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S3atfm1m5for7hc5uemdxgoejkd 1x1 – Folge 1

In "De-Zanitized," frazzled Dr. Scratchansniff, the studio psychiatrist, uses every psychiatric technique he knows to "de-zani-tize" the Warners because the kids are just too zany. Next, as the Warners drive him crazy, Dr. Scratchansniff sings a song of woe "The Monkey Song" to a calypso beat, while the rest of the "Animaniacs" cast sings the chorus. Finally, in "Nighty-Night Toon," the Warners and company spoof a famous children's bedtime storybook.

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1x2 – Folge 2

The Warners help Albert Einstein discover the theory of relativity in "Cookies For Einstein." Then, to finance his latest scheme to overthrow the world, The Brain becomes a contestant on a game show, where he hopes to "Win Big." Finally in an upbeat ditty, Yakko sings the name of every country in the world ("Yakko's World").

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1x3 – Folge 3

"Slappy Goes Walnuts" as she and Skippy Squirrel gathers walnuts from the yard of their nemesis, Doug the Dog. Next, Yakko takes everyone on a trip through "Yakko's Universe," as he sings about the galaxies with the Warners. In "H.M.S. Yakko," a musical tribute to Gilbert & Sullivan, the Warners encounter the evil pirate, Captain Mel.

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7thk9ocxg1o0f8lay3d3b4e5uft 1x4 – Folge 4

The Warners give unwanted help to Kirk Douglas-cum-Michelangelo as he tries to paint the Sistine Chapel. Squit tells the story of how he became a Goodfeather - a story that involves a discarded bagel on a busy street.

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1x5 – Folge 5

Mr. Plotz tasks Scratchansniff with bringing the Warners in line so they might appear at a huge gala to schmooze some Japanese investors.

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1x6 – Folge 6

The Warners fill in for Mr. Plotz' secretary when she is ill, making Plotz mentally ill; Buttons scrambles to protect Mindy as she hunts for her lollipop; the Warners sing about what they are.

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3g47anuhyp1fmktbxxf1wdyxnsj 1x7 – Folge 7

A savvy cat and naive pooch join forces to escape the city pound in "When Rita Met Runt." Then, the wild Warner siblings disrupt a piano concert at staid Carnegie Hall in "Piano Rag."

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1x8 – Folge 8

Slappy Squirrel takes her nephew Skippy to see the film 'Bumbi.' Things seem to be going well, until the film gets to the part where Bumbi's Mom is killed. Slappy tries to calm Skippy down, but the little squirrel is traumatized. In desperation, Slappy takes Skippy to meet the actress who played Bumbi's Mom. Seeing that she's alright, Skippy finds closure...that is, until he watches the in-flight movie on the way home, which happens to be 'Old Yellow.'

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1x9 – Folge 9

The famed Wally Llama knows much, and can answer almost any question. But after being asked so many simple and mundane questions, the famous Llama has had it. But right about then, the Warner siblings show up with a very, very, very, important question-and they won't leave until they know the answer.

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Muye82cyfr2vmch9wb5lpxvjqea 1x10 – Folge 10

The Warners arrive in Anvilania to take their rightful place as rulers - and annoyers.

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1x11 – Folge 11

The Warners help Pablo Picasso discover his new painting style, and modern art is born in "No Pain, No Painting." Then, in a musical parody of Victor Hugo's classic novel Les Miserables, Runt breaks out of Le Pound during the French revolution to save Rita and the Miserable Cats from being made into pastries.

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Klloarvuob09zlsrhob6aa3cesd 1x12 – Folge 12

In "Westside Pigeons," the Goodfeathers battle with the Sparrows as they fight over possession of a statue of Martin Scorsese in this musical spoof of "West Side Story." Then at the "Garage Sale of the Century," the Warners attempt to buy the seller's garage.

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Gdrlpcvjcxw69zybd8uedbxpece 1x13 – Folge 13

Hello Nice Warners" tells the story of what happens when the Warners siblings are cast in a new film by the comedy genius, Mr. Director. Later, when their maid quits, the Hip Hippos try to cope on their own in "La Behemoth," a parody of a tragic opera. Finally, "Little Old Slappy From Pasadena" takes her powerful sports car for a drive around town, set to the tune of the classic rock and roll song, "Little Old Lady from Pasadena.

