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2x1 – Folge 1

Visiting West Manjipoor, a dead-poor outskirt of the magical kingdom, the princess and Kuru bump into his old friend Caleb, a mildly rogue adventurer who scams her into paying a gold coin for safe passage facing Senq's real robber gang. Caleb's girl Zamira abuses his trust and the coin to set a real trap for Kuru, who while running stumbles on a mysterious ruin, where he nearly gets swallowed up by a fiery column. In the process of saving him, Alex unwittingly sets free the evil sorceress Diva. Back in Australia, Alex and Amanda find a place to stay as students out of...

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2x2 – Folge 2

Caleb is highly suspicious about Diva's magical apparition, but his sister Zamira explains their late mother was a black witch and eagerly seeks to negotiate a pact for revenge on the palace for banishing them. In Australia, Taylor's girlfriend Veronica counts on his 'loyalty' to steal the gig Alex's band auditions for at Tony's club, but when Amanda's proposal to hold a contest is accepted, Taylor rather breaks up then then break his promise.

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2x3 – Folge 3

Kuru tries as royal adviser to shield the princess, but too lazy for paperwork, she insists to receive Caleb. He asks for a job, so Kuru gives him his old one, as elephant minder. Alex however enjoys the cocky, handsome knave's sass, enough to engage in a water-fight. Kuru finds and stops Caleb lurking in the palace, but doesn't discover his mission is to search the lost magic book in the library. Later, Diva comes herself, so Kuru and the princess see she's alive and kicking, even uses some aggressive magic.

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2x4 – Folge 4

Caleb was wounded while shielding Alex from Diva's magical bolt, yet Kuru remains suspicious. Random magic finds the hiding place of the book which contains the key to black magic. Alex decides to take Caleb to 'safe' Australia, to heal him out of Diva's reach. Taylor accepts to put them up. Veronica assumed he just tried to make her jealous, but Amanda plays the same game to ward the bitch off, or at least that's what she and Taylor tell each-other. Caleb sneakily sees her hide the book. They bond further, even kiss, but agree that must remain an inappropriate ...

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2x5 – Folge 5

Kuru takes care of princely business in Alex's frequent absence, yet makes time to graciously receive his youth friend Zamira, who rudely leaves when he sticks to respecting the secret where she took Caleb to heal. In Australia, she uses the next performance in Tony's pub as excuse to keep Caleb at a distance, even claims his love is unanswered after he teaches her the Manjipoori martial art. So he bitterly turns his attention to secretly reading the magic book. Victoria fails to make Taylor jealous by flirting with Caleb, who does enjoy the luxury at her fancy home ...

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2x6 – Folge 6

Although Caleb and Alex are on kissing terms and he wants to join her, she wants to return with the book alone, feeling that's safer for him. So she transforms Amanda in decoy princess clone, but the impertinent love-life questions soon give that game away. Kuru tells her Zamira knows the ancient script it's written in, having been expelled from school for it, but she refuses, warning black magic was banned because it can cancel royal white magic. Kuru's detailed account of how the book was discovered at the magical portal helps them to work out from a symbol it must ...

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2x7 – Folge 7

Caleb is told to butt out of band practice, so he has time to thoroughly study the magic book, in secret. Alex still wastes her time on writing a song and messes up her music theory exam. She senses unprecedentedly powerful magic when Caleb returns to Manjipur as suggested and uses his new knowledge to open the portal and absorb black magic. Unsupecting Kuru orders him back to elephant care duty. Caleb gets visions of having to fight off Senq and even Zamira, whom he warns not to trust or overestimate Diva.

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2x8 – Folge 8

Secretly in the Manjipur forest, Caleb waves Zamira's call for loyalty to Diva and patiently practices magic moves, learning to float. Kuru considers Zamira's plea the book would be safer under his care, yet decides it's a princely choice. At school, Alex's future depends on the composition test. Veronica fails to seduce Taylor to take her back, but steals his memory stick with Alex's song for her trio. When teacher Getz finds out, Alex pleads against expulsion and even helps her write and perform another song.

