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2x1 – Folge 1

After rescuing aid workers from the Samaru islands, the HMAS Hammersley engages a fishing vessel straying into Australian waters.

2x2 – Folge 2

Poor Spider is viciously abused verbally and even physically during a boarding exercise by new cook Rebecca 'Bomber' for an innocent tease about her apparent refusal to cook fries. The Hammersley picks up Dave Williams and Steve Turner, not the first yacht-owners left drifting in a dingy recently. The captain decides to visit millionaire Ray Walsman's private island, being close to it and invited to drop by any time. His daughter Carly feels isolated and flirts with Spider out of boredom, then gets symptoms prompting her emergency evacuation to a major port. Spider ...

2x3 – Folge 3

The Hammersmith takes aboard a dozen of foreigners of various nationality who were stuck on a coral reef, apparently after a shipwreck while trying to immigrate illegally. Suddenly three of them, clearly of Eastern Europen extraction and with military training, take the rest and both female officers hostage. Their leader, Zan, demands full control of the ship. An attempt to overtake them fails and Zan forces Nav to steer to New Guinea. A Filippino's need for asthma-medicine forces Flynn to hand over navigational tools, which ruins his plan to fake the compass bearings...

2x4 – Folge 4

To captain Flynn's anger, his efforts to arrest shark fin poachers are frustrated repeatedly and shore leaves abruptly canceled because NavCom gives absolute priority to transporting SAS captain Jim Roth's crack men to the Samaru Islands peace-keeping campaign. Spider is likely to be recommended for promotion after great bravery when Flyn ceases his next chance. Alas, the captain forbids his men to enjoy the plasma TV grateful tycoon Walsman sent for helping his daughter and accepts to attend a consulate cocktail party with the French frigate commander, where a badly ...

2x5 – Folge 5

After a nigh in Gove port, some men have hangover. Radio Officer (RO) Robert however has a black-out and is diagnosed drug-positive, a probable career breaker. He believes his drink was drugged by Swedish backpacker Anders Nygaard, whose corps is found at sea. Prawn fisher Maurie Stevens is rescued from his run-down trailer. The captain orders RO and Nav to escort him to port. Then a smuggler speed boat is reported and arrested. Now the puzzle starts piecing together.

2x6 – Folge 6

While the HMS Hammersly helps animal control officer Campbell Fulton inspect an Asian fishery boat, medic Swain discovers a dying man and a load of dead chickens aboard. As this may indicate fatal and highly contagious bird flue, all crew concerned is quarantined. Nav joins them, because she was kissed against her will by Fulton. While ET and Fulton anchor the fishery boat, they fight over her and crash into a rock. ET's leg gets caught. It looks like he'll drown without an amputation.

2x7 – Folge 7

While the Hammersley crew helps disarm insurgents on the Samaru islands, local rascal Saka (13) accidentally fires a weapon he found and hoped to sell. island police commander sergeant Toka interrogates him roughly, but releases him to the family. Then insurgents kidnap Saka in a truck. Flynn suspects police corruption and arms smuggle, but can't prove it and has no jurisdiction. During R&R on the island, both a trio of men who went fishing and SAS Captain Jim Roth and her lover, SAS Captain Jim Roth, stumble on their trail, alas unarmed.

2x8 – Folge 8

Rebecca 'Bomber' Brown's clumsy attempt to retrieve a dropped bracelet, ma's 21st birthday present after 3 years of silence, causes her and helpful Billy 'Spider' Webb to overboard. Buffer's preoccupation with his ma's terminal cancer means that remains unnoticed for hours. Just when cramp makes Spider's situation desperate, they're picked up. Alas it's escaped drug-dealer Finn McLean and his two accomplices. The Hammersley has a hard time finding their floating overalls and figuring out they're on Finn's boat.

2x9 – Folge 9

Answering a distress call from freighter Beltane, the Hammersley finds it sinking. The crew of nine was mostly shot in the head, as survivor Dwayne Pearson describes by professionally acting Eastern Europeans. Their speedboat fits the description of one stolen from tycoon Ray Walsman. He offers a civilian captain's job to Mike Flynn, who should apply for promotion but dreads a desk job, even as step to commanding a frigate. They find the boat, driven by known fiend Franz Szapolyai, who escapes with a hostage to the Samaru islands, probably to sell the just stolen arms...

2x10 – Folge 10

The Hammersley returns to the Samaru islands for another peacekeeping mission, but the civil war now rages to full madness, the boys are even attacked just for building medical facilities. Captain Flynn personally takes charge of dangerous operations on land with the SAS, which his men aren't trained for. After saving Spider as well as SAS Captain Jim Roth, Flynn is badly wounded, out of action. His crew valiantly continues its duties and returns stowaway Samaruan Zuraya, which proves highly dangerous, just now the unexperienced XO has to stand in, but the admiral ...

2x11 – Folge 11

LCDR Jack Freeman takes over as the Hammersley's new CO as Mike Flynn recovers in hospital. Freeman turns out to be very unpredictable and loses no opportunity to humiliate Kate at every turn. Meanwhile, at the hospital Mike realizes that the Russian man, Franz Szapolyai, who stabbed Charge is hospitalized in the next room to Mike. Mike befriends him and shortly after making a phone call to an unknown number he has a cardiac arrest and dies. He begins to suspect that Ray Walsman has something to do with his death as he turned up at the hospital at the same time as ...

2x12 – Folge 12

With lieutenant commander Mike Flynn back in command, the HMAS Hammersley answers an attack call from Ray Walsman's yacht Enterprise and overcome the armed assailants. Ray's guest aboard is later identified as Samaruan presidential candidate Massita Balanbaan, the toppled minister of mining. On shore leave Buffer sees one of the assailants, recognizes his Spetnaz (Russian special ops) tattoo and follows them. he gets locked up in a container and is caught on their secret island base, but manages to send clues. Flyn gets permission to search him and investigate the ...

2x13 – Folge 13

A boat carrying vote officials and ballot boxes from The Samaru Islands is blown up in front of the crew of the Hammersley, and it is determined that Ray Walsman is behind it. Mike and the crew arrest Ray Walsman and hand him over to the Samaru police but he soon escapes. The Hammersley escort UN observers return to the mainland unknown to them that a trained killer is in their midst. The killer has been sent by Walsman's men to kill Buffer - the only known witness to Walsman's plans. Mike and the crew set a trap to catch Walsman and in the process Josh 'ET'Holiday ...

  • Xtqga0zmxr7s49zgof7r8u9wjjc
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  • A88yvouogr84p92j9w0im7gic4p
  • Wqrn1s3opsxbbvboz1wg6ocrdnp
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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