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5wdiyjyg7u2oyw7wrnid6rirolj 2x1 – Wahrer Name – Fest in der Hand

Yato continues his daily routine as a delivery god who also slays Phantoms when the need arises. Elsewhere, Bishamon is plagued by nightmares from times long past...

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Ojuturgf73d3ss5tram2ggbxr4s 2x2 – Erinnerungen an sie

Yukine makes a new friend, but soon learns what it means to be a Regalia. Kazuma remains confused by Bishamon's declining health... until he makes a shocking discovery!

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Liz7v0szeggfypo0dgswpsu7nyy 2x3 – Verlogene Bindung

Kugaha finally sets his plot into motion and has Kazuma banished. The ensuing chaos causes more pain for Bishamon... and pulls Yukine and Yato into the turmoil too!

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7tn9knnzeygambs52biy4xagraq 2x4 – Wünsche

Kazuma and Hiyori find themselve captured. They watch helplessly as Kugaha tricks Yato and Bishamon into battling each other to the death!

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Qtmymqtvxcp5nn4rmxx4v6ivze0 2x5 – Gott segnet und Gott verflucht

Yukine shatters in half while Yato and Bishamon battle each other! Elsewhere, Kugaha enacts the second part of his plan by slaughtering Bishamon's Regalias!

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Kipc7ugt6166jk9vs7nqnpya5b9 2x6 – Was getan werden muss

Bishamon and Yato learn of Kugaha's betrayal, but most of the damage has already been done. Meanwhile, the giant, masked Phantom continues to hunt down the last remaining Regalias...

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Epojfyxowwld1oplsubgz4puv9a 2x7 – Wie ein Gott verehrt wird

Bishamon is forced to confer with the other gods about her recent failings. Elsewhere, Ebisu offers to buy Yukine from Yato for a large sum of money - enough for Yato to build his own shrine.

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23uuhqhuwjcuazxoxyljitv2whp 2x8 – Unheilsgott

After Kugaha's defeat, Ebisu decides to conduct certain, secret tests. Meanwhile, Yato reaches new highs and new lows after Hiyori gives him his own shrine...

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24sflyez0s6exch3zifdbsl9hue 2x9 – Das Geräusch, wenn der Faden reißt

Yato and Nora head into the underworld to complete one last job together: find and rescue a certain conjurer. But with each passing moment, Hiyori begins to forget Yato...

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Ldxwlzuiittoex2q9a7eq6ybzez 2x10 – Wünschen, wie es sein soll

The heavens are thrown into chaos when the gods learn that Ebisu has been experimenting with Phantoms. Meanwhile, Yato and Ebisu struggle to escape Izanami and leave the underworld behind.

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39qvlb6jso8rbjsmsjkl4kbsqfj 2x11 – Rückkehr aus dem Totenreich

Bishamon and Hiyori manage to track down Yato, but they have no way of getting into the underworld. Meanwhile, Izanami continues to pursue Yato... And if he gets caught, he'll be stuck in the underworld forever!

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Eylcybpohbtnrvrukkibax8yqkz 2x12 – Die Stimme, die Dich ruft

Bishamon faces Izanami in battle in order to save Yato. Yato's only hope for escape lies in his true name, but he's never revealed it to anyone. Meanwhile, the heavenly executioners have caught up with Ebisu and are prepared to kill him!

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Qj9aqhhws2h1iklqrdj9vbieq8j 2x13 – Der Auftrag vom Glücksgott

The heavens deliver their divine punishment, and Ebisu is forced to start anew. Despite this, Yato is filled with a new sense of purpose and upholds his promise to Ebisu.

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  • 1aayiwj8rnyzsnllos5yuu6uubh
  • Vvnugi03mrwgyve7cewanu1s86y
  • Xcmkicqq5g6lfvov35tzdvcafd9
  • 7ovv9m2iceyfwumzblgfsecxw8i
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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