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1x1 – Besuch bei einer alten Dame

Bastian visits his grandmother in hospital and develops a crush on one of the female doctors.

1x2 – Katharina II von links

1x3 – Er wollte ihr so viel sagen.

1x4 – Schlaflose Nächte

1x5 – Seilbahn wäre schön

Bastian scored a weekend date with the lovely Dr Katharina Freude. Unfortunately, she wants to climb a mountain with him.

1x6 – Saubere Umwelt

1x7 – Die neue Hose

Dr. Freude has invited Bastian to spend the weekend with her and her parents in their house in the country. And grandmother decides that he must buy a new pair of trousers for the occasion.

1x8 – Bastian lernt balzen

As expected, Dr. Freude's parents are rather posh, and initially Bastian feels rather uncomfortable in their house. Until the man of the house offers a drink and the two discuss game hunting and Bastian learns how to imitate the mating call of the wood grouse.

1x9 – Olympiade mit Logierbesuch

The 1972 Olympic Games are taking place in Munich, and hotel rooms are scarce. Grandmother has a house guest come for Olympics.

1x10 – Sieger im Rückwärtslauf

1x11 – Nie wieder siebzig

Bastian's grandmother is celebrating her 70th birthday.

1x12 – Ein hoffnungsloser Spinner

1x13 – Bastian muß erwachsen werden

The time has come for Bastian to grow up and start his working life as a school teacher. His first posting is in a rural part of Bavaria, and he must say good bye to his grandmother, Dr. Freude and the big city of Munich.

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