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Arbb4jsmimdak0kksxhofz5ghia 1x1 – Die Ausreißerin

Little Eliza and her parents are headed out west. During a stop, she wanders off and they (unknowingly) leave without her.

Yt404tch3v5dx9dhpejcphpa9hu 1x2 – Blutsbrüder

Adams recalls the tale of how he met Nakoma when he was a new "Greenhorn" to the ways of the wilderness. How Nakoma helped him learn survival and also the tribal ceremony that bonded their friendship as Blood Brothers.

1petwq2ktyk6i4g4xji4dtil4pr 1x3 – Auf der Flucht

Adams saves a man,Will Boker from drowning. Will states he lost his possessions by the river. Adams goes back but finds a lot of money in a carpetbag. He questions Will,who says he came by it accidentally...or did he really?

4qomh0yoj3598rxqqr8euvwbnw4 1x4 – Die Siedler

A widower and his son move into a nearby valley and refuse friendly advice from Adams and Nakoma, with disastrous consequences.

Ci8ursktat9qadsib0epa3cgwly 1x5 – Mein Name ist Mad Jack

Mad-Jack disappears down a river on a raft. Adams later finds some of his belongings. Thinking he may have perished,it causes him to reflect back on the time he first met the mountain man. Will James Capen Adams bid farewell to his friend?

Fnecxc4r33dhxf0iuwyb9frd8bj 1x6 – Adams Arche

A silent volcano becomes active and may erupt,so Adams and Nakoma try to save as many animals as possible. Also,a lawman named Pinkerton arrives to capture Adams and take him in for trial. Will the animals or Adams be lost in the end?

Dnvpnrjrwx7oim9vohz55l56m5p 1x7 – Der Wanderzirkus

Adams may be buried alive by a rock avalanche and Ben the Grizzly may never see home or be the same,after a traveling circus owner catches him and treats him with cruelty. Will these 2 friends survive to see each other again?

Tshdwzvcwmesp5ssey1x2t4gdzu 1x8 – Teddy, der Naturfreund

Jack and Adams meet a young man from back East named Teddy Roosevelt Who seems to have no clue in outdoor survival and seems to leap before he looks. Can the men help guide Teddy through or is it a lost cause?

Xraepnw4gxf7dlny8vgjs2ycsrq 1x9 – Jack und der Indianer

Jack finds a gold nugget while seeing Sumi (a female Indian) home and takes off to find more.

Qxoo32rkrvqqudx1mp2zbm1mgf8 1x10 – Das Ungeheuer

Jack sees an unfamiliar four legged beast and asks Adams's help to figure out what it is. Nakoma has also seen it but a member of his tribe wants to kill it,thinking it's an evil spirit.

9x0ax9jhb6lohaxmnug3txrn6lg 1x11 – Damm der Biber

A beaver colony dams up the river in Adams' valley, placing his cabin and surrounding wildlife at risk. Should Adams take Mad Jack's advice and destroy the dam and run out the beavers - or is there a more humane solution?

Tfbo69qglxwqibczna4lc4ftvuq 1x12 – Der Falke

A wagon falls on the leg of a settler,"Metcalf". He and his daughter are assisted by Adams,who lets them stay with him. She likes all the animals, mainly a hawk and the next day,despite her dad's warning,goes out exploring on her own.

15cccpfxcqzeye8tsvexjpk8g7t 1x13 – Der Sturm

Adams (and Ben) await the arrival of Mad Jack and Nakuma for a great feast. Before they come,an Indian woman shows up, seeking her missing daughter. With a violent storm coming, it's a race against time to find her and have the feast as well.

  • Shsp5nnqflpsloebh6h9omeek65
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  • 1qgjjb5pg3z5o6qjlfw7rykccjm
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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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