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2x1 – Episode #2.1

A serial killer has been viciously attacking women before murdering them. However one victim survives and names the arrogant Damon Morton as her assailant. The case is not helped by the fact that Morton clearly has a hold over people, such as the three employees who come forward to claim responsibility for the crimes and his put-upon wife, who gives him an alibi.

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2x2 – Episode #2.2

Survivor Marilyn Stark's identification of Morton as her attacker is given credence when the severed breasts of the dead victims are discovered on Morton's business premises and he is sent for trial. He is defended by the formidable Corinna Maddox, known as 'Batwoman' for her tenacity, whilst the prosecutor is supercilious but wily Rupert Halliday, whose best line of attack is to work on Morton's cowed wife Cindy,who put up with his bringing his young mistress home and is doubtless giving him a false alibi.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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