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1x2 – Nicht ohne Carlos
Know what this is about?
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1x3 – Volltreffer
Know what this is about?
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1x4 – Die Entscheidung
Know what this is about?
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1x5 – Auf den Hund gekommen
Know what this is about?
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1x6 – Henriks Eigentor
Know what this is about?
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1x7 – Der große Preis
Know what this is about?
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1x8 – Alicias Irrtum
Know what this is about?
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1x9 – Graffiti
Know what this is about?
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1x10 – Einladung a la Sandmann
Know what this is about?
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1x11 – Lug und Druck
Know what this is about?
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1x12 – Carlos der Tyrann
Know what this is about?
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1x13 – Ist es Liebe oder was?
Know what this is about?
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1x14 – Die Freiheit der Frauen
Know what this is about?
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1x15 – Zehn kleine Negerlein
Know what this is about?
Be the first one to add a plot.
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