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Tmmnyzdcd3bdltqijh1z2hhj5kc 3x1 – Episode 1

The Russians have withdrawn from Norway, and Jesper Berg is tasked with forming an interim government. The EU is monitoring the Peace Treaty and pressures Norway to resume its oil and gas production.

2nchkfl0xe0vd5j5fqsp95vfstb 3x2 – Episode 2

HM Djupvik discovers that the new Defense Minister Harald Vold may have ordered the assassination of Anita Rygh. Norwegian border troops in Pasvik rise against EU's peacekeeping forces.

F4ytd3he6b7ktfjnwifg4m0z8gb 3x3 – Episode 3

Sidorova does everything in her power to get her partner Lyubov back from Russia. Harald Vold enters the electoral campaign and accuses Jesper of profiteering.

Kpsdnqtdc4urtf1bd2usblzwhxb 3x4 – Episode 4

A growing number of Russians are being attacked with acid in the hate campaign #BrandThem. Jesper's attempt to link Vold to BrandThem only increases Vold's popularity among Norwegians who are furious with the Russians.

Asbiat3ts7xcpeid9xgxnyajcxm 3x5 – Episode 5

Jesper's party has a big lead in the polls, until he is targeted by rumors claiming that he ordered the assassination of Anita Rygh. Jesper discovers that Bente's boss Sobol is paying troll factories to spread the rumors.

Iqehvuchdhawsermrsm068yhpwy 3x6 – Episode 6

On Election Day, Jesper wakes up from a near fatal heart attack. Bente's testimony spurs the Supreme Court to recommend the impeachment of Jesper. HM discovers that Sidorova is collecting compromising information on European politicians.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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