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3rjfqb9noogqfhjb4jfkijl7o8w 2x1 – Der Flirt-Weltmeister

Jeff and Audrey are forced to sleep in separate rooms until something is done about Jeff's snoring, and Adam thinks that a waitress that Russell is trying to pick up actually has the hots for him.

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Ugwufvgotydhevvpdqjrywhk6zr 2x2 – Die kalifornische Schwester

With Audrey's sister, Barbara, having problems in her marriage, the only thing she doesn't need is a man who would trick her to try and get her to sleep with him. But, sadly, in Audrey's life there is a man just like this. During this episode, Russell will try everything to get a one night stand with Audrey's sister.

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Bg670peen9ib58b8u6jdsipvk30 2x3 – Die blasse Wirklichkeit

Jeff gets in trouble when he has difficulty listening to Audrey's problems, and Adam and Jennifer make a sex tape, but the end result is far from sexy.

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C99lpp9efsjvizezl0i6amvy0t 2x4 – Der Kerle-Code

Audrey and Jeff find a new married couple to hang out with, until Audrey learns about an incident at a strip club. Russell tries to find a way to fire his new assistant because he wants to sleep with her.

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1newire5tf90wkvz9cwcqutfghz 2x5 – Eine unglaubliche Nacht

Jeff tries to set up a night of wild romance so that he can have a story to tell the guys, Jennifer gets Adam an embarrassing gift, and Russell finds out that he's dating a homeless woman.

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Bxvevyuugcovazmftj6srlqmtxa 2x6 – Old School Jeff

While the women attend a wedding together, the guys go out to a bar to watch a fight, where "Old School Jeff" is unleashed onto his friends.

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6bxydcejg9hlt0h1old3g6bnn3a 2x7 – Das perfekte Verbrechen

Adam and Jennifer come up with a scam to get more wedding shower gifts. Meanwhile Russell falls in love with Audrey's sister, but he has no idea that she doesn't feel the same way.

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Bzndmbt5c9it5ydyfnn81aubui 2x8 – Der Mann im Aufzug

Jeff and Adam correctly predict that Audrey and Jennifer's latest date set-up will end with both couples taking sides, only not in the way they predicted. Russell goes to extreme lengths to meet a woman he met outside an elevator.

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8cdag84dksadtouutrhzdg0a75r 2x9 – Hot Mamma

Adam's mother comes in for a visit. Jennifer is uncomfortable with her free lifestyle and suspects that she may want to break them up. Meanwhile, Audrey and Jeff try to cope with being without television service.

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Wbwgessqc8at8qxnlwtrlftttwx 2x10 – Ein ganz besonderes Wochenende

Jeff treats Audrey to a weekend at a resort as part of a timeshare presentation, and invites Adam and Jennifer along too. But he doesn't share with anyone that he gets all expenses paid for inviting another couple.

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B9dw8qb7x1yo7sjwabjvf7fguej 2x11 – Der Gott der Fruchtbarkeit

Adam wants Russell to agree to hire Jen to design an ad campaign for one of their clients. He will not listen to Russell and Jeff when they tell him that this is not a good idea. When Audrey shares the fertility issues with Jen, she gives them a gift to help bring them luck.

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Hrkui9xgeplexqhiodxerxjpl4a 2x12 – Fünf Kilo bis Montag

Jeff tries to lose weight to reach "optimal male" status for his life insurance, Adam invites an ex to stay with him and Jennifer, and Russell fakes interest in a charity to hit on a sexy woman.

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Mklpm8cztkdhuivvmxhwpmzvvux 2x13 – Die Waschbecken-Nummer

Russell's dad uses Adam to play his son for a public relations video being sent to China, and Audrey and Jeff regret letting Adam and Jennifer use their bathroom while their sink is broken.

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Kivjkio5aw8taoeddgm21k5silz 2x14 – Kein Bock auf Sparen

Audrey and Jeff try to help Adam and Jennifer buy an apartment in their building. Meanwhile, Adam tries to live on a tight budget, and one of Russell's one-night-stands that he screwed over becomes a waitress at his favorite diner.

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1hqzcuclc9uyuoffpklajzpq6dq 2x15 – Eine geile Karre

Russell agrees to let Audrey do a wedding shoot at his place, if she lets him choose the bride for the shoot. Jeff has to buy a gift for Audrey, but buys a vintage Camaro for himself instead.

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