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Gwydkgolafkqxuoa5vss0oxtyi0 7x1 – Folge 1

Terrorists, like any group, have a cause to rally around. But for them, the cause justifies the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians. How can they think that way? Now, science is peering into the dark heart of terror networks to find out why.

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7x2 – Folge 2

We live under a billion unblinking eyes - a global surveillance system that solves crime and uncovers terrorist plots. But are we ready for a world without secrets - where not even our homes are off-limits and corporations know our every desire?

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7x3 – Folge 3

Science reveals the line between male and female is blurred. And the battle of the sexes is happening deep within our cells. Are there more than two sexes?

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7x4 – Folge 4

Genius lies somewhere in the human mind, bringing mathematical insight, sparking artistic inspiration and enabling some to see what most cannot. Might we augment our biology with technology to unlock the genius inside us all?

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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