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V2galsg1qun7pukd474eijl0ytz 1x1 – Die Wildnis ruft

Das Leben in der Wildnis – im Fernsehen kam es so verlockend rüber, dass Mr. Bean zur Kamera greift und sich auf in die freie Wildbahn macht. Tiere ‚schießen‘ ist angesagt. Doch ganz schnell muss Bean feststellen, dass er vom Jäger zum Gejagten wird.

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B52kbqyppsrtjo7zozvflxxr0cc 1x2 – Teddy-Diebe

Das geht zu weit! Im Supermarkt wird Beans Teddy entführt. Ruck, zuck, hat der Bestohlene die Diebesbande ausfindig gemacht. Und stößt auf eine ganze Sammlung gestohlener Teddys ...

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7xk6oqalhppd3ezhc7ei0qmf1fc 1x3 – Episode 3

In order to go to the movies, Mr. Bean struggles to find a parking spot for his car. Story 2: Inspired by a visit to an archaeological dig, Mr Bean goes treasure hunting.

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Dpkpyn1t5b8t1gsimt6gfm36lkl 1x4 – Episode 4

Whilst digging for buried treasure. Mr Bean digs himself a hole too deep to drop out of.

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Houmlwy3e1kjtof707stlvp4nid 1x5 – Episode 5

Story 1: Mr Bean encounters street performers on his walk, and one of them, a mime, won't quit performing. Story 2: After a major house cleaning, Mr. Bean endeavors to clean himself.

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1anxostbccvok4xpbsa7zsnaeuz 1x6 – Episode 6

Mr Bean finds that cleanliness can be a filthy business.

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8arp9s7uti24p5fcmq5fmzhy52y 1x7 – Episode 7

It's Teddy's Birthday. Irma Gobb has remembered but bean has not.

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Weuryi4jeh5k52is9hapnusiwog 1x8 – Episode 8

Mr's Wicket's croquet game is interrupted by an offending mole. She charges Bean with removing it from the garden.

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9zgz1tttvvhzetpdwjedzollga5 1x9 – Episode 9

Story 1: Mr. Bean is tormented by loud roadworks on his street, and tries his best to cope with it. Story 2: Mr. Bean's sofa needs be replaced, and he tries to raise enough money to buy a new one.

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5nfokmiytxiiw99ov8etaqdhlf7 1x10 – Episode 10

It fakes to pieces so Bean buys a new one. But by getting rid of the old one Bean loses the TV remote in the process.

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8fi3jgtdrsslbetaeiptxzplpv0 1x11 – Episode 11

Mr Bean goes on a Treasure hunt after finding a map in Mrs Wicket's attic.

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Cofjr51shrb29w5dridzjch5b3c 1x12 – Episode 12

Bean hunts for a new home as Mrs Wicket has thrown him out.

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6s6iqiqs37gqspml12myzohmemj 1x13 – Episode 13

After seeing Mrs. Wicket being pampered due to her illness, Bean fakes an injury to get the same treatment, but his hospital visit isn't what he was hoping for.

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5rawycau4ad3vdhuakzrqocbcdx 1x14 – Episode 14

Mr. Bean thinks that he's had Scrapper "removed" by accident by the dustbin men.

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Zevstx3yxcrwy7blpvcwjnzi2cs 1x15 – Episode 15

Beans expedition at the supermarket with a souped up trolley.

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7azvagpsf5nedf4tkfr12dgbzep 1x16 – Episode 16

Bean takes into his home an injured magpie and soon notices that it likes to collect shiny things. Taken from neighbours houses. But guess who gets the blame...

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6jejgakwmnld25rmb8upmudqt9h 1x17 – Episode 17

Mr Bean imagines he's on a surfboard in Hawaii but his dream is interrupted by Mrs. Wicket. Mr bean then decides to go surfing down the stairs on an ironing board leading to potentially dangerous consequences.

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Amfeb5bssrk6zyzmz49dpyxcb3z 1x18 – Episode 18

Bean goes to great lengths to reclaim his ship-in-a-bottle after accidentally leaving it out for the mailman.

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67r3gkdl6gzjqzoglsnbao2lurh 1x19 – Folge 19

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K5ghq5j2wz2hfmfcy9diuzbw56j 1x20 – Folge 20

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5g7ucv0rh5oppst1toewglquiko 1x21 – Folge 21

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Qkadcvpysimqlx297jhvsb5rfln 1x22 – Folge 22

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5kgn5sfhbh1cdrg8gxr0p1qgoko 1x23 – Folge 23

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Cakufnjed1iw3dh0zgtxtrja1dt 1x24 – Folge 24

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J4iac2q8qbvdcdm74fh74etobxq 1x25 – Folge 25

Story 1: Mr. Bean takes some frog spawn home and puts in in his bathtub. Soon he has got lots of frogs. The problem: they are getting bigger and hungrier all the time. Story 2: A lady rewards Mr. Bean for saving her dog by inviting him to dinner. But the food isn't good, and that is not the only problem...

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Dx9ynrndzmovwzpryy13ltvx9bu 1x26 – Folge 26

Story 1: A sturdy man snatches Mr. Bean's parking lot. Later, the two rivals compete in a foot race. Story 2: A bird's nest on the roof interferes with Mr. Bean's TV reception. After it has been removed, will Mr. Bean hatch or eat the egg that's in it?

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