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1x14 – Folge 14

In "Cat on a Hot Steel Beam," Mindy pursues a cute kitty into a dangerous construction site and Buttons tries desperately to save her. Later, Dr. Scratchansniff gets a parking ticket, he's represented in court by the firm of Warner, Warner and Warner ("La La Law").

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1x15 – Folge 15

Aliens abduct Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. Inspired by the Orson Welles "War of the Worlds" radio drama, Brain stages a similar hoax on television, hoping to cause a nationwide panic.

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Zfsfmjhmmwfkisi9fuxa30aldte 1x16 – Folge 16

In "Hooray for Slappy," Slappy Squirrel's old cartoon enemies, Walter Wolf, Sid the Squid and Beanie the Bison, attempt to ruin an award banquet given in Slappy's honor. It's the first day of school for the world's strictest teacher and her new students: the wild and wacky Warner siblings ("Chalkboard Bungle"). Finally, "The Great Wakkorotti: The Master & His Music" features Wakko's rendition of the classic waltz, "The Blue Danube."

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1x17 – Folge 17

Slight correction to the summary above: the segment "Roll Over, Beethoven" is followed by "The Cat and the Fiddle".

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Tppojjxcquzuebexudfkjtzwxg7 1x18 – Folge 18

First, Chicken Boo tries to pass himself off as world-famous ballet dancer, "Chicken Booryshnikov." Then, Pinky and The Brain attempt to steal the crown jewels of Russia in "Pavlov's Mice." Finally, in Czarist Russia, royal dentists Yakko, Wakko and Dot treat Rasputin's toothache in "Nothing But the Tooth."

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1x19 – Folge 19

The Hip Hippos have "A Moving Experience" as they move from the jungle to the city in pursuit of the latest fads.Then in a parody of the films of Swedish director Ingmar Bergman, the Warners compete against the grim reaper in a life-or-death game of checkers ("Meatballs or Consequences").

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16exgychvkyjbuegpxubm1vnagn 1x20 – Folge 20

Wakko names all fifty states and their capitals in "Wakko's America." Next, Chicken Boo plays the famed frontiersman, "Davey Omelette." Later, "The Flame" of a candle comes to life and guides the audience through a special night in American history. Finally, President Abraham Lincoln attempts to write his Gettysburg Address with the "assistance" of the Warner siblings.

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1x21 – Folge 21

In "Hearts of Twilight," genius filmmaker Mr. Director goes over budget on his new film and the studio sends in the Warners to halt the project in their own inimitable fashion. Later, the Goodfeathers are cast as stunt doubles in a horror film entitled "The Boids."

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9uqfwbtpw1owy0bc6tz1u0dejsd 1x22 – Folge 22

A disgruntled businessman is irked even further when his flight has to move him from his usual 1st class accommodations to coach class. While one wouldn't assume it'd be so bad, the only seat left is near the Warner Brothers and Sister. In no time at all, the siblings have decided to make the fellow their 'special friend.'

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Qzisbdxsyxrejenmsjlrh9gzbya 1x23 – Folge 23

Mindy travels "Up The Crazy River" in the Amazon rainforest, with Buttons once again protecting her from danger. Next, the Warners admonish viewers to "Be Careful What You Eat" in this song about nutrition. Then, Bobbie, Pesto and Squit go "Ta Da Dump, Ta Da Dump, Ta Da Dump, Dump, Dump." Coveting a culinary gold mine in the form of a garbage barge on the wharf, the three birds have their dinnertime delayed when Pesto becomes tangled in the plastic rings from a beverage six-pack.

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1x24 – Folge 24

In "Opportunity Knox," Pinky and The Brain travel to Fort Knox to steal the nation's gold supply. Later, a moth's love for a beautiful butterfly sweeps him away on an incredible and comic journey in "Wings Take Heart."

