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Jx140kcb00l7hjqmy6hlfv0pyw2 2x1 – Der Prozess

When Danny Latimer's killer pleads not guilty, the town of Broadchurch have to prepare for a full trial. Meanwhile, a woman called Claire, from the Sandbrook case, relies on Alec for protection.

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Al5vjkcgzvka5r4l3adkgmoyz2l 2x2 – Das Treffen

A new development in Joe Miller's trial surprises the court. Alec and Ellie set up a meeting between Claire and Lee Ashworth, with consequences to everyone involved.

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Vv0wttwgxhjqj3j0qmt4m96shn 2x3 – Neues Leben

Miller and Hardy try to take control of the events of Claire and Lee's arranged meeting. Meanwhile, the court case continues and begins to question Alec and Millers whereabouts after the murder.

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5ho0cssfwp6auoml7cfiluut7ij 2x4 – Die Zeuginnen

Hardy is annoyed when being questioned about Ashworth's return. Claire disobeys Hardy's instructions not to see Ashworth. A former Broadchurch resident returns.

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Knyywqg4rcsmgr1jm7spxigue6y 2x5 – Verlorene Söhne

Miller's son wants to give evidence at his father's trial. Miller helps Alec with his old unsolved murder case.

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Pltci8nipnylmti6sgfboxzuj2g 2x6 – Der Anhänger

Tom takes the stand. Jocelyn receives double bad news. Hardy and Ellie find evidence to connect Pippa to Ashworth and Claire.

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A6udu7i1vtmdo7vp1ea0nc1lrgr 2x7 – In Lügen verstrickt

The final arguments are made in Joe Miller's trial. Hardy and Ellie follow-up on new evidence. Another one of Claire's secrets comes to light.

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Ysh6hlaloleuor7gfk1bga4ufgk 2x8 – Am Ende sind wir allein

The fate of Danny's murderer is decided. Alec and Ellie close the Sandbrook murder case.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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