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Xnt9buupjbcr2inulxsyp4e8xrh 3x1 – Die Geisterparty

Jessie and the kids are excluded from the building Halloween party. They throw their own party, which is interrupted when Emma and Luke become possessed by evil spirits.

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77z4ycf7bxzcnysaeue3dc10kxm 3x2 – Das Handmodel

Jessie's new agent gets her a job as a hand model.

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Cqtiobbpcd2dusvkqh8pkf1slye 3x3 – Zweitbesetzung

Jessie gets an opportunity to be the understudy in an off-Broadway play. Unbeknownst to her, Luke plots to sabotage the star so Jessie gets to be on stage. Meanwhile, Emma and Zuri help Bertram make a web show in which he is the star.

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F95q4nj7j9tv50bdqirarwpeycx 3x4 – Das Blind Date

To prove to Zuri that she's over Tony, Jessie decides that she and Tony will set each other up. Meanwhile, Ravi gets an internship at an animal shelter, and tries to prove worthy of the owner's trust whenever left in charge.

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Yqmjfccq4fhvspiwwxftho6entv 3x5 – Echsen und Wrestler

Luke becomes curious about the identities of his biological parents, and starts to investigate with Emma's help after Jessie refuses. However, things don't turn out the way he expected. Meanwhile, Ravi runs for reptile club president.

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Hc3wgnlkmachrki2ihrkozqwybi 3x6 – Die Reality-Show

Jessie is excited when she and the Ross kids are invited to participate in a reality show.

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9qjvj5x424lhug7d4smrgnlicov 3x7 – Unerwarteter Weihnachtsbesuch

After Teddy and PJ run into Jessie in New York, they encounter complete chaos at the Ross house.

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Lstwuh4vi8qnkwlna7i1t2te7i2 3x8 – Tanzstunden und Missverständnisse

Jessie enrolls Luke in a dance class, and to Jessie's dismay, he decides to replace doing homework with dance practice. Meanwhile, Emma and Ravi thinks Zuri have a crush on Tony, and don't know what to do about it.

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Amxwhilljcailghuojanllzsmat 3x9 – Der Band-Wettbewerb

When a new girl moves into the building, Jessie asks Emma to invite her to her party as a welcoming gesture.

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Qeb4spcafpmwwjdalwzvba9fqwe 3x10 – Ravis Rohkoststand

Jessie hooks Zuri up with a new girl named Wendy McMillan after seeing a director to get her acting career started. With Jessie she's an angel, but while Bertram is in charge, she tears up the place and wrecks everything. Bertram tries to take care of it, but Wendy hooks Bertram up too. Zuri tells Jessie she's a monster and wants to stop playing with her. Meanwhile, Emma goes over her limit on her cell phone bill, so Jessie forces her to get a job so she can pay the bill herself.

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Tzgjh8uu1wdl2my21cymwyfybyh 3x11 – Grusel-Connie: Der totale Horror

Connie returns, this time with her boarding school roommate Mackenzie, who appears even crazier than her. When she obsesses over Luke, Connie surprisingly defends him. But things may not be as they seem. Meanwhile, Emma gets fired from her job.

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Gmd3tdxzsivteky0umwnh94ev37 3x12 – Freundschaft, Feindschaft

Jessie makes a friend in acting class only to find out her new pal Abbey is not all that she seems.

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Zip5xxdiz84vlmjwc1u4b5ihtxy 3x13 – Vom Weißen Haus in unser Haus

Jessie and Zuri set out to host a birthday party for Taylor, a new friend with a deployed member of the military. When Taylor decides she'd rather not celebrate anything without her mother, Zuri enlists the help of Mrs. Obama.

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Gsvarra2uz1picnsqn42qebrif5 3x14 – Hilfe unerwünscht

Jessie is in need of some extra money to buy a special gift for her dad's birthday. She accepts a job at Empire Skate Building only to find out that Emma is her boss. Luke, Ravi and Zuri do babysitting behind Jessie's back to earn money.

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Frohlldl8bduy0iyu8swjuatylh 3x15 – Wo ist Zuri?

Jessie and Zuri discover Stuart has a new laid-back "manny" named Hudson. Having grown to like Stuart, Zuri resents being told not to see him, and they run off together. Emma, Luke and Bertram try to help Ravi prepare for a talent show.

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Fn3pbw765s9fjzdncm1rqj7eqig 3x16 – Hektik am Morgen

A real-time countdown begins as Jessie races against the clock to insure the Ross kids get to school on time despite the countless obstacles that arise.

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Rfrnhgvuw4tisxaqlbrj2kuzcpw 3x17 – Und Cut!

Jessie becomes frustrated that she can't land any acting gigs, so she takes matters into her own hands by participating in a 24-hour film festival. She recruits the kids to help her direct, shoot and edit her film, but things get complicated when all the kids have their own ideas about what the film should be.

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Zqmigu0ovlmgzwk0vbkimd3htuo 3x18 – Verloren im Weltall

Ravi's birthday present from his parents is a trip to outer space with the rest of the Ross kids and Jessie. Their trip takes an unexpected turn when Ravi ends up not going.

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4rbewjlj3332dfnkh5nl7mgggam 3x19 – Lüge und Wahrheit

Jessie agrees to accompany Bertram to his high school reunion, so he can show his former classmates how successful he has become. Meanwhile, Ravi steals a violent video game to be considered cool, only for his actions to haunt him.

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Gfcqwlkqib86ctmkk1yv7zlxuqm 3x20 – Die Kaffee-Romanze

When Jessie lands two VIP wristbands to Emma and Zuri's dream concert, the girls compete to be her guest. Meanwhile, Bertram becomes infatuated with his new talking coffee maker.

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3x21 – Folge 21

Jessie hits it off with a new guy she meets in the park named Brooks, unaware that he is Ms. Chesterfield's son. Meanwhile, Ravi and Luke fight about who has the right to a baseball Ravi catches at a Yankees game.

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3x22 – Folge 22

Mrs. Chesterfield hires Bertram to dig up dirt on Jessie that would hopefully lead Brooks to break up with her.

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3x23 – Folge 23

As the Ross kids prepare for the Halloween Festival, the festivities take a scary turn when Brooks proposes to Jessie, and she learns that none of the kids like him.

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3x24 – Folge 24

When Brooks lands a job in Africa and has to be there in two days, he and Jessie are forced to move up their wedding.

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3x25 – Folge 25

Jessie is on a mission to get to an important audition; however, she and Ravi wind up on the "Rides to Riches" game show in which contestants can win prizes during their taxi ride. Emma and Luke follow Bertram to a renaissance faire.

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3x26 – Folge 26

Parker and Joey, Jessie and the Ross kids plan a tropical Christmas at the family's Hawaiian villa where Jessie reunites with old friend and superstar, Shayelee Michaels.

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  • S2mkkopwa4zwhscmx6ic0pxqrh2
  • O01o5wadqxjg7r6wgfo1j7513th
  • Quwbs8hz4uxe223muq7bjy4a4wi
  • Rxyzkten8rpbs8p6qybnbvhkbfe
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  • Fjsdxejb7qmt8nyzrcslgxcdza6
  • Jdevpkn1ry8u7km4kgc2iw6zcj1
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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