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2x9 – Folge 9

Caleb now spends most of his time practicing black magic in the forest. Zamira catches him achieving teleportation and realizes he must have read the book, but can't scare him into reporting to Diva, who clearly is loosing her patience and trust in them. Caleb discovers teleportation even reaches into Alex's world. Thus he attends the band's latest concert at Tony's, where some mild magic scares rude Todd into abjectly apologizing. As none of them noticed Caleb, everyone thinks Taylor scared him off.

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2x10 – Folge 10

Surprised while reading in the magic book, Caleb avoids being found out by teleportation, but thus accidentally drags Taylor along to West Manjipur. He tells only Zamira, who informs Kuru, who gets Alex. But Diva finds Taylor first and takes him hostage, demanding the book as ransom. Against Kuru's wise warning, Alex is prepared to accept, but Caleb manages to rescue Taylor, unseen by the band members, so only Alex's secret is betrayed .

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2x11 – Folge 11

Caleb is happy practicing ever better black magic in the forest, while working as Kuru's elephant servant, but accepts when Alex brings him an invitation from Taylor to move in with the band permanently. Zamira refuses to follow and break up with Diva, who already suspects-ts foul play and ultimately brings Caleb to use his black magic to stop her. Victoria holds a grand birthday pool party, but fails to seduce Taylor and ends up ridiculed by Amanda.

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2x12 – Folge 12

Caleb is now perfectly happy with Alex. He resigns as elephant-carer, leading to a fight with Kuru, whose aggression costs him a black eye, and showing he controls black magic. Taylor welcomes Caleb for good, but Alex sets a trap at Tony's. Having thus found out Caleb read the book, she dumps him as a traitor. Kuru resigns, feeling a failure, which leaves the princess all alone and as unhappy as both rivals. Diva trusts this will finally bring her the book.

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2x13 – Folge 13

Caleb is too depressed to fight for Alex or team up again with Zamira. Only after Diva convinces his sister, who sneakily read the book in the palace, to open the temple ruin portal, Caleb listens to Kuru, who moved to West Manjipur, warning Alex is in mortal danger. They arrive in Australia just in time to prevent all band members being killed by Diva, but she gets away with the book and occupies the palace.

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2x14 – Folge 14

Caleb isn't happy, unlike Zamira, to stand by Diva, who has taken over the palace. He visits the band, hoping to see Alex, but a rude reception makes him throw an energy bolt at Taylor, no real harm. Kuru can't even stop brigands robbing palace property. Alex refuses his advice to seek Caleb's magic assistance, rather tempts to sabotage the temple ruin portal, but fails.

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2x15 – Folge 15

Tony can't pay the club's lease, so the band is canceled. Alex refuses to magically provide capital, but Caleb does after a briefing from Veronica, so her band is added to the program. Alex however refuses his 'dirty money', so Taylor's band pulls out anyway. Diva orders Zamira to decipher the book and wants her to get her brother back to help. Kuru refuses to return to the palace, he now just tends the garden. He gets a visit from the princess, who 'steals' his only campfire-roasted yam meal.

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2x16 – Folge 16

A haughty sneer from Veronica brings proud Caleb to magically acquire guitarist talent to Taylor's standard. Alex scolds his abuse of magic, despite his generous offer to stop using magic in Australia so as not to endanger her second world. But she resorts to magic herself when Veronica, who found a camera recording, threatens to expose Caleb's supernatural powers unless he makes her a world star.

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2x17 – Folge 17

Caleb's self-made bracelet for Amada gets him invited to Amanda's well-kept surprise party at Tony's. Kuru also accepts, partially to keep an eye on Caleb. Diva brings Zamira over to demand Caleb's return, to no avail, despite Diva's story that their mother was killed at the temple ruin portal by Alex's royal mother, to disable her threatening black magic.