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1zjsl6jpnm9mxv4fomqr6bglqyr 1x25 – Folge 25

First, in ancient Egypt, Rita and Runt find a "Home on De-Nile" in Cleopatra's palace until they discover that Rita is going to be Cleopatra's next sacrifice to the gods. Next, the Warners spoof the mystery novels of Agatha Christie in "Hercule Yakko," a story set aboard a luxury liner featuring the entire cast. Finally, Yakko performs Puck's famous monologue from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" which Dot translates for the Shakepeare-impaired.

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1x26 – Folge 26

The Warners wreak havoc at the movie theatre in a black and white cartoon from the 1930s. Then, Wakko has a "Potty Emergency" as he races against time and nature to find a bathroom.

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Bmook0tp37od0vmpjcydn7bpjhn 1x27 – Folge 27

Greek playwright Aristotle tries to win cash and prizes on "You Risk Your Life," a game show hosted by Yakko.

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1x28 – Folge 28

The Warner siblings save the great white whale, Moby Dick, from Captain Ahab. Next, in "Mesozoic Mindy," Buttons rescues cave girl Mindy from prehistoric peril.

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1x29 – Folge 29

In this Halloween episode, the Devil is "Hot, Bothered & Bedeviled" when the Warners visit Hades and torment him. Next, in "Moon Over Minerva," nerdy Wilford Wolf courts beautiful Minerva Mink.

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Qyb9vzzorf8jy5bzdqtrczkznb1 1x30 – Folge 30

In "Draculee Draculaa," the first cartoon in a special Halloween episode, the wacky Warner siblings spend the night at Dracula's castle in Transylvania.

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1x31 – Folge 31

A pompous opera divas tangles with the Warners in "O Silly Mio." Then, Rita and Runt help a young child escape the Nazis in war-torn Poland. Finally, "The Great Wakkorotti: The Summer Concert" features Wakko Warner's classic summer camp song.

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Lzulaxql6wv3xtqegmqhhb1tvo0 1x32 – Folge 32

At a Hollywood party, the Warner siblings meet the world's most boring man, who tells the world's most boring story in "Chairman of the Bored." Later, Mindy leads "Astro-Buttons" on a wild chase across a strange planet.

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1x33 – Folge 33

First, in "Noahs' Lark," the Hip Hippos board Noah's ark, much to Noah's chagrin. Then, "The Big Kiss" features Chicken Boo disguising himself as one of Hollywood's leading men.

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Fgihxflkxfsnpdc3cff7c9heq8z 1x34 – Folge 34

On his birthday, a clown visits Wakko, who is terrified of clowns ("Clown & Out"). Then, in another ploy to take over the world, The Brain seeks adoration by becoming "Bubba Bo Bob Brain," a country music star.

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1x35 – Folge 35

This four-cartoon episode features the stars of the show appearing in each other's segments. First, The Brain ventures "In the Garden of Mindy" and enlists Mindy's help in his latest plan to take over the world.

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1x36 – Folge 36

When Slappy Squirrel's cartoons are reviewed negatively by a couple of critics, Slappy puts them in "Critical Condition." Then, in "The Three Muska-Warners," Yakko, Wakko and Dot defend the king and his castle in a parody of the famed Dumas tale.

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Fgxe9r2azw0dw0iya13bofsdxaj 1x37 – Folge 37

In this three-cartoon episode with a wartime theme, "Dough Dough Boys" features the Goodfeathers as messenger pigeons sent on a mission during World War I.

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1x38 – Folge 38

Pinky and The Brain become "Spellbound" when they attempt to use Merlin's book of magic to take over the world in the Middle Ages.

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Aoaoxs5hf1oc88gmogjcxayizsw 1x39 – Folge 39

Rita and Runt are "Smitten With Kittens" when they befriend three lost cats. Then, "Alas Poor Skullhead" features the Warners performing a scene from Shakespeare's "Hamlet.

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1x40 – Folge 40

First, in "Fair Game," the Warners become contestants on their favorite game show, "Quiz Me Quick." Next, Pinky and The Brain hope to become "Puppet Rulers" as the stars of a 1950s children's television show.

