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Mpdfr0wtq91u9ytj5fgaz55udyu 1x1 – Episode 1

An orphaned man known as Dog-Bird gets more than he bargained for when he illegally sneaks into the capital city of the Silla kingdom to help a friend.

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Nyspmkll7v91jc4zcjwwdtyle2a 1x2 – Episode 2

Dog-Bird finds Mak Moon's father, but not in the circumstances he was expecting. Queen Jiso's announcement about the start of her group does not meet with approval.

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E7mdwqept9ukbv7o1g7iurlnaf 1x3 – Episode 3

Master Ahnji offers to let Dog-Bird stay at his house. A birthday parade without a king does not inspire confidence in the royal family.

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Jt43h3ginybazjjwi8zgcroi9hm 1x4 – Episode 4

Queen Jiso succeeds in gaining Hwarang members, however reluctantly. Aro attempts to teach Dog-Bird what he will need to know among nobility.

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526u34svy2wnre5ss9wzbogheur 1x5 – Episode 5

Dog-Bird and Jinheung work together to escape their kidnappers. All the Hwarang members are officially sworn in and given their first assignment.

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9htuikj3v52qngqnubsdxiwmmac 1x6 – Episode 6

Hwarang's beginning quickly turns violent, causing Aro to be called in as a doctor. Queen Jiso is displeased that the group seems to be falling apart so quickly.

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6t6ixh2rejlq2gkzvehinmrhwjj 1x7 – Episode 7

The Hwarang members face their first written exam. Anxious to avoid Jinheung, Aro borrows money to repay her debt.

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T7jdcm4dklllanupvkp1u81ctu3 1x8 – Episode 8

Master Ahnji discovers that Queen Jiso is being poisoned. Hwarang's second assignment is a festival performance for the people of Silla.

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Rxfhqfc3slwgymnu2qnctxzfrjf 1x9 – Episode 9

Are struggles with the discovery that Dog-Bird is not her brother. Princess Sookmyung arrives at Hwarang House to help for the festival.

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Jrsgcjt4xfzyddri4xrxfd8yegs 1x10 – Episode 10

Jinheung becomes determined to protect Aro when her eavesdropping leads to dangerous consequences. Suho finally remembers what happened to Sooyun and goes after Banryu.

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G3e0fj5qpc2ga43s1ckm98nxho2 1x11 – Episode 11

Princess Sookmyung proposes fatal training for the Hwarang. Master Youngshil finds proof that the king is a Hwarang member.

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1nqepkaq118o9k5o5pebimamfhz 1x12 – Episode 12

Rumors fly as everyone tries to figure out who the king is. Hanseong and Dansae clash over their statuses.

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Wrvv6xl8yywrpod0cg8hhz9ephw 1x13 – Episode 13

When Silla's alliance with Baekje is threatened, Princess Sookmyung is sent to negotiate for peace escorted by Hwarang.

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Mdtxo7up6npv0vkcqdoh2a1rq5s 1x14 – Episode 14

While the delegates face diplomatic challenges, tensions run high back at Hwarang House.

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Buoeib2ixiuraupzuyfscmvhkbq 1x15 – Episode 15

Dog-Bird is forced to fight Baekje's crown prince, who has more than one plan to conquer Silla.

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Epfhonb7p1s2ufsd97svqmot5eh 1x16 – Episode 16

Jinheung and Dog-Bird struggle with the lie that Queen Jiso has decided to use to her advantage. Master Ahnji tries to find medicine to help stem the epidemic.

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Ppzcm0lhwzuedvesdc87o3gsk 1x17 – Episode 17

Aro discovers Master Youngshil's plan to profit off of the epidemic. Master Wehwa asks Dog-Bird and Jinheung to work together to find a solution.

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7egv4c1zveji6fw2tcaba2isd3d 1x18 – Episode 18

Queen Jiso starts preparations for reinstating the Wonhwa system. An order from Dansae's grandfather has fatal results.

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Q1ry7j35kqrabumxmhplaupijg2 1x19 – Episode 19

Jinheung declares himself the real king only to be challenged by Master Youngshil. Dog-Bird considers what he has learned about himself and what he will become.

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5jzrer9hie9kr0eokcityfcsfpi 1x20 – Episode 20

Jinheung's appeal to Hwarang for support before his coronation does not go the way he planned. Dog-Bird asks Master Wehwa for help.

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  • Acn6avncrrkrf6xlxaadcvws6tx
  • Wwjiex2n8wenbvegpspnsrwoxco
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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