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1x1 – Concierto para mano izquierda

A rich landowner is haunted by the cursed severed hand of an employee he sent to amputate years earlier.

1x2 – El hombre de negro

1x3 – El juramento

Sick of each other, a married couple begins planning to kill each other. Neither of them imagines that they both share the same desire, or that their plan to kill each other is scheduled for the same night.

1x4 – Un viaje de buena voluntad

1x5 – La visita

History that narrates the subsequent events to a murder committed inside a convent of nuns. The mother superior seeks to find the person responsible for the heinous act.

1x7 – El motel

After their car breaks down, Lisa and her husband stay at a motel on the way. They are just going to sleep when she feels someone harassing them, someone who starts making phone calls to worry them.

1x9 – Con todo para llevar

A young man who enjoys eating at the popular hamburger restaurant suddenly becomes intrigued by the behavior of the employees. He will soon discover that the meat he has eaten might not be animal.

1x10 – Hasta que la muerte nos separe

It tells the story of a man who, after his wife's wake, decides to dig her up and take her home. He imagines that she is still his beautiful companion, ignoring that now what is accompanying him is a corpse.

1x11 – El último metro

An older woman is kidnapped by two men who drag her down a government building, revealing that the place is used by an organ trafficking organization. Her family waits for her without knowing that she will not return.

1x12 – Ángel Pérez

A depressed and lonely man decides that the best option is to take his own life. But before doing so, he comes face to face with the spirit of his brother who died years ago, who tells him that the life of an angel is just as boring.

1x13 – Regalo de navidad

Annoyed by his family conflicts, Robertito asks death to grant him a merry Christmas. However, the only way this is possible is for everyone to destroy each other and end up dead.

1x14 – Mundos interiores

Two parents and their young daughter are having a quiet dinner when a series of supernatural manifestations begins to invade them. The worst comes when they discover that their alter ego may be their true enemies.

1x15 – Acabalos Johnny

After committing an assault, Humberto and his gang are worried about being discovered by the police. The situation worsens when Humberto must pay off his debts with the spirit of a gangster.

1x16 – Dulce Sandra

Tired of the mistreatment and abuse by her class teacher, a girl decides to make her witchcraft and through a voodoo doll get what she has always wanted: melt her teacher.

1x17 – El café del fin del mundo

Alejandro is run over. Getting up, confused by the blow, he decides to go into the coffee shop on the corner. His surprise is to find Cecilia there, a girlfriend from his youth who had supposedly died years ago.

1x18 – Juegos de video

A young man gets locked into his favorite arcade video game. What he doesn't know is that on the other side of the controller is his brother who will try to complete the video game with a single goal: to kill him in three attempts.

1x19 – Mi pastel de XV años

It tells the story of a family affected by supernatural events which is difficult for them to combat due to the secrets it contains, such as incest.

1x20 – No retornable

After a pact, a serial killer switches bodies with him from a man of apparent everyday life. Both stories are going to mix until he loses his sanity.

1x21 – Doblemente yo

Gustavo has idealized Maestro Mariano as his idol, so he begins to fantasize about his life as if it were his. But the power of the hallucination will unleash a tragic end that no one can understand.

1x22 – Fotocelo

A woman asks her boyfriend to separate for a week so they can both regain trust. Days later, she shows her boyfriend pictures of her wife cheating on him, prompting him to take revenge on her.

1x23 – El dinosaurio

Desperate for the physical abuse of his brother, Juan asks as a wish that a creature would get rid of him. Since Juan is a fan of dinosaurs, his idea is that a prehistoric monster comes back to life to wait for his brother.

1x24 – El taxi

Ricardo, a taxi driver, picks up a passenger who introduces herself as Lucía. Along the way, the two establish a chat. However, Ricardo begins to feel uneasy when the woman's life coincides in many aspects with his.

1x25 – David

Little Cristina likes to go out in the garden with "David", a boy that only she can see. At first, her mother believes that he is an imaginary friend, until she soon deduces that he can be much more than that.

1x26 – Fantasma en condominio

A real estate agent accepts the challenge of selling the apartments that for some reason no one had wanted to buy. The previous agents had resigned and the energy in the place is from the beginning bleak.

