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Pnzfgxrjqvooso69kzqnyuhxe25 1x1 – Unter der Erde

A writer gets caught up in a murder investigation involving his mentor, an esteemed American author.

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Stqmecja2rc7jjxpzbmkmispeym 1x2 – Boxkampf

Marcus begins his investigation into Harry's involvement in the Nola Kellergan murder, while receiving threats from an unknown source.

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7p2zf7zabrivacb1jbome7o9cdd 1x3 – Der 4. Juli

During the summer of 1975, Harry tries to distance himself from Nola. In 2008, more evidence resurfaces that seem to associate Harry to Nola's cadaver .

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2sk1vnidxqtx2etlsd3n4tm2zqy 1x4 – Familiengeheimnisse

Marcus is trying to follow a lead that associates Nola to an affluent and prestigious member of the community. Details about Nola's tragic home life are exposed.

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344rmau0ggojpb94kznf2potuja 1x5 – Spiegelbilder

Marcus investigates the connection between Elijah Stern and Nola. Harry ponders on a debatable unwise trip away with Nola.

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Vcxwvwnohy0rxhnzhn053ouatha 1x6 – Engel oder Teufel?

Detective Perry and Marcus receive evidence that puts across Nola in a different light. Harry tries to take the news in.

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Uituvwc8tmzsk7yrgdbnf4tqsbj 1x7 – Gebrandmarkt

The threats against Marcus continue as someone hacks his publicists computer and gains access to every detail of his own investigation.

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Koe5usxgoavpyt8badkxqaplz5j 1x8 – Perfekte Täuschung

Marcus's book is discredited when new facts about Nola's past are revealed.

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211l328f9blesk18lryntewofzu 1x9 – Brandstifter

Disturbing revelations regarding Nola's upbringing lead Marcus to reevaluate the chain of events that lead to her murder in 1975.

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7c0mtay57symntwm5abkb3f1gfx 1x10 – Die Täter

The truth about what happened in 1975 finally comes out, revealing the extent of Harry's role in Nola's death.

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  • Msvksdchkmheq40ocmidnjctrjn
  • Cankyweh7owqakiliiqoyikskmt
  • 9daj6wnyzuxzezenc9d4uxrkljx
  • 4c7oud2mtss11gch2mq4novci4f
  • Axatft147yjybydaka1401kifeb
  • Y7dxrmriiqtoftj9yxsxyomwo3c
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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