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3x1 – Episode 1

A newly released convict starts terrorizing the woman who witnessed against him. She goes to McCabe for help, who was prosecutor who put him in jail.

3x2 – Episode 2

When a friend of McCabe's who is an ex-cop who is now a P.I. is killed when it appeared he was driving while drunk. But McCabe notices some inconsistencies so he has Jake check it out. When Jake goes to his office to check it out he's roughed up a cop, who says he's investigating the man's death. When he tells McCabe about the cop he learns that he's the brother of the dead man's wife. They learn that McCabe's friend was investigating an old case--the murder of woman, whom the man may have been involved with.

3x3 – Episode 3

Jake and Stg. Danoho (a LAPD cop) are transporting a prisoner to Los Angeles, when the prisoner escapes and Danoho is killed. Danoho's partner, Sgt. Walker, goes to Hawaii to assist in the investigation and it turns out there's bad blood between her and Jake.

3x4 – Episode 4

A young lady is acquitted for killing her mother, and wants to hire Jake privately to find the killer. Jake turns it down because he's on his way to a vacation, but then McCabe refuses to let him take any days off. So Jake quits his job and takes the assignment.

3x5 – Episode 5

Jake works with a reformed cat burglar to clear his name and help reunite him with his son.

3x6 – Episode 6

Derek gets his first case - a drunk driver who assaulted a police officer. But the driver is a powerful man, and suddenly Derek's main witness lies and the judge dismisses the case.

3x7 – Episode 7

Jake and the FBI go after Victor Potemkin, a suspected drug smuggler. But when they raid his house they find no drugs, but Jake finds someone he knows - a woman who disappeared overnight just as he was about to propose to her.

3x8 – Episode 8

An unknown girl washes up on a beach murdered, and a friend of McCabe, the newspaper columnist Leilani Simmons, takes an unusual interest in the case.

3x9 – Episode 9

An old hero of Jake's claims that he witnessed a murder while flying his vintage plane.

3x10 – Episode 10

A Vietnam veteran is out for revenge. His target: the Judge who put him away for twenty years, an old friend of McCabe.

3x11 – Episode 11

Jake and company help a young pregnant girl at Christmas time who is being hunted by the Chicago Mob.

3x12 – Episode 12

Derek gets Jake to look into things, when the sister of a good friend is arrested for possession of drugs. She says they were planted by her mother-in-law, who is angry with her son for trying to take control of the family company, and at her for marrying him.

3x13 – Episode 13

McCabe and Jake are unaware that one of the office's prosecutors is in bed, figuratively and literally with a criminal they're trying to get. And she later goes to Jake whom she rebuffed earlier and learns about one of his informants who has info on the criminal. She then tells the criminal about the informant who takes the guy out. Jake wonders how the criminal found out about the guy. And he suspects the prosecutor.

3x14 – Episode 14

Derek is involved in a hit and run accident and Jake has to prove it wasn't an accident.

3x15 – Episode 15

While Jake is away McCabe is abducted by the brother of a cop killer, he convicted on the mainland, who's about to be executed. He demands that his brother's sentence be commuted. A cop from the mainland whose partner is the one the brother was convicted of killing, arrives and tries to help find McCabe. It's while McCabe is with the man that he admits the truth about what happened when the cop was killed.

3x16 – Episode 16

When Jake goes to attend his sister's wedding, he discovers her fiancé is in some kind of trouble. He tries to help him but a cop tells him to back off.

3x17 – Episode 17

Jake finds himself trying to help a little girl who picked his pocket. The problem is, he can't figure out who she is and she's not talking. Meanwhile McCabe is after a gang of counterfeiters.

3x18 – Episode 18

Max's trainer whom McCabe has feelings for is assaulted by a serial rapist. McCabe tries to find him while trying to convince her to testify which she is uncertain if she wants to.

3x19 – Episode 19

Jake and an old friend from L.A. investigate the New Life clinic over some mysterious deaths that have occurred there recently, culminating in the disappearance of a young woman who's mother was one of those who had died.

3x20 – Put Your Dreams Away

Jake is undercover on a plane transporting drugs, when his real identity is discovered. The pilot wounds him during a struggle then Jake kicks the pilot out of the plane. From the control tower McCabe tries to keep Jake conscious by talking about their previous adventures while the plane flies toward the airport.

3x21 – If I Didn`t Care

To avenge the death of his son, a godfather sends an old high school friend of Jake's to Hawaii to kill Jake.

3x22 – You`re Driving Me Crazy

After brutally stabbing his wife, a husband pleads temporary insanity, but McCabe and Jake set out to prove there was method to his madness.

3x23 – You Took Advantage of Me

The case against a man accused of murdering his wife falls apart as his mistress testifies, at the last second, that they were together. Jake is sent in to poke around undercover.

3x24 – My Heart Belongs to Daddy

Jake is working to gain the help of a witness in a smuggling operation when his contact to that witness is attacked and killed. Meanwhile, a daughter McCabe never knew he had shows up at his office out of the blue.

3x25 – Danny Boy

McCabe's son, Dan who is in prison is beaten. When McCabe goes to see him, he is belligerent so McCabe leaves. Later when some convicts escape Dan goes with them. Upon learning of this McCabe orders that his son be found.

3x26 – Chinatown, My Chinatown

An old friend of McCabe's, a newly minted Police Lieutenant, is stationed to Chinatown, but when a reporter is killed while working on a story, he joins Jake in hunting the killer.

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