfohgnid63scmrxos 5x9 – Der Korruptions-Skandal

Kelso accidentally shoots Hyde with a BB gun during a fight and all hell breaks loose; Fez comes to the realization that he has a crush on his boss at the DMV.

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Bqxeswrltxsbkj6ahi3tgdrwflr 5x10 – Dumm gelaufen

Eric feels stupid when the SAT scores come back and he is crushed by Donna; Red convinces Eric to buckle down and avoid Donna until he retakes that test.

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Szwnaq6hkhxs4fjfm5yixsfdjap 5x11 – Ein Opfer der Liebe

Kitty throws a dinner party for Fez's new girlfriend; the guys resent the gesture while the girls are excited about getting a chance to act like grown-ups.

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Y0zeqccmzffvfvyfzh7zni91fyg 5x12 – Ein aufgeräumtes Wochenende

Jackie asks the Formans to help clean out her family's ski cabin after the bank forecloses on it; Eric wants to get romantic with Donna, but things do not go as planned. (#155)

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3w460dgmjpedok7epsc1up6lhlo 5x13 – Der letzte Besuch

Annette, Kelso's girlfriend from his and Donna's California exile, comes to visit Michael Kelso but stays with Donna, who insists Jackie must join them. Jealous Jackie hates Annette like bubonic plague, but seems to warm to her, until... Kitty's parents turn up unannounced from Arizona: Burt has lost all their money on an ostrich farm which got wiped out by coyotes, then has a fatal heart-attack while sneakily watching the girls' slumber party, like the boys before him. Grandmother as merry widow is a grim prospects for the Formans...

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Qnx4dfd8xpxchzbcwoc9ogvmfmc 5x14 – Finger weg von meinem Freund

Hyde thinks Jackie still has feelings for Kelso while Eric's grandma drives Kitty and Donna mad with her icky remarks.

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Brv48yje2krwsfssr1smtn63tyd 5x15 – Versteck spielen

Donna's dad and his partner Joanne are off for a weekend getaway, so Eric and Donna plan a weekend together to prove to themselves that they're adult enough to be engaged. The gang is determined to throw a party at Donna's, and are unforgiving when Donna refuses. Meanwhile, a call from the jeweler makes Kitty think Red is buying her a present, but she finds out the ring is from Eric to Donna while taking 'poor orphan' Hyde shopping for a new coat, which Hyde hates--an Evis-style flashy jacket that looks nothing like Hyde's style. Kitty tries to prevent Red from ...

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9ugxhwyx3uqla5adnerttojfhk5 5x16 – Verliebt, verlobt, verdonnert

Now their parents know and worry about Eric and Donna's engagement, Eric is terrified and shunned by Red, Donna goes plead their case. Fez' boss and lover Nina decides to clear the air and his tension at work by asking him to stay for the night, all the way; when he reports to the gang, its sounds all but romantic or efficient, but Nina has her own conclusion. Hyde didn't even know about Jackie's birthday, Kelso gives her a perfect sweater. Eric claims he'll marry Donna even if he must pay the wedding himself, Red fires him...

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Osxcdqhvcxflxowgvsgiux99s8w 5x17 – Männer wie wir

Since Red ruined Erics life for getting engaged, their rowing gets worse for weeks, even chases the gang away. Kitty signs them up for a charity father-son Point Place Paul Bunyan pioneer event; they still fight and get creamed by Charlie and Mitch, an apparently perfect pair; as events progress the team' temperaments seem to get reversed, but at the end -a loss- nothing has really changed. Hyde doesn't believe Leo has just disappeared, so the gang look for him in his apartment; the new tenant has a note and a gift for Steven...

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V0tjav5mn6n9tjsudjxjve1iwsa 5x18 – Die Jobbörse

Now most kids are out of a job income, they all head for the job fair, Eric and Hyde being fired, Kelso after getting a ticket from a female cop made him doubt if his looks will last, Donna as 'hot' appetizer for her radio station. Red raises the stakes: if Eric sticks to marrying Donna, he'll stop the dumb ass's college funding. Most available jobs are revolting, yet Hyde becomes cook for his former 'big brother', a worse social cripple then him; Kelso decides to become a cop because the uniform would prolong his beauty many years. Eric found a bank teller's job, but...

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Ebnalkp24tjasmzk5ig54n20atj 5x19 – Mister Nackt

While Fez wants to meet the parents of his girlfriend Nina, Donna has talked herself into asking Jackie to stay with her because her parents are gone.

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Napkmaspfdmu59oeetlod4xhrml 5x20 – Peinlich, peinlich

Donna finds having Jackie as 'guest' is hell, only more invasive than an occupying army. Kelso hopes he'll be a tough cop in a year, but needs a less sissy job than model- Hyde's boss Roy engages him as kitchen hand, but bastard Steven pretends to be his boss, qualified to fire him after a trial period, which the scum turns into a non-stop hell-week, even in the Forman basement. Eric can't meet the payments for Donna's engagement ring, even after selling LPs. Fez is still drifting on a pink cloud called Nina, yet as horny as ever.

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62lcfqtbyg0q2quzxd7yhftvqp 5x21 – Ein Laufpass für Fez

Nina leaves Fez. Excuse of his needs; Kitty invited a creepy kid into the gang's circle of friends; the crew sees Fez's room for the first time.

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Ycvn0kf98lmevcsq8cwsqz84ls 5x22 – Sexträume

Hyde tells Jackie he doesn't trust her being alone with Kelso, Eric gets a new job and Fez has a very disturbing dream involving Kelso.

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15hf7xwhopzrohxmrkcsv3liqxm 5x23 – Kalte Füße

Kelso finds out Hyde cheated on Jackie and confronts him. Hyde tells Jackie about what he did. Meanwhile, Laurie has come back from Chicago.

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8ahzytr8gxuciyocxuy1pszbrw0 5x24 – Kampf um Jackie

Red has taken a final decision regarding Eric and Donna's wish to move and marry.

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Hcjmfgedovpraldw5psmlcbbbdu 5x25 – Die Ausweisung

Fez dreads impending graduation as he probably must return to his lizard-infested country afterward, so he gets Kelso and Hyde to observe a truce in their Jacky-war to join both on a camping trip by the lake with the whole gang, plus Eric's stupid sister Laurie. Kitty is on heavy tranquilizers as she can't handle her 'baby boy' moving out. After a failed ghost prank by the campfire Eric was to skinny-dip with Donna, but ends up screaming butt-naked with Laurie, who next does it in Kelso's van with Fez, who gets even more out of it then sex... Kelso and Hyde's rivalry ...

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 1976, das amerikanische Provinznest Point Place: Hier lebt eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen, die sich bemühen, trotz der spießigen Umstände in ihrem Kaff einigermaßen cool und locker zu leben. Wortführer ist der smarte Eric Forman, der ständig versucht, sich der Fürsorge seiner Eltern Red und Kitty zu entziehen und seine Unabhängigkeit zu demonstrieren. Dessen Freundin Donna geht es auch nicht besser, denn auch ihre Eltern haben nicht gerade das Gefühl dafür, was bei Jugendlichen in den Siebzigern angesagt ist. Im Keller der Formans treffen sich Eric und Donna mit ihren Freunden Kelso, Jackie, Hyde und Fez, wo sie gemeinsam fernsehen, Musik hören und sich auf die nächste Disco-Party vorbereiten...

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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