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Die ersten Meinungen erklären Denis Villeneuves "Dune: Part Two" zum Meisterwerk
Von Stu am Freitag, 16 Februar 2024, 09:31 Uhr
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Es ist wohl kaum überraschend, dass die ersten Reaktionen auf Dune: Part Two begeistert ausfallen. Mit nur wenigen Ausnahmen ist die anfängliche Resonanz herausragend. Doch Vorsicht ist geboten, denn ähnliches wurde bereits beim Vorgänger erlebt, der letztendlich nicht nur Lob erhielt. Es ist außerdem kein wirkliches Geheimnis, dass die ersten Meinungen zu großen Blockbustern in den sozialen Medien oft sehr positiv ausfallen. Dennoch gibt es durchaus Gründe, den ersten Stimmen Glauben zu schenken. Einige davon sind unten aufgeführt.
Nach einigem Hin und Her wird die Fortführung von Dune hierzulande am 29. Februar in die Kinos kommen. Erneut unter der Regie von Denis Villeneuve versammeln sich wieder allerhand bekannte Gesichter. Natürlich wieder ganz vorne mit dabei ist Timothée Chalamet in der Rolle der Hauptfigur Paul Atreides.
Ebenfalls wieder mit dabei sind Rebecca Ferguson als seine Mutter Lady Jessica, Zendaya als Chani, Josh Brolin als Gurney Hallack, Dave Bautista als Glossu Raban, Stephen McKinley Henderson als Hawat, Charlotte Rampling als ehrwürdige Mutter Mohiam, Javier Bardem als Stilgar und Stellan Skarsgård als Baron Harkonnen. Neu im Cast sind Florence Pugh als Prinzessin Irulan, Christopher Walken als ihr Vater, der Imperator Shaddam IV, Léa Seydoux als Lady Margot Fenring und Austin Butler als Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. Seit der Premiere des Titels wissen wir auch, dass Anya Taylor-Joy zur Besetzung gehört.
Dune: Part Two is Denis Villeneuve's Empire Strikes Back & Lawrence of Arabia. A sci-fi opera that is not just grand in scale, but in its hypnotizing and emotionally devastating story. Austin Butler will be a talking point for many, but its Timothée Chalamet who left my jaw on… pic.twitter.com/IOyfauU5xQ
— David Gonzalez (@CinematicReel) February 15, 2024
DUNE: PART TWO is unlike anything we’ve seen before, yet familiar all the same. With a consistently impressive use of score and sound, it features transformative performances from Timothée Chalamet and Austin Butler. An adrenaline rush of cinematic proportions.#DuneMovie pic.twitter.com/wa7AfIGgcX
— film posers™️ Josie Marie 🍉 (@TheJosieMarie) February 15, 2024
This is what I texted the foremost DUNE-head in my life—my dad— yesterday after watching DUNE PART TWO. I’m in a full froth for this thing, it’s even better than the first and I loved that one! pic.twitter.com/kMfZBhLjUw
— Katie Walsh (@katiewalshstx) February 15, 2024
Dune: Part Two is damn impressive. Villeneuve crafts some truly VISIONARY moments. Austin Butler gives a truly transformative performance (and not talking makeup either). Very moving ending. A wee bit long? Yes. Did I forget I saw it the next day? Yes. Still, gonna be massive. pic.twitter.com/ARooLrTK8z
— Gregory Ellwood - The Playlist 🎬 (@TheGregoryE) February 15, 2024
DUNE: PART TWO is a triumph. Even more immense than the first, but much more intimate — Denis Villeneuve manages to streamline the more alienating second half of the book into a riveting, action-packed epic. TWO TOWERS-level mastery of battle sequences. Zendaya is the star. pic.twitter.com/gUYD6g3onN
— Hoai-Tran Bui (@htranbui) February 15, 2024
Also Austin Butler as Feyd in this movie is demonic. He is literally channeling a demon from hell.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) February 15, 2024
In a shock to no one, I absolutely loved #Dune2. Incredible filmmaking. Brilliant score. Entire cast was excellent. My only complaint was I wish it was longer. Not joking around. The movie is 2hr and 40 min(?) and I would have been happy to watch another hour. pic.twitter.com/6PZmfQTEAH
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) February 15, 2024
Without a doubts, DUNE is the new THE LORD OF THE RINGS in our time
— Mr. Miracul (@MMiracul) February 15, 2024
Absolutely amazing and the most epic story in this decade. Hope we will get many other projects. Potential is a huge
Now waiting $100M+ OW and $800M+ WW
It will have same jump like Batman Begins & The Dark Knight pic.twitter.com/mIFfSIVLB5
Austin Butler is absolutely transformative, captivating & seductively evil. Yet another compelling performance from Dave Bautista. Rebecca Ferguson tears up the screen, rising to commanding power. Florence Pugh turns in career best work. (2/2) #DunePartTwo/ #Dune2 pic.twitter.com/Ay5mdqTP3Z
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) February 15, 2024
Some of the visuals in Dune: Part Two had me so astonished, I feel like I understand how everyone felt seeing Star Wars for the first time back in 1977. It’s just unbelievable at times.
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) February 15, 2024
(if you liked the first one i can't imagine you not liking this one too, go with god, snort your spice, full review next week, etc. etc.)
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) February 15, 2024
#DunePartTwo is MASTERFUL filmmaking on an epic scale. Denis Villeneuve marries gripping character development to vast, sweeping cinematic visuals. And the cast evolves in their roles. I slightly prefer the simpler DUNE to this complex chapter, but still, a towering achievement. pic.twitter.com/qIFaeshZyW
— Sean O'Connell (@Sean_OConnell) February 15, 2024
Dune: Part Two is truly an awe-inspiring cinematic achievement; one that continues to advance and build upon the world that Denis Villeneuve and company have exquisitely created, crafted and shaped.
— Scott Menzel (@ScottDMenzel) February 15, 2024
If you loved part one, you are going to go absolutely wild for part two. While… pic.twitter.com/BkOU1Fv7w0
Dune: Part Two — Denis Villeneuve lands every spectacular, brutalist tableau he threw in the air three years ago. Sci-fi mythmaking at its finest and most tragic: the gravity of manufactured destiny, the untamable tendrils or belief. Loved this. pic.twitter.com/bWO9cUirhc
— Jeff Zhang 张佶润 (@strangeharbors) February 15, 2024
Dune: Part Two is impressively large in scope and rarely lets up in intensity. This is Denis Villeneuve’s (guerilla) war film, just done on an epic science fiction level. Anyone fond of the first movie will be deeply satisfied here. @dunemovie #DuneMovie #Dune #DunePartTwo pic.twitter.com/RksjG2pmsv
— Joey Magidson (@JoeyMagidson) February 15, 2024
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