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3x1 – It Happened One Night

After Amanda's abduction in "I've Had the Time of My Life", Kyle plots to rescue her from Latnok's clutches with the help of Jessi.

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3x2 – Psychic Friend

Kyle fears for Amanda's life after some psychic gives him a strong warning.

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3x3 – Electric Kiss

Nicole decides to take homeless Jessi in, like Kyle once. But on top of normal learning about family life, she's exactly his opposite, less delicate then a stampede, wrecking all kids' privacy and actively ratting. Amanda is having trouble rehearsing her vital college scholarship recital, and blames that on Jessi being constantly around Kyle. He works out Latnock left a novel memory-blocking device in her brain. The only way to get it out us by electrocution while a kiss distracts her. Only eager Jessi can stand the physically dangerous practice, but Amanda walks in ...

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3x4 – In the Company of Men

Kyle, Josh and Declan hit the bar now Kyle needs to drown his sorrows after breaking up with Amanda.

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3x5 – Life Support

Nicole experiences carcrash. Kyle and Josh also help a woman named Gretchen give birth.

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3x6 – Welcome to Latnok

Nicole is home and Cassidy admits Kyle has paid his debt after he visits Latnock's college campus facility, meets its generously provided for assorted 'regular' geniuses but declines to join. After the kids discover the Tragers can't pay the huge hospital bill, desperate plans are made to raise the fortune themselves. Josh thinks of renting out Jessi's flat as love nest. Kyle feels guilty for the accident and decides to win enough by entering a Latnock inventors competition, a floating board, but jealous regular Nate Harrison meanly sabotages his project. So Kyle ...

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3x7 – Chemistry 101

Kyle accepts to return to Michael Cassidy's college selection, even brings Jessi, so they can check out Latnock's plans with them. He accepts to organize a party, choosing chemistry as a theme. Nate Harrison not only keeps opposing Kyle, he even becomes his rival for Amanda. Now Andy is to follow her lesbian 'parents' to Cleveland, she arranges for him to date 'perfect substitute' Katie, which proves an emotional roller-coaster for all three. Declan finds a new girlfriend. After courting coaching from Lori, Jessi realizes she'll never win Kyle from Amanda.

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3x8 – The Tell-Tale Heart

Josh first begs dad to let Andi stay with the Tragers, then proposes wedding to her, but neither agrees to more then consolation. Kyle cleverly helps Jessi to sneak into Cassidy's office, searching for clues what happened to Sarah, actually noticed only by Nate, who has a Latnock tattoo. Jessi catches a mystery bug, but braves it to stand a mind trip so Kyle can trigger subconscious clues, indicating blood on Cassidy's hands. Declan forces Lori and Hillary to face their rivalry over him, only to find they focus together on his new flame Jackie, with a surprising ...

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3x9 – Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

For once encouraged by dad, Josh organizes a great evening for Andy, centered around her favorite Star Trek theme, still unsuspecting it's already their last together, which gets an intimate home finish. To gain Cassidy's confidence, Kyle helps Nate with a tricky challenge, brilliantly. Invited to Nate's room, Amanda discovers he has a confidential file on Sara. The Tragers find Jessi is obsessed with Sara's disappearance and the theory that Cassidy murdered her. Jessi promised to stay away but manages to intrude with excessive rudeness. Afterward, he's tricked to a ...

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3x10 – Bringing Down the House

Josh is furious to find Andi sneaked out at night without a proper goodbye. Seeing his tough act can't cover up how miserable that makes him, Declan finds a way to fix that. Now Jessi is playing dead, even help from Amanda, who found out about Nate helping Cassidy spying on Kyle, is needed. But Cassidy sees trough the ploy and shows Kyle new pods to repeat Adam's experiment under Latnok instructions, and adds his ma is a co-founder, and more. Kyle is offered 'his freedom' but decides to try at all cost to sabotage the project, especially when it turns out even crueler...

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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