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1x41 – Folge 41

The Warner siblings deliver lunch to famed newscaster Dan Anchorman. However, the stuffed shirt is so egotistical that he refuses to tip the delivery persons. Needless to say, Dan's next newscast doesn't go quite according to plan.

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7ihb0rpgfvt0fhwmfew7fcxtfgv 1x42 – Folge 42

In "Can't Buy A Thrill," Flavio and Marita decide to seek thrilling adventures, much to the horror of Gina Embryo. Then, a naive Kansas woodchuck who desires to become a "Hollywoodchuck" travels to Hollywood to seek fame and fortune.

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1x43 – Folge 43

At the mall, the kids are pestered by two "Survey Ladies" who ask inane questions. Later, in "Of Nice and Men," Rita and Runt lead a daring escape from a farm where rabbits are being raised for their pelts.

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Vdklxfebek8k9wchw9fjz90ip0r 1x44 – Folge 44

The Warners sing "The Senses Song," a ditty delving into the six senses and beyond. "The World Can Wait" when The Brain falls in love and enlists Pinky's help to woo the object of his affection.

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1x45 – Folge 45

Dot Warner parodies the classic opening theme from "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" in the "Mary Tyler Dot Song." Next, the wild Warners create a "Windsor Hassle" when they help the Queen refurbish Windsor Castle.

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Yizu4rkwn2kiw9spoxh9g4odpq0 1x46 – Folge 46

A Thanksgiving cartoon, "Turkey Jerky," features the Warner siblings in Plymouth, Massachusetts, protecting their pet turkey from hunter Miles Standish.

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1x47 – Folge 47

First, in "Video Review," the Warners run amok in a video store late at night. Then, in another effort to overthrow the world, Pinky and The Brain use H.G. Wells' time machine to create an era "When Mice Ruled the Earth."

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1x48 – Folge 48

In "Mobster Mash," the Warners tangle with the head of the Mob while dining at a pasta restaurant. Next, the three zany siblings sing about the beautiful "Lake Titicaca." In the last cartoon, "Icebreakers," Runt becomes a sled dog in the Yukon.

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1x49 – Folge 49

On Christmas Eve, the Warner Bros. chief, Thaddeus Plotz, is subjected to a Dickensian nightmare provided by the Warners in "A Christmas Plotz." Later, the three Warners star in "Little Drummer Warners," a musical version of the nativity.

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Xyysztkobtjyv56w6wolkpkyou7 1x50 – Folge 50

Warner CEO Thaddeus Plotz has had it with Ralph the security guard's inability to keep the Warner kids from running amok, and has him fired-on Christmas Eve no less. That evening, Plotz is visited by three spirits (who strangely resemble 3 familiar siblings!), that show him the error of his ways.

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1x51 – Folge 51

The Warner siblings confront Ralph the Giant in "The Warners and the Beanstalk," their own version of the fairy tale classic. Another disastrous confrontation occurs when legendary trailblazer Daniel Boone meets "Frontier Slappy" Squirrel.

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Qjsoxxb3h0yvsutsh3vbg8tduma 1x52 – Folge 52

Wakko and Dr. Scratchansniff have their "Ups and Downs" when they get trapped in an elevator together, for hours. Then, will a "Brave Little Trailer" survive when a fierce tornado tears through his trailer park? Later, in "Yes, Always," Pinky and The Brain demonstrate how voices are recorded for cartoons.

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1x53 – Folge 53

The Warners disrupt Dr. Scratchansniff's date in "Drive Insane." Then, the Goodfeathers chase their girlfriends, the "Girlfeathers," who are playing "hard-to-get." Later, Dot's sweet personality is analyzed in a musical number, "I'm Cute."

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1x54 – Folge 54

In their latest attempt to take over the world, "Brain Meets Brawn" when Pinky and The Brain meet Dr. Jekyll. Another meeting ends in disaster when a goofy dachshund is instructed to bring back the pelt of beautiful Minerva Mink in "Meet Minerva."

