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4x1 – Ed, der Baseballstar

Through Wilbur, Mister Ed offers useful batting tips to Los Angeles Dodgers team manager, Leo Durocher.

Hkmrlvaz2qfozzy5huhwqrqbkuq 4x2 – Ich werd zum Pferd

With the help of Mister Ed, Wilbur decides to write a book about horses.

4x3 – Ed entdeckt Amerika

Wilbur has been chosen by the Mayor's office as the architect to create, plan, and construct the American History Museum. Of course, Mister Ed feels that the plan should include a statue of a horse in front of the museum.

4x4 – Ein Pferdchen in Ehren

Wilbur wins a miniature horse in a contest, and the little fellow promptly eats Roger's prized roses.

4x5 – Seid gut zu den Menschen

Mister Ed, speaking through bushes in the park, invites three hobos to stay with the Posts.

4x6 – Der Streik der Pferde

Ed resents Wilbur and Paul dressing as a two-man horse for a costume party, so he goes on strike.

4x7 – Der Ziegenbock

A pesky goat invades Ed's barn.

4x8 – Immer diese Hüte

The Kiddie Zoo is losing public support, and Ed wants Wilbur to do something about it and mr ed getting punished by Wilbur .

4x9 – Größer als Penelope

Ed is attracted to a filly named Penelope, but she only dates horses that are taller than she, so Ed wants Wilbur to provide him with elevated horse shoes.

4x10 – Gestatten, Kirkwood

Wilbur's old commanding officer, Colonel Gordon Kirkwood, and his wife, Winnie, park their house trailer in the Post's backyard, while they wait to settle on their new home next door to Carol and Wilbur - and Ed.

4x11 – Liebe deinen Nachbarn

Wilbur spends all of his free time with the Kirkwoods, now that they've moved in next door, and Ed is feeling mighty lonely with no one around to keep him company.

4x12 – Ed und der Weihnachtsmann

Mister Ed tells Wilbur the story of how a horse was responsible for getting Santa Claus started in the gift-giving business. Meanwhile, Gordon talks Wilbur into entering a pact wherein they limit themselves to spending a mere $15 each on their wives.

4x13 – Pferdemumps

Ed fakes a case of the mumps.

4x14 – Verrückt verrückt

Mister Ed is suffering from a sore tooth. Meanwhile, Gordon may go crazy trying to prove that Wilbur is insane.

4x15 – Zauberspeer und Hasenfuß

Wilbur travels to San Francisco for a magician's convention. He enters an illusion contest, using Mister Ed as his assistant in a potentially dangerous trick.

4x16 – Eine Geisha für Wilbur

When Wilbur hires a Japanese foreign exchange student as his secretary, Ed threatens to go to Pakistan to join the Peace Corps.

4x17 – Ab in die Wüste

When one of the neighbors installs a backyard swimming pool, Carol wants one, too, and Wilbur agrees to her demand, over Ed's objection.

4x18 – Stur wie ein Esel

Ed's feelings are hurt after Gordon calls him a jackass.

4x19 – Die Wahrsagerin

Ed needs advice regarding his love life, so he visits a gypsy to have his hoof read.

4x20 – Armer Sam

Mister Ed talks Wilbur into taking in a broken down carnival horse.

4x21 – Ed trifft Mae West

Mae West hires Wilbur to redesign her horse stable.

4x22 – Ed am Steuer

Ed never knew he slept standing up, until Wilbur told him. Now that he knows, his feet hurt, and he wants Wilbur to buy him a car.

4x23 – Hier spielt die Musik

Mister Ed is suffering from nightmares, so Wilbur suggests he take up music to calm himself before sleep. Ed becomes a one-horse-band.

4x24 – Fast so gut wie Sherlock Holmes

The Kirkwoods twice fall victim to a home burglar. Wilbur is sure he can crack the case.

4x25 – Vom Teufel geritten

Carol wants a new gown to wear to the Architect's Ball, and Ed wants a new saddle. Wilbur doesn't want to buy either.

4x26 – Besuch vom Mars

A mischievous Martian visits the neighborhood. He has the power to change an individual's personality.

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