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1x1 – Bullets, Lots of Bullets

Paul Range and friends prepare for a "polar Shift"; In California Christopher Nyerges demonstrates urban jungle survive skills in the event of a massive earthquake; Deep in the heart of Houston, Texas Megan Hurwitt hopes to survive on her own after the all the oil and gas runs out.

1x2 – I Hope I Am Crazy

David Sarti a Youtube "firearms instructor" and self-taught survivalists is prepared for an electrical grid failure; Kellene Bishop a Utah resident has stored away the finer things in life for a financial collapse; Kathy Harrison, the Doris Day of Doom has prepared her local community for a New Madrid earthquake; Dennis Evers brings the family together to survive global chaos caused by hyperinflation.

1x3 – Back to the Stone Age

Tim Ralston - A survival tool manufacturer himself (the Crovel), loses part of a thumb during firearms practice for the show; Jason Charles, The New York City Fireman/Prepper demonstrates expert urban survival skills; Jules Dervaes has prepared well for the collapse of the industrial food system; Pat Brabble insists on surviving hyperinflation by planning ahead.

1x4 – It's All Gonna Hit the Fan

Martin Colvill lives on the road with his wife as a "survival trucker" and looks to prepare for the upcoming economic collapse; Donna Nash is prepared to quarantine all her family members to protect against a global pandemic; Kevin O'Brien is concerned about losing his home due to rising sea levels created by global warming or a polar shift.

1x5 – Friends Can Become Enemies

James Patrick Douglas a man of the land in Maine shows off many needed homestead techniques to the viewers based upon overpopulation fears; Larry Hall the survival underground missile bunker builder invests in making sure his and other families are safe during any event; Becky Brown a gorgeous yet very inventive prepper (Grab n Go Food Storage) is making sure she and others are ready for martial law.

1x6 – Nine Meals Away from Anarchy

For Mike Messiner civil unrest is just round the corner and he is getting everyone ready; Colorado computer programmer Preston White has collected over 11,200 types of seeds and plans for biosphere living in a Fukushima radiated future while friends Shane and others provide supportive help; Riley Cook spends his days supporting the prepper society building underground structures.

1x7 – Into the Spider Hole

Doug Huffman is rightly prepared teaching survival techniques for the second depression based upon America's massive "debts".; Dianne and Greg Rogers, dedicated parents in Canada are concerned with future events effecting their home-life; Ed and Dianna Peden ("still living in the 60's"), of Topeka, Kansas are preparing to survive and thrive fully underground when doomsday arrives in their decommissioned Atlas missile site.

1x8 – It's Gonna Get Worse

Bruce Beach a lifelong prepper is focused upon nuclear wars and saving children in his 42 underground buses; Jeremy and Kelly, are concerned parents in Salt Lake City, preparing for the collapse of society due to peak oil depletion; Bradford Frank of San Diego, California works around the clock in case of a worldwide pandemic that will end life as we know it.

1x9 – Close the Door, Load the Shotgun

John Major has gone to the extent of moving his family to Idaho for a better more natural lifestyle; Janet Spencer an author in Montana decided because of her location to prepare for any "unnatural" event; Jack & Jackie Jobe, although new to prepping have done quite well for their future survival.

1x10 – Disaster Doesn't Wait

Barry, Pink and Cole have the ultimate urban underground foxhole right in the garage. Hooray! one if the best we have seen; Steve Pace a hometown survivalists is ready to take on long term electric failure; Carolina resident Laura Kunzie has concerns to a rapid airborne flu outbreak and is preparing so.

1x11 – I Suggest We Run

Texas prepper "Dr Wayne" bases his doomsday fears on a Chinese financial takeover and he has prepared many ways to survive these events; John & Cristina Sellers, are both hardworking Americans who want to protect what they have; Jason & Tanya have done their homework on how life and prepping can happen on a budget.

1x12 – Extreme Prep Edition

The five basic principles while preparing for a cataclysmic event are food, shelter, safety, evacuation, and practice.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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