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2x18 – Folge 18

Zamira gets to a block in The Book which only Alex can unlock. After giving Dark Magic to some new West Manjipoor recruits of hers, Diva comes to the real world. But Alex refuses to help Diva and Caleb gets hurt protecting Alex.

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2x19 – Folge 19

Diva orders Senq to capture Kuru, using black magic. Zamira promises to mislead him, but frees him to alert Alex and the gang. Caleb comes along and protects them every time. Alex breaks the book's royal seal, thus starting a vision which shows Zamira not the late queen killed Caleb's mother but Diva herself, who cares little about their escape as she now controls the book's black magic.

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2x20 – Folge 20

Caleb can't convince his sister that life in Australia is great, but after a talk with Kuru, Zamira reconsiders and accepts a magic mind recollection, which proves their mother and the queen were allies against Diva, hence hid the book. Sooner than Zamira feared, Dive has deciphered the book's language and takes only Senq along when she tries mastering the magic ruins portal, but fails, still lacking the secret language's finesse. Pretending to be mislead, Veronica overhears Taylor and Amanda discussing Alex's magic secret, so when she threatens with Internet exposure...

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2x21 – Folge 21

Caleb can't talk Zamira out of returning to Manjipur with Kuru and Anala, so he visits to check up on her safety and suspicious suitor. Senq is scared off, but later surprises Caleb by sabotaging his session at the magic portal, with a mysterious result. Now Veronica knows Alex is a princess, she insists on joining the band, dumping her own mates.

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2x22 – Folge 22

Caleb feels obliged to check up on Zamira, both on account Diva and Kuru. Instructed by Diva, who gives up on enlisting Zamira directly, Senq and his mate go after her to provoke Caleb. He now suffers unbearable headaches whenever he tries to use black magic and is magically drawn to the temple ruin portal, where he can no longer control the rite and is possessed further by the black magic flame. Taylor and Amanda bicker, as Alex guesses like lovers, for he insists to join the magicians' rescue when she's missing.

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2x23 – Folge 23

Caleb is delighted when Alex invites him as companion to the music school's awards. But his worsening headaches now draw him back to the ruined temple's magic portal even from Australia. Kuru can't convince him to tell Alex, Zamira says she can't help without the book. He fails to get at it in the palace and refuses to make a deal with Diva, who now realizes his condition.

2x24 – Folge 24

The gang, now apparently loyally joined by Veronica, learns about Caleb's worrying condition but can barely track him, let alone help, yet Alex is determined to risk it at any cost. Senq's report makes Diva realize and check out that Caleb is being overpowered by the temple ruin portal's black magic. Still, Caleb refuses to help her with the book in exchange for a cure.

2x25 – Folge 25

After subjecting him to a mind-probe, Diva realizes Caleb's condition is going to worsen until the magic portal consumes him and believes that offers an opportunity to connect both worlds magically. The gang can only watch from a distance, not intervene, but Kuru thinks of slipping into the palace to study the book. Computer-manipulating photographs reveals the frightening hidden message. Anala is their last hope.

2x26 – Folge 26

Diva's plan to break the barrier is coming together as she prepares to sacrifice Caleb to the vault of Dark Magic. But Alex won't let it happen. She isn't sure how to break the vault, and she can't match Diva's powers, but she'll have to think of something.

2x27 – The Elephant Princess II - Compilation

After Diva's vanquishing, Manjipur is ruled formally by Alex, but Kuru does most governing work while she concentrates on her music school in Australia, teaming up, also as a band, with Amanda and now friend Taylor, a drummer and their host. But is destitute West Manjipur, Diva reappears. She plans to use Caleb and his sister Zamira, orphaned when their sorceress-mother was killed, to gain control of black magic and seize power. However it's Caleb, who becomes a palace servant and Alex's new closest friend if not lover, who taps into it unwittingly at the temple ruin ...

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