Bildnachweis: © Warner | Werbemotiv für "The Matrix Resurrections"

Spaßig, verrückt, meta und witzig: Die ersten Meinungen zu "The Matrix Resurrections" sind da

von Thomas Repenning

Lange dauert es nun wahrlich nicht mehr, bis The Matrix Resurrections (mittlerweile mit einer FSK 16 Freigabe) die Kinos erreicht. Und daher gibt es mittlerweile auch die ersten Stimmungen und Meinungen zum Film von Menschen, die den Film vorab sichten durften. Natürlich ist dies wie immer mit Vorsicht zu genießen, doch einiges wird bereits jetzt deutlich: So ist der Film vor allem etwas für Fans der alten Filme, da viele Anspielungen eingebaut wurden, doch auch der Humor stimmt. 

Was viele Stimmen aber sagen, dass vor allem die Meta-Ebene sehr zum tragen kommt. Genau hier scheinen die Stimmen aber gespalten: Während die einen sagen, dass Warner hier Prequels wie Sequels möglich macht und das komplette Universum ausbauen, sagen andere, dass alles etwas drüber ist. Zumindest romantisch wird es, denn hier soll The Matrix Resurrections gut punkten können. Gleiches gilt für Action, Musik und Inszenierung. Spätestens am 23. Dezember wissen wir mehr!

Freut ihr euch?

#TheMatrixResurrections is a terrific, awe-inducing, meta mind-bender completely in line with the franchise's legacy. Finds an innovative, high-concept way to frame the new story. Keanu Reeves & Carrie-Anne Moss’ chemistry burns. Jessica Henwick is a revelation! @TheMatrixMovie

— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) December 17, 2021

THE MATRIX RESURRECTIONS is a total blast. Weird, romantic, *extremely.* meta, and consistently funny. I kind of loved it. (Also, everyone in this movie is ridiculously hot.) #TheMatrixResurrections

— Chris Evangelista (@cevangelista413) December 17, 2021

I can't stop thinking about The Matrix Resurrections.

It brilliantly reinvents the franchise while increasing the importance of the first 3 films all while being touching, exciting and gorgeous. It's very trippy and complex, but I loved it. Can't wait to see it again and again.

— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) December 17, 2021

The first act of #TheMatrixResurrections is STELLAR. Smart, funny, weird, self-referential & unexpected. Add to it wildly inventive action sequences, lofty storytelling decisions & a TON of big ideas that will fuel lots of questions. Trust me, multiple viewings will be required

— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) December 17, 2021

Absolutely adored #TheMatrixResurrections, which builds on where the sequels left off in beautiful and unexpected ways, and presents a world that's entirely consistent with what came before and also opens it up to a host of new stories. My synapses have been firing for days.

— Ethan Alter (@ethanalter) December 17, 2021

#TheMatrix Resurrections is one of the most thought-provoking blockbusters ever made since it grapples with real-world legacy. It has all the elements you want in a Matrix film, but its central love story is where it shines. I also hope WB considers a Jessica Henwick-led spinoff.

— Brian Davids (@PickYourBrian) December 17, 2021

The Matrix Resurrections, despite (and because of) its infinite goofiness, is the boldest & most vividly personal Hollywood sequel since The Last Jedi. a silly/sincere galaxy brain take on reboot culture that makes peace with how modern blockbusters are now only about themselves.

— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) December 17, 2021

Saw #TheMatrixResurrections the other week (in IMAX!) and I enjoyed it! Easily better than 2 and 3. It feels like The Force Awakens - a nostalgic sequel/reboot to (maybe?) kick off a new franchise. Definitely rewatch the entire original trilogy in advance. Full review next week.

— Kirsten (@KirstenAcuna) December 17, 2021

I am deeply happy for those who will enjoy #TheMatrixResurrections. I am, regrettably, not among them. It’s leagues better than Reloaded and Revolutions - which let’s be clear are really not good - but has bad stakes. Nothing matters, and not in a cool nihilistic way.

— Alison Foreman (@alfaforeman) December 17, 2021

#TheMatrixResurrections is too self aware of its existence. Poking fun at itself a bit too much, it's very heavy on the love story, with not a lot of showstopping action and effects, which is what the people want. Best part is Jonathan Groff but that's just life at this point.

— Clayton Davis (@ByClaytonDavis) December 17, 2021

#TheMatrixResurrections is a Matrix sequel, that’s for sure. Better than the last two, it still pales in comparison to the original. Some of the ideas bandied about are interesting, and the cast is game to be back, but not enough feels new here. Solid, but a letdown.#TheMatrix

— Joey Magidson (@JoeyMagidson) December 17, 2021

#TheMatrixResurrections is a comedy. The action is disappointing and the new characters are thin. But the metatextual commentary is biting. It wrestles with its own legacy in that JURASSIC WORLD/BAD BOYS 3/RP1 fashion. I prefer the first three, but this is a wild swing.

— Scott Mendelson (@ScottMendelson) December 17, 2021

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