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2x1 – Folge 1

On Take Your Child To Work Day, Ned follows his boring Dad to the office and discovers he's a top-secret government spy! (Or is he?);When Ned complains about the tedious summer ahead of him, Newton helpfully signs him up for the Army.

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2x2 – Folge 2

When Ned decides to climb a local hill to raise money for charity, Newton relocates him to Mount Everest to make some real money.;Newton learns what fate befalls newts in the Winter time and, rather than hibernate in the mud, decides to fly South.

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2x3 – Folge 3

Ned has to spend the weekend at his puritanical Uncle & Aunt's house while his parents attend a convention in exciting Gamble City. That is, until Newton gets bored too and decides to relocate to where the fun is.;Ned has the humiliating duty of playing the New Years Baby at the annual town pageant until a child is born in Friendly Falls closer to January 1st. Newton promises to arrange it.

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2x4 – Folge 4

Ned lands a small role in a horror film sequel that's shooting in Friendly Falls, only to find out that the horror is all too real.;Newton is enjoying a summer heat wave... until he realizes it's drying out all the ponds and puddles that his newt relatives need to survive. He decides to make it rain.

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2x5 – Folge 5

Ned goes into hospital for observation after a mild concussion. Well, it's mild until Newton shows up to nurse him back to health...;Ned and his friends collect 10,000 bags of pet hair for charity, while Renfrew plots their downfall.

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2x6 – Folge 6

Friendly Falls re-opens the Future World Fair, which was barely futuristic in 1964 when it was built. But what's tedious and stupid to Ned is a world of technological discovery for Newton.;Ned goes on his parents' Anniversary cruise - but, thanks to Newton, on the wrong boat.

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2x7 – Folge 7

At the Flemkin family picnic, Newton gets amnesia and thinks he is everyone's least favourite Uncle.;When the Flemkins visit Ned's grandparents on their farm, Newton, unfamiliar with the concept of retirement, decides to whip the animals and crops into shape.

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2x8 – Folge 8

Newton believes the Flemkins are going to move, and goes about persuading them their new home town is awful.;Ned tries to eliminate all the classmates sitting alphabetically between him and his beloved Linda Bliss.

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2x9 – Folge 9

Zippo falls into the hands of the wrong newt.;When Ned gets a job sweeping up at the local TV studio, Newton accidentally erases the weekend's pre-recorded tapes, and the duo have to perform all the shows themselves.

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2x10 – Folge 10

Convinced that Ned's invisible childhood friend is back, the Flemkins send their son to a child psychiatrist - then they see Newton themselves and take his place on the couch.;All the Ns, Es and Ds are missing from Ned's alphabet soup and he goes to the factory to find out why.

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2x11 – Folge 11

When Ned gets a cold, Newton shrinks and goes inside his body to cure him.;Newton misunderstands the meaning of Mother's Day, and presents his mother to Ned.

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2x12 – Folge 12

When Ned's parents cancel an exciting trip to the Big Apple because of a silly rumour about alligators in the sewers, Newton takes Ned on a quick trip to prove there is no such thing. Except, there is.;When Doogle's dumb dog Lummox goes missing, Ned and Newton become detectives to find him. But Lummox isn't at the Pound, he's become a professional baseball player.

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2x13 – Folge 13

Ned rescues an endangered plant for his science fair. But he rescues it too well, and it soon threatens to take over the world.;Newton helps Ned and Linda win tickets to a floating rock concert. But the ideal date is derailed by trolls from the center of the Earth intent on world domination.

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