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Jinikerzxb5mk0uv1y1ppcbfw8y 4x1 – Episode 1

Archaeologist Arthur Hartley is accused of stealing expensive artifacts from a museum, is warned of a curse that befalls those who touch the artifacts, but won't be stopped in his quest for wealth.

Gajcxcnpotfqr3ld45vdbmndrsw 4x2 – Episode 2

A lonely single woman hides behind a mannequin.

J5sneebz30eil28iuivet63iqg9 4x3 – Episode 3

A man invents a camera which can make ghosts disappear and use it in a room haunted by a violent spirit.

Svuwwqdtfhfewstol5nqalxyfwd 4x4 – Episode 4

Dying Sybil uses her last hours on Earth to curse her enemies and plan for the afterlife, much to the chagrin of her mother.

Udqmj1bkguhslf4gctmyg9hvnrb 4x5 – Episode 5

Mobster Eddie Minelli plans a private performance by a famous puppeteer, but with a ghoulish new puppet: the bloody remains of Don Paulie, the man Eddie has just murdered.

K6kyffwjcdepxxsfhqbtbgo9z9v 4x6 – Episode 6

Two archaeologists turned grave robbers are forced to play strip poker with an angry mummy that protects the tomb they broke into.

4iyaenznlhi4frtan6nkhecoaj4 4x7 – Episode 7

Happy-go-lucky salesman Jack Polo receives a yuletide visit from the 3.5-foot-tall Yattering, a snarling horned demon that wants to claim Jack's soul.

Dxlng7zijooq1qp7hmcwqyip2jl 4x8 – Episode 8

On a bitter cold night, Henry and Ellen Strand's home is visited by exotic Himalayan strangers who claim that son Seymour Strand has been chosen to replace the recently deceased Lama of their faraway country Lo Pu.

C7bnpd8kn4az3ensppizxkzm77x 4x9 – Episode 9

A woman is troubled by a mysterious phone call and tries desperately to help the person on the other end of the line.

Rnqctnffwbitadwnjswucv10rge 4x10 – Episode 10

A callous collection agent discovers that she herself has an overdue payment involving Rita Valdez, a client who took drastic steps to end her financial woes.

Es8boyurchhfx8qeh2zjpyunn5z 4x11 – Episode 11

Desperate to lose weight in order to please an old boyfriend from high school, compulsive eater Betsy Cowland uses mysterious, and possibly unsafe, products that she receives in the mail.

Amd3nxmsi1dzglmledamyb8kxab 4x12 – Episode 12

Starving screenwriter Tom Dash claims he would give anything to sell a script in Hollywood. His acquaintance Donald has the means to help him give anything.

Todzk5f9keocaybkn4qfrbuivqi 4x13 – Episode 13

College sophomore Sarah McBride accepts a job at Colonial Village, a tourist attraction that recreates Puritan life in 1692 Salem and allows nothing from the 20th century. But things aren't quite what they seem.

T5maq1a8q9eayefo8zedhddxjkk 4x14 – Episode 14

Young Jamie receives, and takes seriously, a deathbed warning from his great-grandmother to guard against the legendary Cutty Black Sow.

If3m6ywk9wu2cpnjxon79sm7gre 4x15 – Episode 15

Charles is a meek inventor living with his greedy nagging wife Rose. The mail brings them a misdirected box saying "Do Not Open This Box". Then the postman comes looking for it and says there will be Hell to pay if he doesn't get it back.

9oduw65kzhhgdec0jywcuwyafjc 4x16 – Episode 16

Janice Perry claims that her husband Robert has kidnapped their son Bobby, but Robert maintains that the boy needs to be cured of an illness. After all, Bobby hasn't been himself lately.

9xbbegoehepwcfhzstg8pketwui 4x17 – Episode 17

An alien on Earth who is studying humans in a therapy group envies them and wants to be one.

Oq4at4lahcxtmxldoyqvg0rh0vb 4x18 – Episode 18

On a seemingly "ordinary night", a teenage babysitter, and a young boy, are terrorized by the boy's latest invention, that's gone awry: a "noise eater", which -- in reality -- sucks the life out of its victims!

Lmm7xlclvagji0zxxridaaxfzjl 4x19 – Episode 19

Harried housewife Ruthie receives a visit from bizarre salesman Klaatzu, whose mechanical device may help her shut out the sound of her son Nicky's constant drum-playing... in a way that Ruthie never imagined.

Slcetw3v1ssverhtzormorlcamt 4x20 – Episode 20

Professional wrestler Basher Malone fights Trog, a demon wrestler summoned by unscrupulous promoter Tippy Ryan for a private match in Tippy's gym.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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