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Auk0vz184b36llou7fcllu7tynr 4x1 – Folge 1

Krystle and Alexis, trapped in a burning cabin far off in the woods, find the door has been locked--from the outside. Mark, who has come to see Krystle in this remote setting, dramatically rescues the two women, who are rushed to the hospital.

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Tg3d9i1krmkmk5xbjmjgkgr3xwv 4x2 – Folge 2

Mark is charged with attempted murder and arson; Alexis tells Blake and the police his motive was revenge. The other suspects-McVane, Hess and Adam, are questioned and released. After Alexis destroys Fallon's relationship with Mark, Krystle suggests she is seeking revenge because Mark rejected her.

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4timzptg5zonyt06hzqjsjpyuql 4x3 – Folge 3

Alexis recieves a note from the late Joseph--he set the fire with the intention of killing her; Claudia is released from the sanitarium; Steven and Blake fight over little Danny.

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8gp8emqtl5u8lfowvioet6y8hws 4x4 – Folge 4

Kirby physically attacks Alexis, demanding to know the reason Joseph wanted her dead; at the trial for custody of little Danny, Alexis testifies against Bake, who erupts in anger.

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Ep7bcrjmznsdprdn7hjufei6upl 4x5 – Folge 5

As the custody trial continues, Fallon testifies on her brother's behalf while Sammy Jo defames her ex-husband. Fallon leaves for Montana to investigate Adam's past; Alexis' apartment is ransacked; Claudia hits on the scheme for Steven to retain custody of his son.

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Shku7gcfldg7hufkfxoxpngoy3t 4x6 – Folge 6

Steven and Claudia marry, and the judge dismisses the custody suit; Blake offers Krystle a public relations job; Adam tricks Alexis into signing blank documents; Fallon and Jeff uncover evidence suggesting Adam may have poisoned Jeff.

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Hz4wvdiwdnahinv9jgzaxthknk7 4x7 – Folge 7

Adam frames Alexis for the poisoning incident, and Blake threatens to take the story public; Mark attacks Krystle; Denver-Carrington's publicist Tracy is disappointed that Krystle has been appointed department head.

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8bjlzjgctvyg3lwaitkb0q7pcwz 4x8 – Folge 8

Jeff accuses Alexis of attempting to murder him and reclaims his stock; Mark is hired as Alexis' bodyguard; Dex Dexter, the son of a board member, proposes he and Alexis form a business alliance.

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Rbyihi4tctxafktuxsajdy8om27 4x9 – Folge 9

Dex continues his efforts to win Alexis; Jeff learns adam raped Kirby; Krystle relishes her own publicity post; Fallon meets a dashing millionaire at the track.

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Aoy0iqiwj0zl3wvoo2wollo7yif 4x10 – Folge 10

Dex and Alexis make love; seeing Fallon with Peter, Jeff grows jealous; Blake buys Peter's race horse; at the Carousel Ball, Blake and Krystle announce their marriage plans.

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Qhahkwal2usfsdyjumlw4wmwcz2 4x11 – Folge 11

Adam proposes marriage to Kirby, who intends to divorce Jeff; Tracy persuades Krystle to give her the company credit cards and confidential files; Peter makes a pass at Claudia; Krystle and Blake are remarried.

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Tmwpdipeckzjqw1k1gfzepvxank 4x12 – Folge 12

A stranger greets little Danny by name; worried, Claudia moves the family into the mansion; Peter DeVilbis' architect hints at the playboy's drug problem; Kirby's hand swells uncontrollably.

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Kg2yeywouulze7bydpbrbepgat8 4x13 – Folge 13

A stranger greets little Danny by name; worried, Claudia moves the family into the mansion; Peter DeVilbis' architect hints at the playboy's drug problem; Kirby's hand swells uncontrollably.

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82ihbcy8avmevfuvamnpm7b6tka 4x14 – Folge 14

Kirby's health problems continue; Peter urges Fallon to try cocain; Tracy sabotages Krystle at the office to gain Blake's favor; Allegre the race horse is stolen; Claudia receives violets...from her late husband.

