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2x1 – Zoopity Zoo/The Neighborhood Park

Zoopity Zoo: When Little Bill can't find his Captain Brainstorm doll before he's supposed to go to Andrew's house to play, Alice the Great suggests he clean the room up; Little Bill is reluctant to clean because he claims it isn't fun, so Alice the Great makes up a rhyming game using the phrase "1, 2, Zoopity Zoo" to make the job seem like playtime. Soon, Little Bill's bedroom is organized, and he even helps Andrew clean up his messy room when he goes over to play. The Neighborhood Park: As Big Bill and Little Bill are walking to the park downtown to play ball, Little...

2x16 – The New Babysitter

Little Bill is left home alone with a new baby-sitter and is not very happy about it. Alice the Great's knee is acting up again and she can't walk Little Bill home from school.

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