Bildnachweis: © Leonine | Werbemotiv zu "John Wick: Kapitel 4"

Ein dreistündiges Actionfest: Die erste Meinungen zu "John Wick: Kapitel 4" sind da

von Sebastian Groß

Die ersten Meinungen zu John Wick: Kapitel 4 sind da und selbstverständlich fallen sie weitestgehend positiv aus. Wenn es einen Kritikpunkt gibt, dann anscheinend dass die Handlung dumb ist, aber okay, wer hätte auch erwartet, dass die Reihe mit dem neusten Kapitel plötzlich zu Brecht wird? Ansonsten  werden - ebenfalls nicht überraschend - die Actionszenen gelobt. Vor allem eine findet immer wieder Erwähnung und darin zum Einsatz kommt eine Shotgun, munitioniert mit Dragon's Breath. Falls ihr mehr wissen wollt über die Munition: Hier geht's zum Wikipedia-Artikel.

Wie immer heißt es vorsichtig sein, bei diesen frühen Meinungen. Der deutschen Presse wird der Film diesen Freitag gezeigt, am kommenden Montag dürfen dann vollwertige Kritiken veröffentlicht werden, so auch bei uns. Haltet also die Augen auf.  Offiziell startet John Wick: Kapitel 4 am 23. März in den deutschen Kinos. Regie führte erneut und natürlich darf auch wieder in der Titelrolle agieren.

Abschließend hier noch die Info, dass laut einer der unten zu findenden Aussagen der vierte Teil eine Extra-Szene nach dem Abspann hat, und dass die Besetzung von Kapitel 4 noch aus folgenden Darsteller*innen besteht:  und .

I had reservations about John Wick: Chapter 4's nearly three hour runtime, but the movie earns it. It's an epic with smart pacing that never lets the action feel exhausting, and the set pieces are phenomenal. Great cast of series newcomers, but Donnie Yen is the MVP. #JohnWick4

— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) March 6, 2023

#JohnWick4 is a bloody good time. Great action and fight sequences. Donnie Yen is an INCREDIBLE addition to the franchise. He's a highlight of the film. Lots of surprises in this one that's going to deliver a divisive ending. See this one in IMAX.

— Kirsten (@KirstenAcuna) March 6, 2023

Only had a few minor nit-picks. For instance, I didn't realize the film was nearly 3 hours long. Would've liked to see a bit more from Skarsgard here. But overall, #JohnWick4's a really great time at theaters. This is what we head out to the movies to see.

— Kirsten (@KirstenAcuna) March 6, 2023

It’s the most gorgeous of the franchise with some terrific cinematography. Donnie Yen, Hiroyuki Sanada, Rina Sawayama, and Bill Skarsgaard are incredible additions to the cast! But the action is the star, and the film features some of the best gun fights in the series! -Mike M.

— The Nerds of Color (@TheNerdsofColor) March 6, 2023

#JohnWick4 is the best movie I've seen in ages!

It's like a Greek epic that's, yes, full of unparalleled action (and guns), and the set pieces are phenomenal. But it's also about relationships and love. What a breathtaking, heartrending story! I can't wait to see it again.

— Vanessa Armstrong (@vfarmstrong) March 6, 2023

John Wick: Chapter 4 is one of the finest action movies ever. My jaw hit the floor at least six times. One section involving a Dragon's Breath shotgun is just action-movie goodness at its best. Donnie Yen steals the show. Easily the best in the series #JohnWick4 #JohnWickChapter4

— Hunter Bolding (@HunterBVideo) March 6, 2023

Brawny, bold & badass, #JohnWick4 brilliantly balances vested stakes with an absolutely spectacular, high octane thrill ride. A soaring, searing, scorching chapter in the saga. The wildest time you’ll have at the movies this year. A pure adrenaline rush.

— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) March 6, 2023

#JohnWick4 is an action-packed, bloody, kill-fest, and that's what makes it good! I normally don’t love so much action in my movies but Stahelski makes every frame count. Yes, it’s ridiculous. Yes, it’s video game logic. Yes, it’s extra as hell. Yes, I will be watching again!

— therese lacson • 宋蕾蕾 (@bamfpire) March 6, 2023

Also the movie is 2 hr and 49 minutes and I never felt it. The pacing is fantastic and the film earns the runtime. If you're going to see it make sure to watch in @IMAX.

— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) March 7, 2023

#JohnWick4's Donnie Yen, Hiroyuki Sanada, and Rina Sawayama are all scene stealers. Each has so much style, charisma, and talent on display to enrich the film as a whole.

Chad Stahelski also upped his game and droped one of my favorite action scenes, ever. You'll know it.

— The Brandalorian (@BrandonDavisBD) March 6, 2023

Additional note: There IS a #JohnWick4 post credits scene at the VERY end of the credits — legit END credits

— Erick 𝕄𝕄𝕋 Weber (@ErickWeber) March 6, 2023

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