Bildnachweis: © Disney | Motiv von "WandaVision"

It is a blast to watch: Die ersten Meinungen zu "WandaVision" sind da

von Thomas Repenning

Am 15. Januar startet mit WandaVision die erste MCU-Serie bei Disney+. Neben als Wanda aka Scarlet Witch und als Vision ist die Serie außerdem noch mit (2 Broke Girls), (Beale Street),  (The Interview) und (Bad Moms) besetzt. Und nachdem wir euch berichten konnten, dass die Serie mit ingesamt zwei Folgen starten wird, gibt es nun auch die ersten Meinungen aus dem Netz. Diese sind - wie anders zu erwarten - völlig positiv und loben vor allem die Kreativität, die Geschichte und Kathryn Hahn.

„WandaVision“ verbindet den Stil klassischer Sitcoms mit dem Marvel Cinematic Universe, in dem Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) und Vision (Paul Bettany) – zwei Wesen mit Superkräften, die ein idyllisches Vorstadtleben führen – vermuten, dass nicht alles so ist, wie es scheint.

Was haltet ihr davon?

Watched 3 eps of @MarvelStudios@wandavision! I love that rather than doing a 3hr MCU movie they’re exploring TV as a medium. So far it’s a fun head trip, Olsen & Bettany make a surprisingly able comedy team. Layering in LOTS of Easter Eggs & clues. Kathryn Hahn steals the show!

— Max Evry (@maxevry) January 9, 2021

The first three episodes of #WandaVision may take a bit to get going, but there’s an incredible ambition in its story and effects and the cast are all incredible that have me so excited to dive into the rest of @disneyplus’ first #MCU series!

— Grant Hermanns (@grantheftautho) January 9, 2021

Have seen the first 3 episodes of #Wandavision and *LOVE* how big of a swing @MarvelStudios is taking with the series. The reason the #MCU is king of the hill is @Kevfeige’s amazing leadership and willingness to take risks like what you'll see in 'Wandavision'.

— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) January 9, 2021

I’m interested to see how Marvel fans & non-Marvel hardcores react to #WandaVision.

It’s so different from what has come before (in a way that works) that I wonder if people looking for an action-packed romp are going to love it out of the gate.

I love it through 3 episodes.

— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) January 9, 2021

We knew #WandaVision was going to offer a much different view of the MCU, and boy does it. Much of the sitcom setup of the show makes the reality of the situation moments incredibly tense and gripping.

— James Viscardi (@JimViscardi) January 9, 2021

#WandaVision is truly unlike anything the MCU has put out before. I can’t emphasize that enough.

It is a blast to watch. It is so committed to the sitcom structure of story telling that it feels like a bold risk - but it pays off and builds a mystery.

It is awesome.

— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) January 9, 2021

I saw three episodes of WandaVision and I am hooked. They really go for it.
This has to be one of the most ambitious (also weirdest) things Marvel’s ever done, and this is the studio that had 300 superheroes in their last movie.

— Kevin Polowy (@djkevlar) January 9, 2021

I’ve watched THREE episodes of #WandaVision and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Truly unlike anything Marvel Studios has done — it’s light, funny & fully committed to its retro sitcom inspirations, but it also carefully sprinkles in enough mystery & intrigue to keep you guessing

— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) January 9, 2021

Very, VERY into what they're doing with #WandaVision after seeing the first 3 episodes. It's different, and it might take a moment to adjust but, thus far, this feels like a creative pivot well worth taking - one that's highly entertaining and could have a huge payoff.

— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) January 9, 2021

Watched the first 3 episodes of #WandaVision yesterday. It's weird & hilarious in ways Marvel has no right attempting, but they nail it anyway. Then it sprinkles in just enough mystery to keep you speculating and fascinated. I'm so excited to see how far it can go.

— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) January 9, 2021

Marvel has never done anything at all like #WandaVision and I am FLOORED by the show’s imagination, creativity and risks. Each episode BRILLIANTLY recreates a classic sitcom model, but also feeds into a much larger mystery with HUGE Marvel ramifications. I love this so much!

— Sean O'Connell (@Sean_OConnell) January 9, 2021

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