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1x1 – Zeitreise

Die Zwillinge Sam und Ben Hazelton aus Sydney, Australien, sind geschockt, als ihnen ihre Eltern eröffnen, dass sie alle für vier Monate nach Europa auswandern werden: die Eltern in die Schweiz, wo der Vater einen Forschungsauftrag erhalten hat, und die beiden Geschwister sollen bei entfernten adligen Verwandten auf einem Schloss in Deutschland unterkommen. Sam, der der Abschied von ihren besten Freunden Jack und Lucy schwer fällt, ist gespannt auf das Leben in Deutschland - Ben nimmt es scheinbar gelassener. Dass das Ganze ein großes Abenteuer wird, zeigt sich schon bald: Lili, die Tochter von Baron Philipp von Hasenburg, will einen Kostümfilm drehen, mit dessen Erlös sie den Familienbesitz vor dem finanziellen Ruin retten will – und Sam soll die Hauptrolle übernehmen. Bei den turbulenten Dreharbeiten kommt es allerdings bei einer Stuntszene zu einer folgenschweren Verwechslung.

1x2 – Haltet den Dieb

It's quickly apparent to Sam and Ben that although their hosts are aristocrats living in a magnificent castle, money is always in short supply.

1x3 – Sams großer Auftritt

Jack and Lucy are supposed to play their music to the public for a school project. But how is this going to be without Sam, the singer in the trio?

1x4 – Das Spukschloss

Lili thinks quite pragmatically: for her, spirits of the ancestors belong to this castle. And why shouldn't they make money of ghosts? Only Sam, the enlightened Australian, is sceptical. Until she suddenly hears eerie voices..

1x5 – Immer Ärger mit der Verwandtschaft

Rival family members threaten to take over the castle.

1x6 – Ungeschickt lässt grüßen

Sophie inspires Ben to look at history through new eyes.

1x7 – Bandsalat

Sam is suddenly an internet singing sensation but Jack and Lucy aren't impressed.

1x8 – Spott & Show

Ben discovers that small towns can harbor big family feuds.

1x9 – Irrwege

Sophie puts her trust in Ben's outdoor skills - and soon wishes she hadn't.

1x10 – Adel auf dem Radel

Lili's plans to impress a group of young aristocrats are thrown into turmoil by the arrival of the sheriff.

1x11 – Tage wie dieser

Marcus is confused about his feelings for Sam while Sam is just plain confused. When Lili comes around with just another movie idea, things get truly awkward.

1x12 – Typisch Ben

Ben confronts some unique aspects of German culture and Sophie confronts some unique aspects of Ben.

1x13 – Eine chinesische Hochzeit

Making a simple song video turns into an extremely complicated Chinese puzzle.

1x14 – Krimi-Dinner

Philipp's grand idea of hosting a Murder Mystery Night becomes a lot more than he bargained for.

1x15 – Intrigen

A government order to restore an old tower gives Hermann the excuse he needs to take over the castle.

1x16 – Nasenburg

Sam's band gets a new name and Philipp and Lili get an unwanted surprise.

1x17 – Lili zwischen den Stühlen

Lili has to make an impossible choice while Ben experiences the weekend from hell.

1x18 – Sing den Satz des Pythagoras

Ben has a dog day afternoon and Jack's math results threaten to derail his music career. Markus tries to help but Jack is not an easy learner.

1x19 – Der Wolpertinger

A trip to a dance party in the city sees Ben's world come crashing down around him.

1x20 – Von Rockstars und Rechnungen

All the castle's problems seem to be solved when rock star Johnny Brave walks through the gates.

1x21 – Solo wider Willen

Sam gets an offer she can't refuse but does, while Ben gets an offer he wants to refuse but can't.

1x22 – VerKRAMPFt

Ben discovers that even in a castle with hundreds of rooms, it's not easy to hide two Swedish backpackers.

1x23 – Vermisst

Lili goes missing, Jack and Lucy get stranded and Sam loses her marbles.

1x24 – Verliebter Jack

Jack is in love with his classmate Courtney. But she disapproves of the friendship of Jack and Lucy and even believes that Lucy has a crush on Jack.

1x25 – Der Stammbaum

Ben and Sam uncover some family secrets that will change their lives forever.

1x26 – Wer sagt's denn?

Ben's caught in a trap but when Marcus shows him a way out, he's not sure if he can take it.

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