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5afjbijnmuh62lqn8mqlfxn9jjc 1x55 – Folge 55

During the California "Gold Rush," the Warners confront, confuse and confound Claimjump Jake, the greediest gold prospector in the West. Another gold-related tale, "A Gift of Gold," follows the trials and tribulations of a piece of gold wrapping paper in a heartwarming story by Steven Spielberg. In a musical finale, "Dot's Quiet Time," Dot travels to the far corners of the globe seeking some peace and quiet. But once she finds a silent location, she realizes that it's just TOO quiet.

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1x56 – Folge 56

In the show's opening musical number, "Schnitzelbank," the Warners sing a song about international friendship. Then, in "The Helpinki Formula," Pinky and The Brain create their own infomercial in their latest scheme to conquer the world. The next segment, "Les Boutons et le Balon," features Mindy and Buttons creating havoc in beautiful Paris. And the final cartoon stars Chicken Boo, who disguises himself as karate champion "Kung Boo."

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63xm0pyjytpf9riuasjhywjlmnl 1x57 – Folge 57

The first segment of this three-cartoon episode stars the wonderfully weird Warner siblings in "Of Course You Know, This Means Warners," a parody of patriotic propaganda films of the 1940s. Next, when Rita is frightened "Up a Tree," she's too scared to climb back down. Then Wakko creates "Wakko's Gizmo," the ultimate Rube Goldberg device.

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1x58 – Folge 58

The episode opens with Slappy Squirrel's rendition of the silly song, "Oh Oh Ethel." Next, in "Meet John Brain," The Brain runs for President of the United States. Later, Slappy confronts her old foe, Stinkbomb D. Basset, the world's smelliest dog...

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1x59 – Folge 59

In "Ragamuffins," a black-and-white, 1930s-style cartoon, the Warners go to work, and create havoc, at a bakery. Then, Slappy and Skippy Squirrel attend the landmark rock concert of 1969 in "Woodstock Slappy."

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Rnjtoo4g08zznlxxdjiygbuuffj 1x60 – Folge 60

In the first segment of this three-cartoon episode, "Karaoke-Dokie," the Warners compete for the microphone at a karaoke song festival on the studio lot. To achieve fame, fortune and global domination, Pinky and The Brain become nocturnal superheroes in "Cranial Crusader." Finally, Chicken Boo dresses up as secret agent "James Boo" in "The Chicken Who Loved Me," a parody of James Bond films.

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1x61 – Folge 61

Trouble occurs when the Warners meet the big, fat, purple dinosaur from the "Baloney and Kids" television show. Next, "Super Buttons" soars over the metropolis to rescue Super Mindy. And in "Katie Ka-Boom: The Driving Lesson," Dad gives Katie a driving lesson with the usual calamitous results.

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1x62 – Folge 62

In the first part of a Halloween episode, "Scare Happy Slappy," Slappy and Skippy Squirrel go trick-or-treating at the homes of Slappy's former cartoon foes. Afterwards, Rita is accused of being a witch in Salem, Massachusetts during the 1600s in "Witch One." Finally, the wacky Warners perform in a scene from William Shakespeare's famous play, "Macbeth."

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1x63 – Folge 63

In "With Three You Get Eggroll," Pesto baby-sits an egg that escapes and rolls through the city, with the Goodfeathers in frantic pursuit. Then, in a segment set under the sea, "Mermaid Mindy" leads Mer-dog Buttons on a wild oceanic chase. Finally, in "Katie Ka-Boom: Call Waiting," tensions mount when Katie uses the family telephone too long.

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1x64 – Folge 64

"Lookit The Fuzzy Heads," exclaims "Tiny Toons" star Elmyra when she visits "Animaniacs." Elmyra loves the Warner siblings in her own overbearing, and sometimes painful, fashion. Slappy Squirrel learns that there's "No Face Like Home" when she undergoes plastic surgery and discovers that the doctor is her old nemesis, Walter Wolf.

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2gt4am4cuar9lspz4ipujillbpy 1x65 – Folge 65

In "The Warners 65th Anniversary Special," the biggest stars in Hollywood celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Warner Brothers and their sister, Dot.

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