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V3d1hmmbosqo8reurirpnzmbvec 4x15 – Folge 15

Blake receives a ransom note for the return of his horse; Peter announces Fallon will be his wife; Dex and Alexis mix business with pleasure; Kirby suffers a seizure.

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13en3rsd1qppga4kistzomoqy1i 4x16 – Folge 16

Blake grows suspicious of Peter DeVilbis; Claudia receives more violets from 'Lancelot'; Adam tells Blake the truth of the poisoning incident; after suffering a seizure, Kirby undergoes emergency surgery and loses her baby.

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Fryeqxkg21rqg11qxq8n5ozlo74 4x17 – Folge 17

Allegre is returned and Blake's suspicions about Peter's involvement are founded; Tracy orchestrates a press campaign to ruin Krystle; learning her fiance has left the country, Fallon dashes from the hotel and is struck by a truck.

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Djratysftmwm1vjlalzjzpwcnyg 4x18 – Folge 18

Peter DeVilbis, caught while trying to leave the country, is arrested for possession of drugs and jailed; Blake is offered a political posts; Fallon regains consciousness and learns she is paralyzed.

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Oxdgordrcrvcycgr237mbxbloqn 4x19 – Folge 19

Alexis attempts to bribe Kirby to prevent her from marrying Adam; Claudia receives another package from her late husband; Fallon remains unable to walk, until her child's life is in danger.

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D47hyou8azrbcl4el6ist3zfnho 4x20 – Folge 20

Krystle learns she is pregnant; Fallon suffers from painful headahces; Claudia and Steven visit Matthew's accident site in Peru; once home, however, Claudia receives a phone call from her late husband.

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J9gioyxk8teoui0eocihbgtyxtn 4x21 – Folge 21

Alexis makes plan to upset Blake's business deal with Rashid Ahmed; Tracy attempts to seduce Blake and is fired; Steven grows suspicious of Dex, who places a mysterious phone call to Claudia.

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Docthwm7ggvbveb77itpckebvai 4x22 – Folge 22

Dex finds Alexis with Rashid and turns to Tracy for comfort; learning the reasons behind her father's death, Kirby buys a gun; the mysterious caller turns out to be a tape recorded message; Alexis moves ahead with her plan to ruin Blake.

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9kmqd5xdfnmbju9nvaogoq7q45l 4x23 – Folge 23

Kirby learns the truth behind her father's suicide; Krystle tells a stunned Alexis of her pregnancy; Fallon and Jeff announce they will remarry; Alexis' manipulations come to fruition when Rashid Ahmed announces Blake is planning to attack a nation involved in the China Seas Deal.

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2jy8y4fvtj0flyojue8azyv0glz 4x24 – Folge 24

Blake travels to Hong Kong to patch up the China Seas oil deal and learns Ahmed has left the country; Mark blackmails Alexis for $100,000, and McVane watches as he deposits the check; Kirby attempts to kill Alexis but is unsuccessful.

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Yd9p9bjcnjok9ewi4d4uijxujbt 4x25 – Folge 25

Alexis thwarts Blake's loan extension; Sammy Jo arrives in Denver to see her son; after quarreling with Alexis, Mark is found dead after a fall from her balcony.

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Tz23se2krs6inzny9sqx9wdyg7b 4x26 – Folge 26

Blake mortgages the mansion to raise money; Tracy tells Alexis of her affair with Dex; Alexis is questioned about Mark's death; Sammy Jo intends to obtain custody of her son; an unknown woman, full of curiosity about Alexis, checks into La Mirage.

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Beyp2y9iiil2u1nu0gm0nh5fhpc 4x27 – Folge 27

Kirby's attempt to kill Alexis is unsuccessful, and Alexis promises to remain silent if Kirby will leave Adam; Sammy Jo reveals the culprit behind Claudia's mystery calls; Fallon is gripped with a seizure and drives off as her wedding is about to begin; Alexis is arrested for Mark's murder.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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