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G3gvcnvwmkfq59ktlylqzlmrkfi 1x1 – McNamara / Troy (Pilot)

Two Partners in a Miami plastic surgery practice, one a sexually liberated playboy, the other a devoted yet frustrated family man find themselves caught up in a web of intrigue when a desperate drug cartel member comes to their doors.

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6thwnzsjdsxn0ly9gcikrkksv6i 1x2 – Mandi/Randi

Sean and Christian operate on identical twin sisters, who request surgery to look different from one another.

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Dwo89lmie2mcrxcpbdrtvvgg5ia 1x3 – Nanette Babcock

An obese woman requests drastic surgery in time for her upcoming high school reunion, leading Christian and Grace to butt heads over her mental state.

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Ywuustuel877a6a7ogfdjlgz8nj 1x4 – Sofia Lopez

Sean fixes a botched surgery on a transgender woman, and discovers he has a personal link to the hack surgeon responsible.

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Pzoixz3d2gzbagdfszjblqzwc0 1x5 – Kurt Dempsey

A white man requests plastic surgery on his eyes in order to please the conservative parents of his Japanese fiancée.

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5gvbfqhovkyzncgvdbqwvstllr5 1x6 – Megan O’Hara

A woman suffering of breast cancer considers implants, while Christian deals with a mysterious stalker who vandalized his car and boat.

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Rh2feojvv1lgwopmwz1zlt9zhjt 1x7 – Cliff Mantegna

Christian learns, through a male patient who requests liposuction on his chest, about a secret, upscale swingers club.

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91re3iwaad40i29xtyynznjovs7 1x8 – Cara Fitzgerald

When Matt hits one of his fellow high schoolers with his car, the girl's strict mother refuses to allow surgery to be performed on her now-disfigured daughter.

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Egdfewrfwyytosgk1zdzq3a770l 1x9 – Sophia Lopez II

Sofia Lopez returns, but questions her plans for transgender surgery when she falls in love with Liz.

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Tyizdaqacelw0e5ktamrmv4xso6 1x10 – Adelle Coffin

Sean and Christian prepare for their upcoming recertification test, but Sean is distracted by recent news.

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Thjgz6cqpluvz2mtmjs4lnigjdz 1x11 – Montana/ Sassy/ Justice

Sean's latest patient suffers from split-personality disorder, and each personality requests a different surgery.

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5wv5knc4yo7tqnkqzwd5ptlnxr2 1x12 – Antonia Ramos

A drug lord blackmails Sean and Christian to remove liquid-heroin implants from one of his many drug couriers illegally entering the country.

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Ue7r0kjf5lmnshycxvkhvarekxv 1x13 – Escobar Gallardo

Escobar Gallardo continues to blackmail Sean and Christian, leading Sean to potential murder to protect his family.

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  • Fwlzy72knqrecqbeixjzp7l0sms
  • 181vd3yfkgsbv0lkc0ldcxwu3y0
  • 8ikdzwfh7hvob8mmxxowjkfrajz
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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