1x27 – Un guiño de ojo

After a corneal transplant, a young man begins to have visions of the person whose body previously had the eyes he now has. That person was a millionaire who was murdered by his own wife.

1x28 – Reflejos fugaces

After his parents die, Heberto goes to live with his aunt Hortensia, the only relative he has. Soon, Heberto realizes that the woman is behaving strangely and that she, even she, may be a faithful devotee of Satanism.

1x29 – Pin pon papas

Three children get lost in a forest to camp. They ask for help in a house. The woman inside will explain to them that they have fallen into a trap and one of them is going to die. Among the three they must choose who it will be.

1x30 – El anillo

Blinded by ambition, Mayra brings home a ring that doesn't belong to her. Soon the object will trigger a curse on her and those close to her.

1x31 – El Dr. Elías y la muerte

In an attempt to control humans, Dr. Elías captures death. She warns him that if he doesn't free her she will condemn humanity to immortality until the world disappears for the consequences of that.

1x32 – De ángeles y demonios

Tomás has acted unscrupulously and maliciously all his life. His opportunity for redemption comes when The Woman in White appears, who introduces herself as an angel who is interested in saving her soul.

1x33 – Asilo para jovenes

It tells the story of a gypsy woman who pretends to help troubled women when in reality all she wants is to absorb her youth. The next perfect victim of hers seems to be close to her.

1x34 – La pluma sabia

Fermín, a man in debt and annoyed with life, confesses his death wishes to his wife through the pen of a seer.

1x35 – El cultivo

When the population begins to suffer from a strange and progressive disease, Gilma will search for a way to find a cure. Not even doctors have been able to determine how to eradicate this evil.

1x36 – La bruja tuvo la culpa

Salvador is in love with Lucrecia, his neighbor, but he doesn't dare to tell her because of his shyness problem. Tired, he decides to go to a witch so she can recommend the perfect ritual to solve his problem.

1x37 – Vampiros en video

Story of a vampire who is broken into when several tenants come to his own house to want to film a movie.

1x38 – Natiely

Story of a woman who murders a young woman and her son at the same time through a curse.

1x39 – Smog

In a death Earth due to pollution and the loss of the ozone layer. A single man survives in a shelter, were he lives in a fantasy world created by a computer. When conditions outside appear to change, he must face the choice to stay or return to the surface.

1x40 – Por tu bien

A nurse has been enduring hell for years. Her cause, her own mother, who takes advantage of every opportunity she has to humiliate her and put her down at her whim.

1x41 – Una cuestión de honor

A woman who's being haunted by a tarantula!

1x42 – Yo quiero a mi mamá

Confused by the paranormal events that occur in her house, a mother senses that her children could be in danger. Unfortunately her sanity and her stamina seem to hang in the balance.

1x43 – El revólver

Billy, a young man with a quiet life, discovers that he has many similar traits with a criminal from the old west.

1x44 – Invasión

The population of Earth goes into total panic when an alien invasion occurs. Humans seek to destroy them, ignoring that beings from another planet were "peaceful" seeking to communicate.

1x45 – Carta urgente

Gonzalo begins to experience a desperate paranoia when he receives a letter in which he is threatened with death.

1x46 – Caminos de Ayer

A man seeks to go back in time through a machine. He finally manages to make contact with beings from the colonial era.

1x47 – En espera de la noche

While their parents are on vacation two young boys witness the arrival next door of a mysterious old woman and a young woman who only appears at night.

1x48 – La sombra

Ayas is a bitter man who has lost meaning in life. His perspective begins to change when an entity that manifests as a shadow invites him to reflect on himself.

1x49 – Terror en tiempos de crisis

After a homicide has occurred, a woman seeks help from a fortune teller in order to find the real murderer who committed the crime.

1x50 – Morir en tus brazos

Story of a married couple that, despite having certain difficulties, must stay together to face the paranormal events that afflict both of them.

1x51 – La Secta

A man goes to a house to rescue his friend from a sect that feeds on human flesh, without imagining the fate that awaits him.

1x79 – Un signo de inteligencia

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