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Wkkipwduv90abhf1nxxfnxaodns 5x1 – Besetzt!

Der Farmer bekommt ein neues Badezimmer und das geht wie immer nicht ohne Pannen.

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Iegiitaxn87hh6dedydenbyebzw 5x2 – Ganz neue Töne

The Farmer is stressed out and has had enough of the farm and it's inhabitants. He storms off for a break, suitcase in hand, only to reappear almost immediately, the same, but somehow different. The farm is transformed into a hippy commune where work and chores are abolished and the animals are encouraged to express themselves.

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Xtjf1eumcizdquanz3wtedw1kvg 5x3 – Spielverderber

Shaun persuades Bitzer to take part in his game of Cricket but Bitzer is more worried about the condition of the pitch than the game. The resident moles, unhappy at the game taking place above their head get involved in a tit for tat with Bitzer which soon escalates to full scale war

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R1a91ypidyx7rirujyzyxsyalg 5x4 – Oben ohne

The flock don't recognise Shaun when he loses one his most distinctive features. His old pal Bitzer helps him track down the lost thatch, but not before Shaun becomes very attached to one of the chickens

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B159hd8muixoryoehbcktvfcujm 5x5 – Selfie statt Helfie

Bitzer is left with a mountain of work when the farmer is rendered incapable. Enter the farmhand who is more interested in his mobile phone than getting the task done. Shaun and Flock ensure that their friend Bitzer gets his own 'down time'

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Hodoks0zggnkapq86nalzjehpkm 5x6 – Babysitter Bitzer

The flock are off for a girls night night leaving Bitzer to Babysit Timmy. It's not long before the youngster makes clear who's in charge.

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Wyiglklgxqssbffmhjsblju89bz 5x7 – Schwein bleibt Schwein

When one of the pigs attempts to make friends with Timmy, his cohort evict him as punishment for un-pig-like behaviour. The sheep take him into the barn, and attempt to transform him into the epitome of porcine sophistication, but do they really know who they have invited into their home?

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Xbkmilhfdj17luo3nhigl9pwyds 5x8 – Der Briefträgerschreck

Shaun decides to take on the role of Bitzer's therapist - with disastrous consequences.

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Xczzr3nsyppf0spxs2msah10zks 5x9 – Drachenalarm

Bitzer, Shaun and Flock are convinced that a monster is at loose on the farm and hide in the barn. But what exactly is it they are afraid of?

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Dwascjtaeak8ia2rxtqg4iep9jw 5x10 – Die neue Trillerpfeife

Bitzer thinks the future has arrived when he takes delivery of his new high tech farmyard control module but when the gadget malfunctions, Bitzer is left wishing for his old whistle

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Slqkoqynngpwezjii86ahjfgv1x 5x11 – Die trojanische Pizza

Battle ensues when the pigs muscle in on Shaun's private club and steal all the pizza. Shaun, Bitzer and the flock mount a rescue mission for Timmy who the pigs have taken hostage

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Xfjjswlmhdx4vqltn7qh7xypyfh 5x12 – Schlafenszeit

Timmy decides to helps the hedghogs find a resting place for the night. His efforts, however, lead his weary friends into a series a scrapes rather than giving them a good night's sleep.

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Hjz9je4llqbge3obnezikzx6lmp 5x13 – Das falsche Schaf

The farm is paid an unexpected visit from an escapee from the nearby prison who takes refuge in the Barn. After a short while with Shaun and the gang, though, prison doesn't seem such a bad option

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Ew3huugd45rns8drv8apoxyp2tk 5x14 – Die Rockstar-Panne

An arrogant rock musician beloved by the Farmer gets stranded at the farm.

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K6uwfyl7tm9i8mswychs4wkexih 5x15 – Psst!

The farmer decides to have a lie in and Bitzer endeavors to allow him to have his lie in.

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Dm8tlqjgzez671lzeterjiauu3w 5x16 – Zu viele Köche

When Bitzer's pie goes missing, Bitzer makes the mistake of accepting Shaun's help.

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Zj5vpcrpdyqpvujbqkkbftz8peq 5x17 – Genau nach Plan

Bitzer over-officious management style becomes too much for the sheep who decide it's time for him to chill out. Bitzer's tasks for the day take on a new purpose, for everyone to have some fun!

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L4h8fz0wsqve6fdmjjkwfgyczjx 5x18 – Bumerang

The farmer receives a mystery gift from his antipodean cousin. Unimpressed with the present, he attempts to throw it away only for it to keep reappearing. He becomes convinced it has magical powers

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Xb4af7cpwqjnqrb7jqcmf2mjjxp 5x19 – Zu gute Besserung

Bitzer is an all too willing invalid when he has to wear the cone of shame and is happy to let the flock wait on him. That is, until Shaun rumbles his malingering and plots the pooch's comeuppance

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Smfykwgxt64dvwvu8sbheplbk7b 5x20 – Hokus, Pokus, Mäh!

Timmy sees a particularly grumpy farmer giving one of the flock a hard time.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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