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4qsndntpgo6yvjocfaoae2irrqf 1x1 – Tutanchamuns Schätze

Archaeologists unlock the mysteries of Tutankhamun, unearthing a long-lost box of treasures from inside his tomb, and revealing why his resting place remained hidden for thousands of years.

Wsxlmxtkxu6ujbh0bde4sdyemo0 1x2 – Suche nach der verschollenen Grabkammer

A team unearths a long-lost tomb in the shadow of the pyramids; archaeologists hunt for remains and explore hidden tombs in the Valley of the Kings.

K3izkusq4eu1qvr2qld29g250g9 1x3 – Kleopatras mysteriöses Grab

Archaeologists hunt for the lost tomb of Cleopatra. One team dives the sunken city of Alexandria and an explorer unearths a secret underground tunnel.

Eagrqaq9jboggwaa5o0pw4a9bpa 1x4 – Grabräuber

A dramatic discovery in the Valley of the Kings lifts the lid on a state-sanctioned looting scandal. Meanwhile, archaeologists unearth a 3000-year-old mummified heart.

Lauffo3eo6tm1wsjgemcgo55fje 1x5 – Kriegerkönigin

Egyptologists reveal the mysteries of great female pharaoh Hatshepsut, and a rare discovery of a sphinx inside one of her ancient quarries leads them to the magnificent temple of Karnak.

Mkgb5bibzsqflxq0wxovkbsiemx 1x6 – Der Fluch des Nachlebens

Archaeologists find extraordinary new evidence about how ancient Egyptians prepared for the afterlife. One team discover a sealed tomb that has lain untouched for 4000 years.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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